New profile posts

Imo: none of the previous Qin Six will be able to push EOS Ousen past high diff in a war. Except for maybe Hakuki. Maybe. But even the strongest one gets defeated very decisively.

The theme of the new gen being set to surpass the old one is pretty clear. And then at the end I see Shin defeating Ousen in Qi and claiming the throne of the best ever.
jonboy >>> helempo
Ahh joyboy the man who fumbled the bag and plunged the world into 800 years of slavery and corruption
If Sanji Kicked an Admiral with IJ
-Akainu (He’d over power his magma with his blue flames w/lightning however he’d need named attacks to significantly damage him)

-Aokiji (He’d melt off his limbs)

-Kizaru (He’d make him bleed worse than Nusjuro)

-Fujitora (He’d shatter his bones)

-Greenbull (He’d one shot ko and nearly kill him)
have you listened to the new Kendrick and Drake disses?
The revelation of Garp as Luffy's Gramps in the live action is so close to Oda's writing style that I would not be surprised if its was written by himself.

Twist are common in stories, but Oda has this thing where he always make us expect something particular as an expected twist but in reality its something completely different and most of the time a world building lore dump.
Here, the writers make us expect that Luffy will see Koby and react positively, but in reality he sees Garp and this shocks new spectators. In fact Oda just did this in chapter 1113 where he made us expect Vegapunk to say the truth about the world gov. but in reality he telling a much more surprising facts about the flooding.
The writing of this twist in the live action is a really good representation of the ways the writers understood Oda's writing style.