Questions & Mysteries Yamato vs Grebull basically confirmed

From SH, It might be Yamato who Will take care Ryukugyu as Ryukugyu didnt know Oden & Yamato wants to contribute as a newcomer (like jimbei & brook done).
Yamato: I'm Oden
Ryukugyu: Ok, i'll take a note & report about you.
Marine HQ: re-activate Oden Bounty right now!!!

but Sanji will trying to replace her. As it is his personality and his role as SH-> 'the 3rd guy can deal with an admiral'.
This Will make Sanji more than enough for another YC2, so he need to adapt for Admiral.

The spoiler for Sanji VS Admiral next arc fight. Chance of FS is in the pocket & CoC haha
Didnt we have:post that says WG & BB Saga?

But here on Wano, we don't know whether SH are the one who take navy.
There are other options:
- Kid pirates play with Navy (with some new crews maybe)
- Law pirates (with some new crews too maybe) play with CP-0. Well... Law had some story with them

Of course relating with the upcoming hiatus, the most possible writing option is on narrative text (mostly off-panel).
Zolotard has been lost ZKK and now they turn back to pick Sanji's next opponent like they did before onigashima. :)))
Sanji vs Page One rematch, Sanji vs XDrake rematch, Sanji cannot take YC2 Jinbei would do it. bla bla bla :)) and we got Sanji vs Queen.
So now Zolotard said Sanji vs Sento or some fodder but Sanji vs Kizaru or Greenbull should be true. :)) cry it zkk and zl tard :))).
Also Zolotard's predicted ZKK and where it it???.
It makes sense,Jinbe cant fight admiral level characters.Yamato has potential to be top tier.Some people are saying Luffy wont fight Akainu.Wtf are you smoking,Akainu has a beef with Luffy and so does Luffy.They are going at each other throat at some point.Kaido and BM getting defeated by magma is a foreshadowing for Luffy hardest fight yet imo.[/QUOT

yeah it is hella specific that kaido and big moms defeat is signaled by the very thing that gave Luffy his PTSD scar