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What could have been...
there r actually way more? u want me to keep going?

imma be a liar if i said i am keeping up with the posts here

i missed way too many and never botherd to fully catch up, specially since i was spending alot of time on NF game recently

robin seems like a fair lynch target tbh, maybe for night lynch
oh she did?
well thats looking even worst for robin then with zem dying

im willing to belive u kvothe but at the same time i am confused by ur lack of push to robin
if u know ur town why arent u putting more pressure her way tbh

shuda atleast tracked her and see who she target with her magical stuff
i think ur town tho, i would like to test robin's claim, wanna join with me?
it just felt like both midnight and robin are cult of some kind. one of them jester cult the other is a majority cult. it wouldnt be bad to get rid of either, but the notion of lynching jester just doesnt sit right with me. u feel me?
if we wanna lynch something practically confirmed and gives us info i'd say lynch robin and then if what her role says is right go for kvothe

at the very best we lynch indie and scum.

i think robin is the type of indie that would need to gain vote majority or smthing to win. her magical girls probably gain vote power and join her.

i just find it really scary that she can use an ability night 0 but it doesnt appear on writeup. i think she possibly fake claimed that to save beta who was catching heat at that time.

if we wanna lynch sm1 out of the council i'd recommend robin. best info lynch we have so far

if we lynch in council go for beta

do not lynch midnight pls. i dont like lynching clowns
what u got to say about this @Robin

who gave u super bullet proof lol, there is no way sm1 rolecrushed survives a superkill
failed because u r roleblocked or because someone tanked them?

big difference

if flower claims she is roleblocked/crushed then it would make sense the action would fail on robin

altho for a superkill to be roleblocked is ehhh idk but its belivable
actually let me ask u this

what info does ratchet flip give u? @Robin


Light D Lamperouge

𝖂𝖍𝖆𝖙 𝕮𝖔𝖚𝖑𝖉 𝕳𝖆𝖛𝖊 𝕭𝖊𝖊𝖓
They are in the opening post, a game mechanic available to everyone
Ah, I see. Thank you.

Well i just be a silence reader now cus i dunno what should i say here lol:catcry:
You can say plenty of things. Do you suspect someone? Do you have any special reason for suspecting someone?

n what make u come to conclusion that im in a scum team:chopoff:
Just a feeling tbh. A quick glance at your posts led me to think you might just be fulfilling a posting requirement without saying much.


What could have been...
all good, well eitherway that confirms i am not from robin's faction

all i have to do now is get someone from the other faction lynched

my strongest scum read today is noctis by far

i am 90% confident in him flipping scum


The Fallen Hero -

Lara Croft activated [Looting]

Lara Croft used [Bows] on [???], and [Import Export] on [???]

Lara Croft used [Explosives], placing bombs on 3 posts.

Satoru Gojo used [AHAHAHA, BUKKOROSU] to kill @Sallucion [Fubuki]

"I won't hand over the position I worked so hard for!"
You are Fubuki!
[Passive - B-Class Rank 1] - The player list will be split up into hero class ranks. From S-Class to C-Class. There is a select number per class and players will be slotted in each at random. Aside from you, players will not be aware of their class rank. Fubuki is automatically slotted into B-Class Rank 1.

[Passive - Amazement] - Fubuki is always in awe whenever she meets an S-Class hero as they have proven themselves to be the best of the best and as such have her respect. Fubuki's vote will not count against S-Class heroes.

[Passive - The Blizzard of Hell] - With an alias such as Blizzard of Hell, only one can wonder what her personality might be. Fubuki is cold-hearted and ambitious. Confident in her abilities but aware of her own limits. She doesn't play around. As a result, actions from C-Class heroes are subject to failure, except for kills.

[Active - Blizzard Group] - Fubuki doubts she can match her sister through her own individual prowess, so she decides to instead, do it with strength in numbers. Once per cycle, Fubuki may ask a player to join her Blizzard Group. That player has the option to accept or decline. If they accept, they will be added to the neighbor chat alongside the rest of the group. Fubuki will automatically learn of their character name and hero rank. Only B-Class and above can join. C-Class heroes aren't welcome into the Blizzard Group.
--- [Newbie Crusher] - As she views any rising star in the ranks as a threat to her domain, Fubuki is a prominent newbie crusher, destroying the careers of those who refuse to join her Blizzard Group. If a player has declined her offer to join the Blizzard Group, she will find out and can role crush them for 2 cycles if she wishes. [2-shots]

[Active - Talented Esper] - While not as renowned for her psychic abilities as her sister, Fubuki is still an extremely capable esper, capable of pulling off moves that could take down even A-Class heroes. As she is a force to be reckoned with, Fubuki is always role-crush immune.
--- [Psychokinesis] - Using her psychokinesis, she can fling objects and people hundreds of meters away. She may target a player to have their action be moved at a rapid pace, allowing them to get to their destination much quicker. Her target's next action will be redirect and role-block immune.
--- [Psychic Barrier] - Fubuki is talented enough to point of creating barriers to protect herself and her friends! She may create a psychic barrier around her target. She herself will automatically be behind the barrier as well. This barrier will protect from regular and super-kills. However, it is quite the taxing ability to her stamina, as such, she may not use another action for the remainder of the cycle.
--- [Telepathy] - Using her esper powers, she can telepathically communicate with other players in the game. She may write a message to the host for a specific player in the game. The host will relay the message to that player. The player may respond back once.
--- [Physical Enhancement] - Fubuki can provide great buffs for those around her. She may target a player to buff their physical attributes, one random x-shot ability will be increased by 1-shot. This ability can only be used on members of the Blizzard Group. She may not use this on herself nor on the same player more than once.

[Active - Hell Storm] - This is Fubuki's strongest esper attack. She traps her target in a tornado full of rocks and nearby debris. The player will be role-crushed for 2 cycles as they are stuck in this tornado. At the end of that cycle, they will die. If this is used on an S-Class player, they won't die. If used on a C-Class player, then it will turn into a super-kill. [1-shot]

Wincon - Eliminate all threats to Town.​

Light D Lamperouge

𝖂𝖍𝖆𝖙 𝕮𝖔𝖚𝖑𝖉 𝕳𝖆𝖛𝖊 𝕭𝖊𝖊𝖓
all good, well eitherway that confirms i am not from robin's faction

all i have to do now is get someone from the other faction lynched

my strongest scum read today is noctis by far

i am 90% confident in him flipping scum
I've seen people point fingers at Noctis whilst reading the game. Don't have a strong impression. I am concerned because he's a council member though. Afaik, you, me, Kiwi, AL and him are in the council. I can't be sure of any of you, while I know I am town. 3 towns from the council are gone iirc.
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