Powers & Abilities Zoro - Sanji notion is the biggest joke now LOL

How do you know it wasn't noticeably stronger than their attack, Sanji got worked up while Zoro and Luffy didn't.. Sanji didn't use AdCoA either..

You didn't say anything about the attack, then you don't need to respond..
It didn't look noticeably stronger because the attack didn't look like it did more than luffys and Zoro's. If wasn't like the lion when flying in the direction of Sanji's attack showing it was stronger or that the attack was more highlighted to show it was stronger.

Sanji doesn't have adcoa. Even if he did zoro and luffy have adcoc to and 2 stronger transformations

I responded because you quoted me wtf. Why did you qoute me when I didn't saysanjis luffys or Zoro's attack was Stephen the other? They all looked like they were the same level of attack. The difference is sanji was in his strongest form while zoro and luffy were not.
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“sInCe tHe tIMeskip” this guy…. Bruh NOTHING has changed in regards to these 2 Sanji was kicking pre timeskip and he’s kicking now Zoro used 3 swords pre timeskip annd still using 3 swords Even the portrayal hasn’t changed Sanji is still fighting the 3rd guy. So what’s this since the timeskip talk? I think you mean since CH. 43 Sanjis introduction
You can keep acting dumb all you want. The fact people had to keep trying to give sanji Zoro's feats just to say he could beat characters for the longest shows zoro was ahead of sanji.
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What a retarded way to power scale :vistalaugh:

Sanji does combos with IJ, thats how he beat Queen,

8 IJ attacks, not 1 hit IJ, it was multiple hits.

Zolo doesn't have combos as he is slower he needs to beg Alber to not block his attacks or begs Law to teleport him, thats how slowpoke Zolo lands his attacks, or he asks Sanji to toss PX to him so he can hit with Asura.

Sanji also couldn't let Luffy's kick doing more damage there as Sanji is a kick specialist.

The only way to match a G3 kick's power is IJ for Sanji.

1 G3 attack is around 1 IJ attack.

However, IJ is much faster than G3, IJ can make combos much better than G3 can.

When Luffy can land 1 G3, Sanji can land 3 IJ attacks in that same time.

So Sanji could hit 3 times with IJ in that panel but he held back.

Sanji's IJ can do combos, G3 and slowpoke Zolo can't attack as fast as IJ.

-Sanji has speed and new durability advantage over Zolo.
-Zolo has AP advantage but slower and has less durability now.

They are same level.

So this bitch is crying about this in different threads too huh lmao.

You are a retard who think Sanji asking Zolo to kill him proves Zolo is different level than Sanji so you can't lecture others with that low level IQ.

Its obvious Oda wants Zolo and Sanji to be close level when he still keeps M3 and not adding Jinbe to that, and giving better feats to Sanji, calling them Wings even gives them Dory Brogy parallel.

I am not even Sanji fan btw but you are still stupid.
You are the guy that thinks sanji taking a basic s-shark punch with no damage somehow places sanji as equal to zoro. What feats does sanji have over or even near Zoro's? You can't even keep atrack of you own delusions and have to constantly lie and back track on your points.
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Sanji got his leg cracked by Vergo and was kneeling after judge’s attack ( despite using haki )
While zoro has been nuking his way through new world and even fighting an admiral

What he meant was how these 2 were portrayed individually
Zolo did nothing there. Lmao Luffy and Zolo together fighting massively holding back Fujitora who didn't want to capture them and didn't use his meteorite, even Sabo's inferior Morley can do that, are you that stupid believing Sanji couldn't do the same?

Lets use your retarded logic;

Zolo got electrocuted by Non-sulong Carrot.

Put inside a cage by Hody Jones.

Is that mean anything more than Vergo doing damage to already damaged Sanji's body for 1 time? Nope. Vergo's Haki was hyped, Zolo never faced Vergo especially when his body was already damaged.

Judge using Haki too, special steel spear vs barefoot block. Sanji still didn't take damage. Zolo has no feat of blocking things with barehands and doing better than Sanji.

You can keep acting dumb all you want. The fact people had to keep trying to give sanji Zoro's feats just to say he could beat characters for the longest shows zoro was ahead of sanji.
Nobody give Sanji's Katakuri dodge feat to Zolo you moron.
You are the guy that thinks sanji taking a basic s-shark punch with no damage somehow places sanji as equal to zoro. What feats does sanji have over or even near Zoro's? You can't even keep atrack of you own delusions and have to constantly lie and back track on your points.
You are the moron thinking blocking with special steel = blocking barehand or barefoot.

