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goofy is genetics+god fruit+reincarnation

Luffy's power is highly influenced by genetics, fate and reincarnation of a godly figure. He is no different than Ichigo and Naruto. It wouldn't even wonder me if Luffy's mother is powerful as well.

Sure he trains but so do the other two.
I talked about the surprising scarcity of bayonets in OP before, but another weapon I'm surprised hasn't been featured are pistol swords.
“We live in a world now where the whole idea of the roles has been conflated to the fact where if I come along and say women are better with children and men are better at fighting, that I’m somehow fucking sexist when it’s clearly true.”
How do you evaluate Sakazuki at this point of story? After Kuzan's lousy performance against old fuck Garp, after Borsalino getting oneshot TWICE in the same arc. I was preaching Papazuki lores. But I am disappointed by his peers. Will he prove worthy? Will he have advCoC? Or will he be a df merchant like his former colleagues. I have only 5% hope left bro
You may mistake me as a 'mere' zoro fan but I truly believe in akainu and his way. I strongly believe he did nothing wrong and that absolute justice is the only way. But his former colleagues really fucked up man. The only thing that saves him is that he succeeded and went on on his career. I really hope he will give us a strong presentation of his feats and will fuck up Sabo real hard.
Aside from Croc he is the actual personification of CoC. I really hope he'll be around at the end of the show and that he will be useful in the new world order. Cause he isn't bad. He's just too damn committed
Akainu is too strong willed and dogmatic to fit in the same world with guys like Luffy and Dragon, I don’t think there’s any chance for him to survive the EoS, that’s better because it means he will put on a show before he falls
Football talk time: Ronaldo (96-98) was one of the five best players in history. The sheer level of dominance he had was alien-like, especially in that Inter and in that Serie A.

His prime was short lived, catastrophic injuries happened and when he came back he wasn't the extraterrestrial of before (despite nonetheless remaining a beast of a player).
@MarineHQ it feels ancient to you because of your old age 🤭
God Buggy
God Buggy
@MarineHQ The amount of praise Ronaldo receives from everyone from that generation is absolutely insane.

"Unstoppable", "I've never faced anything like that" etc.

Aside from Messi, pre injuries Ronaldo is the only other player in the "more modern" era that really just gives me that alien vibe.
Being good for short time is easy.
But consistency what make you a top player.

R9 didn't provide that kinda consistency.
If we disregard stuff like the straw hat, ability to hear the voice of all things. Ability to hear Sea Kings. Sharing the same dream and apparently its a very childish one according to Whitebeard. Being both Ds. Smiling at their execution in the exact same place,both born in East Blue , Shanks saying Luffy said the exact same words Roger said,etc and focus only on personality we have this.
Bisoromi Bear
Bisoromi Bear
There is nobody who would draw parallels between Roger and Zoro.
I never denied parallels tho
But luffy and Roger have more different personalities than Zoro and Roger.
Do they? I just listed the personalities.