Character Discussion Zoro will become Officially Vice Captain after Wano

I don't think I ever brought it up but that was my assumption. Yamato would be the "combatant" so therefore Zoro is something else, and that's by far the most appropriate description for a text box.
Is killer the vice capitan?
Killer is like Sanji as Zoro, the blonde Zoro they've always wanted. We have yet to see the fighting strength emphasis or field command of the real Zoro.
In 2 pieces he sleeps the least, but I was talking about one piece., zoro has only 1 role in crew, sleep/naps, whatever you call it, he is useless. Zoro is def the dumbest in the crew tho. A vc should have at least some brain activity, cant say that zoro has any.
Ignoring facts eh smh.

Luffy: Sleeps whenever he becomes sleepy and wakes up when his eyes open (Around 5 hours)
Zoro: 4:00am - 7:00am (+ afternoon nap)
Nami: 11:00pm - 7:00am
Usopp: 1:00am - 8:00am
Sanji: 0:00am - 5:00am
Chopper: 9:00pm - 7:00am (+ afternoon nap)
Robin: 11:00pm - 6:00am
Franky: 1:00am - 9:00am
Brook: 0:00am - 5:00am