Does Zolo have any blocking feat without using his special steel swords? Not comparable to Sanji not even using his leg to block SShark, of course Zolo couldn't do that are you dumb?

Not even mention, Kizaru laser block as well as blocking Nujsuro's sword and kicking him better than Zolo's feats again.

Literally admits couldn't do the same.
Zolo did nothing there. Lmao Luffy and Zolo together fighting massively holding back Fujitora who didn't want to capture them and didn't use his meteorite, even Sabo's inferior Morley can do that, are you that stupid believing Sanji couldn't do the same?

Lets use your retarded logic;

Zolo got electrocuted by Non-sulong Carrot.

Put inside a cage by Hody Jones.

Is that mean anything more than Vergo doing damage to already damaged Sanji's body for 1 time? Nope. Vergo's Haki was hyped, Zolo never faced Vergo especially when his body was already damaged.

Judge using Haki too, special steel spear vs barefoot block. Sanji still didn't take damage. Zolo has no feat of blocking things with barehands and doing better than Sanji.

Nobody give Sanji's Katakuri dodge feat to Zolo you moron.

You are the moron thinking blocking with special steel = blocking barehand or barefoot.

Does Zolo have any blocking feat without using his special steel swords? Not comparable to Sanji not even using his leg to block SShark, of course Zolo couldn't do that are you dumb?

Not even mention, Kizaru laser block as well as blocking Nujsuro's sword and kicking him better than Zolo's feats again.

Literally admits couldn't do the same.
Nobody has to because zoro had his own feats.
2. King attack isn't light a d whatever sanji used to block light wouldn't work on kings attack because it's not light based. He didn't block nusjuro but jumped off his sword. If it would have been a clash as sanji would have had to physically stop him from cutting. It was a speed feat to show sanji was fast enough to jump off of Nusjuro's sword and kick him in the face while he was mid swing. Zoro clashed head on and pushed nusjuro back which isn't what sanji did.
Nobody has to because zoro had his own feats.
2. King attack isn't light a d whatever sanji used to block light wouldn't work on kings attack because it's not light based. He didn't block nusjuro but jumped off his sword. If it would have been a clash as sanji would have had to physically stop him from cutting. It was a speed feat to show sanji was fast enough to jump off of Nusjuro's sword and kick him in the face while he was mid swing. Zoro clashed head on and pushed nusjuro back which isn't what sanji did.
Zolo's own feats: clashing weapon vs holding back Fujitora for few seconds which is something even Morley could do. Begging Orlumbus's help to defeat Pica begging Law's teleportation, Jinbe's should throw to clash Nusjuro, meanwhile Sanji wouldn't need those kind of speed boosts lmao.

Blocking Kizaru's laser >>>> blocking Alber's ''laser like'' attack which Zolo says he can't even do that.

There are circle shockwaves behind and front of Nusjuro body due to clash of Sanji's kick;

How many times your delusional ass going to lie about it? Lmao.
Zolo's own feats: clashing weapon vs holding back Fujitora for few seconds which is something even Morley could do. Begging Orlumbus's help to defeat Pica begging Law's teleportation, Jinbe's should throw to clash Nusjuro, meanwhile Sanji wouldn't need those kind of speed boosts lmao.

Blocking Kizaru's laser >>>> blocking Alber's ''laser like'' attack which Zolo says he can't even do that.

There are circle shockwaves behind and front of Nusjuro body due to clash of Sanji's kick;

How many times your delusional ass going to lie about it? Lmao.
1. Sanji couldn't do any of what zoro did. He wouldn't have been able to get out of fuji's gravity, ussop the king and everyone on the plateau would have died as sanji wouldn't have crossed that distance I'm time without orlumbus either and he couldn't destroy a mountain, sanji can't block nusjuro and after he threw sanji aside again he would have attacked the ship and stopped them from escaping. It's almost like zoro is stronger and you can't just replace him with sanji and expect the same results.

