Speculations Zoro is getting a Light Novel

Sanji got his own cookbook, his own manga, and 2 backstories?

I mean maybe I would be jealous of the light novel if I didn't know the novel was literally filling in the parts of Zoro's life that Oda left out of the manga. We don't need that, we got our fav in the manga itself.

Call me when Zoro gets his own I dunno book of sword moves, or 'Zoro's way of Bushido.'
I want a series that is Sanji narrating Zoro's life called "Bushido Baka".

It's just Sanji roasting Zoro for all his flaws/mistakes in the series.

Edit: Just the concept of Sanji and Zoro writing each other's biographies is hilarious, imagine the misinformation they would write about each other?
As if Film red which was supervised by oda was canon. :sanmoji:
Oda even served as supervisor for Live Action , we know where it went.
Still the thing lost all claims to being canon.
If something cool happens they'll rightly say muh not canon.
But if something bad happens they'll pull hard mental gymnastics to interpret the event as negative zoro development. As usual.
It's gonna be a feast for haters :kriwhat:
None of the novels and side stuff is canon

Not surprised that this isn’t any different

It’ll still be a cool little side thing for Zoro fans to enjoy