New profile posts

My favorite part of the dlc is definitely the level and world design

All the areas look beautiful and I wish there were more reasons to come back to them
Lee Ba Shou
Lee Ba Shou
I agree. The exploration is superb.

I change my mind on Messmer after beating him lol. He was frustrating to learn but after learning his moves and his lore, I think he’s a solid A tier boss. Probably my second favorite demigod.
Shadow Castle is a masterpiece of level design and connectivity

it's insane how much it connects to the rest of the world
Spent 8 hours exploring around and when i compared the area i discovered on map to the full one, it’s barely 5% lol.

This shit would take a while to finish.
Hhay minamoto, Matata Ochika's fate iz all what a fan of betrayal szoriez can hop3!! four to zee in a Mango zeriez

Zetso really cooked Matata and cuntrolled him like a poppet
Your FS is insane.

Since 2019 you managed to predict that the Joy Boy legacy was Reborn under Luffy's Nika. The Messiah of freedom, liberation, and joy.