Theory Yamato's Devil Fruit

In the latest chapter (996) while fighting Sasaki, Yamato's teeth start to transform into fangs, yet their transformation is interrupted by Franky's entrance. Based on the shape, I propose that Yamato's devil fruit will be the Neko Neko no mi: Ancient Model Sabertooth Tiger. I suggest this because it fits the ancient zoan theme of Kaido's strongest fighters, and Orochi already had the Yamato no Orochi model of the Hebi Hebi no mi. This also fits the eastern legend of the white tiger being the eastern dragon's greatest enemy, and would provide a huge physical attack and agility boost to the already ultra-powerful Yamato.
I heard she was half dragon, meaning no Df and she can only go hybrid mode. Because she's half half nah sayin. Where as Kaido is a full Dragon and can't go hybrid, just humanoid and full dragon.