Hello everyone,
I hope everything is going fine for you.

First of all, I'd like to apologize to everyone because I was supposed to do this anniversary present few days ago. Unfortunately due to some heavy schedule by my side, I couldn't do it before, but I still wanted to do it anyway(better late than never lol) because it's thanks to all of you that this community became what it looks like right now.
So to celeberate this
Fourth Anniversary year of the forum(

), I decided to switch tags for a day, representing the Seraphims, for Buggy, Doflamingo, Crocodile, Moria, Jinbei, Mihawk, Kuma, Hancock. I'd let you think about the orders.
Anyway hope you're having a great day, with many more days, months, years to come for you to enjoy your time here on Worstgen.
Thanks again everyone, because we'd never done it without you :cheers:
-- The Worstgen Staff