Questions & Mysteries Zoro‘s final bounty will most likely exceed 4 billion

Let me explain:

First lets look at Admirals Bounties, they are worth 3 billion each.

Goroseis all are top tiers with conquerors. They stand above admirals, thats for sure.

So just by guessing the goroseis are all at least worth above 4 billion. Ranging from 4 billion from the weakest (saturn) to 4,9 billion to the strongest (Warcury)

My guess would be Nusjuro being worth around 4,7-4,8 billion and for comparison mars 4,3-4,4 billion.

If zoro happens to fight nusjuro and kills him (they have no place in this world to stay alive) his bounty might already crack 3,7 - 4 billion.

If Mihawk is zoros last opponent, it only means that mihawk will get a bounty boost past 4,8 billions or around there.

Zoro after defeating mihawk plus ganging up with luffy and sanji against imu the final boss might give him low ball 4.8 billion to even 5 billion berry bounty while luffy will exceed 6 billions.

maybe I am wanking zoro too much, but one thing is for sure, his bounty won‘t be less than 4 billion. Thats why mihawk is essentially getting a bounty raise himself.


Irrelevant. Zoro doesn't need a bounty to validate his strength.

At EoS we are not even sure if bounty system will exist.