Would you rather lose a thumb or an eye?

Which are you giving up?

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Thumb. Losing a thumb is something you only notice when you try to use it for something, but a missing eye will be something that affects you constantly. You're almost always using your eyes. So I feel like it would be very irritating to me.

Plus missing a thumb can get you more disability benefits than missing an eye
Plus an missing eye looks cooler then a missing thumb afterall you can get a eye patch
Not as cool as you think. I had optic neuritis in an eye for 6 months. Patching it means weakening it, which doesn't really make a difference if you're not getting it back. But the medical eye patches are ugly, it kills your center vision and depth perception, and peripheral vision.
I don't think people realise how many human activities are reliant upon having two opposable thumbs, losing an entire arm would be less cruel because at least you wouldn't have the illusion that your hand is still useful.

I play the piano, losing a thumb would be soul crushing.
Use a prosthetic thumb. And even then, I'd gladly give up the Piano instead of one entire eye that affects your vision so much