2. Blocking Kizaru beam isn't the same as blocking king. Sanji did something that let him Block light he does have the physical strength to say he'd be able to block king. Zoro who's physically stronger than sanji chose to dodge instead of block it. You keep acting like sanji using some unique ability that allows him to block light means he's over kings attack when it doesn't. That's only a feat for light based attacks and kizaru still kicked sanji out of the way and killed the person he was supposed to protect.

3. That's sanji jumping of the sword. Why don't you ever look at what happened right after. If sanji could physically match nusjuro it wouldn't have happened.
Zolo did nothing there. Lmao Luffy and Zolo together fighting massively holding back Fujitora who didn't want to capture them and didn't use his meteorite, even Sabo's inferior Morley can do that, are you that stupid believing Sanji couldn't do the same?

Lets use your retarded logic;

Zolo got electrocuted by Non-sulong Carrot.

Put inside a cage by Hody Jones.

Is that mean anything more than Vergo doing damage to already damaged Sanji's body for 1 time? Nope. Vergo's Haki was hyped, Zolo never faced Vergo especially when his body was already damaged.

Judge using Haki too, special steel spear vs barefoot block. Sanji still didn't take damage. Zolo has no feat of blocking things with barehands and doing better than Sanji.

Nobody give Sanji's Katakuri dodge feat to Zolo you moron.

You are the moron thinking blocking with special steel = blocking barehand or barefoot.

Does Zolo have any blocking feat without using his special steel swords? Not comparable to Sanji not even using his leg to block SShark, of course Zolo couldn't do that are you dumb?

Not even mention, Kizaru laser block as well as blocking Nujsuro's sword and kicking him better than Zolo's feats again.

Literally admits couldn't do the same.
Here comes this schizo 😹😹
1. Sanji couldn't do any of what zoro did. He wouldn't have been able to get out of fuji's gravity, ussop the king and everyone on the plateau would have died as sanji wouldn't have crossed that distance I'm time without orlumbus either and he couldn't destroy a mountain, sanji can't block nusjuro and after he threw sanji aside again he would have attacked the ship and stopped them from escaping. It's almost like zoro is stronger and you can't just replace him with sanji and expect the same results.
You ZKKbitches are simply obsessed with Sanji, admit that first. Whenever its about Sanji this little bitches run their mouth :gokulaugh:

Do what? Clash with holding back Fuji? Lmao, Morley level feat.

How about Zolo begging speed boost in almost every fight? The guy is slow af.

2. Blocking Kizaru beam isn't the same as blocking king. Sanji did something that let him Block light he does have the physical strength to say he'd be able to block king. Zoro who's physically stronger than sanji chose to dodge instead of block it. You keep acting like sanji using some unique ability that allows him to block light means he's over kings attack when it doesn't. That's only a feat for light based attacks and kizaru still kicked sanji out of the way and killed the person he was supposed to protect.
This lil bitch already got debunked. Sanji literally says he used same power that he used to block SShark's punch with his face.

Fate of ZKKmorons is always to take L.

3. That's sanji jumping of the sword. Why don't you ever look at what happened right after. If sanji could physically match nusjuro it wouldn't have happened.
> I said there are shockwaves due to clash
> moronic bitch talks about jumping over

Sanji has better feats than slowpoke Zolo who needed Jinbe to just clash Nusjuro, Oda shows Zolo and Sanji as special rivalry like Dory Brogy and Wings, so you can cry like a lil bitch all you want.
If Oda couldn't spit on the faces hard enough already with Wano and Egg-Head Island, Oda literally showed ya'll your place.

What happened in the latest chapter is a Panel of Panel Replica of what happened in Alabasta


Only thing that has changed this time is that Zoro has - No Bandana - No Shi Shi Son Son - No Secret Techniques - No Flowing Haki or Advanced CoA - No Base ACoC he used of Lucci and Nusjuro - No King of Hell Santoryu - No King of Hell Dragon Style - No Ashura meanwhile Sanji is using ABSOLUTE PINNACLE OF HIS POWER and movie he used to defeat Queen.

Put that into fucking perspective. Think Deep about it.

Seeing Nami is danger is just not supposed to rile up Sanji to the point where he’d use Ifrit I guess then

But of course you wouldn’t understand a complex character like Sanji. You can’t even understand your own basic blamd fanservice character god that you worship

Everything is just about powerscaling with your hivemind cult
Here comes this schizo 😹😹
That’s actually the thread creator
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On some real shit though
This is the only place you could find a group of grown men btw who actively and genuinely worship a fictional character with green hair and 3 swords

This is also the only place you’d see the same people clowning a character for…..being in character????

