Trolling aside I think zoro has conquerors but there’s unironically a chance he deadass might not. I know sword stans ironically hate the sword wank but it’s lowkey pretty possible it is sword wank lol
Like asura for example might be tied to Kitetsu. While I don’t necessarily think asura is conquerors it might still be tied to will power just the same. With it making zoro’s will take form/shape. I don’t think it’s genetics or something purely based on haki. It makes sense why kaido was confused as to whether or not zoro used conqueror if that’s the case
With the whole king of hell enma stuff all ima say is it’s definitely weird

Zoro himself somehow not realizing he can use it is in no way an excuse as to why it wouldn’t be in the vivre card tho. Either way while I think he does have conquerors tho with how weird his specific case is I’m not going to go out my way to argue for or against tbh
People that hate and love zoro why either way him having it is good or bad. Just like people do with the kaido scene already