Chapter Discussion Zoro is POWERING UP in this moment CONFIRMED

Maaan...people are desperate to hype Zoro more than necessary. Which he doesn't need. He has exceptional control of the very art of swordmanship and is always working towards bettering his skill. His understanding of the practice and his pride as a swordsman will always make him stronger and stronger. His loyalty and commitment to his role as Luffy's (aka, the future pirate king's) first mate will never allow him to falter. At this point, he can't afford the luxury of losing as that would be akin to death (he even saw a grim Reaper when Kaido defeated him). The reason why he is going to be the strongest is because he now has to put his life, his friends lives, his pride and his dream all on the line every single time he fights.
Hello , i have found good evidence that in this VERY CHAPTER Zoro's TRANSFORMATION is starting, the new stage of power awaiting Zoro , let me explain
Some of you are probably aware that Zoro is very strictly related to the Six paths of buddhism , i will list them here

1) God realm
2) Human realm
3) Asura realm
4) Animal Realm
5) Hell Realm
6) Hungry ghost Realm
Now let's explain how Zoro is transforming trough the story and simbolically accessing the powers of each realm

  1. God realm : This is reserved for Zoro when he defeats Mihawk , because this realm is the most pleasure filling and where there is no spiritual pursuit
  2. Human realm : Zoro is a human
  3. Asura realm : self explained vs Kaido
  4. Animal realm : consider the never ending list of animal type attacks of Zoro , who's often referred as a "Beast" (Apoo in sabaody) or even himself ( "Have you ever seen a wild beast you were sure it wouldn't bite?")
  5. Hell realm : The true master of Enma and his new King of Hell style
  6. Hungry ghost realm : NOW THINK ABOUT WHAT HAPPENED IN 1038 , he's seeing a vision of what ? a GHOST , THIS IS THE NEXT STAGE OF ZORO'S POWER
Idk too much about Buddhism so I might be mixing stuff up but shouldnt his last stage be enlightenment and breaking out of the 6 paths
Maaan...people are desperate to hype Zoro more than necessary. Which he doesn't need. He has exceptional control of the very art of swordmanship and is always working towards bettering his skill. His understanding of the practice and his pride as a swordsman will always make him stronger and stronger. His loyalty and commitment to his role as Luffy's (aka, the future pirate king's) first mate will never allow him to falter. At this point, he can't afford the luxury of losing as that would be akin to death (he even saw a grim Reaper when Kaido defeated him). The reason why he is going to be the strongest is because he now has to put his life, his friends lives, his pride and his dream all on the line every single time he fights.
yeah fuck these zorotards , how dare they make theories about their fav character