Gee. I would hate to see the aftermath of you guys out of a mental asylum or a month in solitary confinement
Seeing Nami is danger is just not supposed to rile up Sanji to the point where he’d use Ifrit I guess then

But of course you wouldn’t understand a complex character like Sanji. You can’t even understand your own basic blamd fanservice character god that you worship

Everything is just about powerscaling with your hivemind cult
Sanjis character isn't complex..he's just a pathetic piece of trash. One of the worst written characters in manga.

Anyways him being more angry and still giving same results as Luffy and Zoro makes Sanji look even worse.

Point is after this chapter there is no logical way Sanji is pushing Zoro beyond no diff in a fight.
Eh, Ifrit Jambe has just become the new Diablo Jambe, where Oda will just have Sanji spam it from here on out. Having the exoskeleton fully engaged is where the higher powered attacks will come from.
That’s actually the thread creator
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On some real shit though
This is the only place you could find a group of grown men btw who actively and genuinely worship a fictional character with green hair and 3 swords

This is also the only place you’d see the same people clowning a character for…..being in character????

Gee. I would hate to see the aftermath of you guys out of a mental asylum or a month in solitary confinement
obviously the 2 most toxic guys here are people who threaten to kill others or get sterilized :risitavirus:
This proves Sanji has rizz
Imagine trying to make a joke like that while having an avatar of a woman that’s like what? 12 years older than the MC locking lips with him……. 🤔
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obviously the 2 most toxic guys here are people who threaten to kill others or get sterilized :risitavirus:
Say what you want about me

But the difference between the two of us is clear
Only one of us can read and it isn’t the one who’s a zorofan
Sanjis character isn't complex..he's just a pathetic piece of trash. One of the worst written characters in manga.

Anyways him being more angry and still giving same results as Luffy and Zoro makes Sanji look even worse.

Point is after this chapter there is no logical way Sanji is pushing Zoro beyond no diff in a fight.
It’s 1000% clear Sanji didn’t even need ifrit just like Luffy didn’t need Gear 4. He only did it because he was pissed about nami being attacked

But with your level of reading comprehension it makes sense you couldn’t understand that or if i’m being generous, you did understand that but still just wanted to make a powerscaling thread to clown on Sanji
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threatening to kill others isnt abt u
i am talking abt @Embers Kaios :DanySquint:

dang which zoro fan hurt u ? :hope:
give me some names , i might fix it:catrude:
“Let’s have a glock party with zorofans”
If you took that statement as a threat then it only makes sense you are indeed a true zoro fan

Only zoro fans suffer with poor reading comprehension


It's not enough for you to demean yourself, you gotta go crying about it to mods too?


Lmaoo no one is crying, I am just pointing out that you are coming off as a literal toddler who lost his toy and this sad act of keyboard warrior edge lord isn't making you look like a complete low life.

It isn't my fault that Sanjis character is literal embodiment of a degenerate.

Oda had told us he is a simp, has zero ambition, is a pedophile, got fucked in the ass for two years, is sexually attracted to guys, wants to be a females dog and most importantly he is OBNOXIOUSLY WEAK and needs to use his strongest attack in ultimate rage mode to match casual Zoro.

Now if you are a fan of a literal degenerate it tells me you associate with those traits.

For example I am a fan of Zoro because I can identify with his dedication moral compass levelheadedness ambition leadership skills and all the positive traits. Since Sanji is basically an archetype of a loser, it makes sense for his fand to be losers as well.
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It’s 1000% clear Sanji didn’t even need ifrit just like Luffy didn’t need Gear 4. He only did it because he was pissed about nami being attacked

But with your level of reading comprehension it makes sense you couldn’t understand that or if i’m being generous, you did understand that but still just wanted to make a powerscaling thread to clown on Sanji
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“Let’s have a glock party with zorofans”
If you took that statement as a threat then it only makes sense you are indeed a true zoro fan

Only zoro fans suffer with poor reading comprehension
It isn't 100% clear because if Infrit Jambe still gave lion nothing more than a bruise, then any movie weaker won't even tickle the lion

That's reading comprehension 101.
Why don't you just accept reality like @Chrono

Sanjis character is absolutely pathetic and so is his combat level