General & Others Would Luffy's bounty reach 1.5 billion and Shanks say this about Luffy if Luffy fought Jack/Smoothie instead of Katakuri?

Katakuri's name was never mentioned, the sweet commanders are all equal in status and power.
1. Katakuri is stated to be the strongest SC
2. Daifuku said Katakuri should be the captain because he's the strongest
3. VC says Katakuri is the strongest SC
4. Has FS which was hyped by Rayleigh
5. Negged Ichiji while Smoothie struggled against Reiju

You are mistaken Katakuri and Smoothie with King and Queen.

Katakuri bounty is 125 m higher than Smoothie while King bounty is only 70 m higher than Queen

Shanks won't say he'll meet Luffy soon if Luffy beat Cracker and Smoothie
1. Katakuri is stated to be the strongest SC
2. Daifuku said Katakuri should be the captain because he's the strongest
3. VC says Katakuri is the strongest SC
4. Has FS which was hyped by Rayleigh
5. Negged Ichiji while Smoothie struggled against Reiju

You are mistaken Katakuri and Smoothie with King and Queen.

Katakuri bounty is 125 m higher than Smoothie while King bounty is only 70 m higher than Queen

Shanks won't say he'll meet Luffy soon if Luffy beat Cracker and Smoothie
And still a mere commander just like Smoothie and Cracker, imagine thinking that Pedospero underling is a benchmark for anything and that Shanks even knows who he is.
And still a mere commander just like Smoothie and Cracker, imagine thinking that Pedospero underling is a benchmark for anything and that Shanks even knows who he is.
Nah VC is a benchmark for everything stating Katakuri is the strongest SC, Zoro is not even vice captain/right hand man but that doesn't discredit his feat. Zoro is just a wing and star paired with Sanji

Shanks read the newspapaer stating Luffy beats Katakuri and he said he'll meet Luffy soon after Luffy beat Katakuri. Shanks won't say that if Luffy beat Smoothie/Jack.
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Nah VC is a benchmark for everything stating Katakuri is the strongest SC, Zoro is not even vice captain/right hand man but that doesn't discredit his feat. Zoro is just a wing and star paired with Sanji

Shanks read the newspapaer stating Luffy beats Katakuri and he said he'll meet Luffy soon after Luffy beat Katakuri. Shanks won't say that if Luffy beat Smoothie/Jack.
Vivre card? :suresure:
Zoro is the partner and Judge's son is the cook, there's no wing, star, whatever position in the Strawhats.
So Shanks can read, good, still nothing to do with power levels, instead of 1.5, Luffy would've gotten a 1.4B bounty.
Vivre card? :suresure:
Zoro is the partner and Judge's son is the cook, there's no wing, star, whatever position in the Strawhats.
So Shanks can read, good, still nothing to do with power levels, instead of 1.5, Luffy would've gotten a 1.4B bounty.
VC states Katakuri is the strongest VC. it states katakuri has 0 opening with FS and logia intangibility. Oda approved VC.

Zoro is just Luffy's subordinate just like Sanji. Both are wings and stars. Zoro's feat is irrelevant now if I use your logic.

Shanks read that Luffy beat Katakuri and then said he'll meet Luffy soon. Beating Katakuri making Luffy closer to meet Shanks. Yes it's about power level. Imagine Luffy beating Jack/Smoothie and Shanks later said we'll meet soon Luffy.

1.4 B is not fifth emperor 1.5 b bounty is fifth emperor big difference there
Luffy's bounty is mainly because of fake news. It seems like he beated Big Mom.
You do realise the bounty and the article came out at the same time, right? This means that the bounty was printed before the article? The WG was also there watching the events of Whole Cake, and nothing they said was false, from their eyes.

Everyone there, from the BMP, to Stussy, to Morgans, thought Luffy planted the bomb. And nah deep it. Imagine sending the Queen of Enfgland a present, and inside is a bomb to be opened when you try to assassinate her. Imagine you get caught and you swear that it was your friend in another country who gave you the box and you didn't even know the bomb was there. Who would believe you?

"A likely story" is the last thing you'll here before being sent to the Tower.


You do realise the bounty and the article came out at the same time, right? This means that the bounty was printed before the article? The WG was also there watching the events of Whole Cake, and nothing they said was false, from their eyes.

Everyone there, from the BMP, to Stussy, to Morgans, thought Luffy planted the bomb. And nah deep it. Imagine sending the Queen of Enfgland a present, and inside is a bomb to be opened when you try to assassinate her. Imagine you get caught and you swear that it was your friend in another country who gave you the box and you didn't even know the bomb was there. Who would believe you?

"A likely story" is the last thing you'll here before being sent to the Tower.
Nobody knows about mirror fight. WG knows that Luffy invade tried to kill BM and escape safely. He won a battle.
The news is often messing up with WG decisions too. Why Luffy bounty didn't grew after Thriller Bark? Nobody knew about it.
VC states Katakuri is the strongest VC. it states katakuri has 0 opening with FS and logia intangibility. Oda approved VC.
Kata is not the Vice Captain, he is a lowly son and equal to Smoothie and Cracker, BM's words.
Zoro is just Luffy's subordinate just like Sanji. Both are wings and stars. Zoro's feat is irrelevant now if I use your logic.
Zoro is the partner and acts like the Vice Captain, stars, wing, etc only exist in your head, the cook exists to cook and serve and nothing more.
Shanks read that Luffy beat Katakuri and then said he'll meet Luffy soon. Beating Katakuri making Luffy closer to meet Shanks. Yes it's about power level. Imagine Luffy beating Jack/Smoothie and Shanks later said we'll meet soon Luffy.

1.4 B is not fifth emperor 1.5 b bounty is fifth emperor big difference there
You're completely lost. :suresure: Marco's bounty is lower than 1.4B and he was a Yonkou candidate, the only reason he isn't one is because he didn't want to lead the WB pirates.
Kata is not the Vice Captain, he is a lowly son and equal to Smoothie and Cracker, BM's words.
Just like Zoro is not vice captain. BM never called him lowly son. VC says he's the strongest SC. Can only be beaten by FS+Snakeman speed something Smoothie and Cracker don't have
Zoro is the partner and acts like the Vice Captain, stars, wing, etc only exist in your head, the cook exists to cook and serve and nothing more.
Recent SBS says Zoro is not vice captain. He's not partner. He's just Luffy's subordinate like Usopp. Both Zoro and Sanji are wings. Both are stars. It does exist in the manga.
You're completely lost. :suresure: Marco's bounty is lower than 1.4B and he was a Yonkou candidate, the only reason he isn't one is because he didn't want to lead the WB pirates.
Never happened in the manga :suresure:
BM never called him lowly son

Can only be beaten by FS+Snakeman speed something Smoothie and Cracker don't have
And yet is bounty is only 125M higher than Smoothie, he literally dies fighting her, funny how this works.
Recent SBS says Zoro is not vice captain. He's not partner. He's just Luffy's subordinate like Usopp. Both Zoro and Sanji are wings. Both are stars. It does exist in the manga
I don't read 2 Piece, in One Piece Zoro is what he always has been, the partner and the acting leader if he doesn't agree with Luffy's shenanigans, that's why he is a King and there's no star or wing rank, no wonder you keep pushing the Kata being the VC nonsense, you been reading 2 Piece.
Never happened in the manga :suresure:



Zoro Worshipper
I feel like fighting Katakuri was quite massive for bounty upgrading cause he had a reputation of being invincible and so the Marines and Government were aware of his value and so they felt Luffy had gotten quite dangerous there.