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I must rest.

Let us give thanks. But first:

I don't know anymore :josad:
I see.

We are already in the middle of the storm. Have not some of us died at the hands of demons? Does death's grip, hard as adamant, not have us in its grasp? Yet be confident for our lords have delivered these demons into out hands thus far. I think you have good instincts. You should follow them.

I do not stand with the light for the sake of mercy. I do it because standing up to the darkness is the right thing to do and if I have to challenge these gods of yours then so be it.
What is good is good because it is good. Do not confuse your folly for wisdom.

Now, let us thank out lords.

Thank you for hosting this game, @Dragomir and @novaselinenever ! Thank you for your mercy and delivering us to this world to enjoy! Please deliver the demons into out hands to do as we please!


Arbiter of Truth
Still catching up

Ok I'll risk it.

You are not town.
I'll follow your lead
Hang @LuthonTheDragDown @Dragomir @novaselinenever
So I'm going to lead town today, any objections?
Depends, though I'm not the one you need to convince, for now I'll just follow my slave, Melon, give her a sense of free will.

@MangoSenpai did you explain why DynaMight ended up being Burger King when you said he wouldn't?
Well yes, BK had a total immunity to investigation, and I suppose my action works like an investigation in a sense.
@Yo Tan Wa picking up the condom was a mistake, but dude, after I saw your role, it was too funny. I wanted to use the delete my account ability so badly hahaha xD

I knew that we fucked with you so bad so wanted to kill you as soon as the day started. Things didn't go quite as planned but good job outing me lol
What happened lmao, i didn’t thought you would give up so easily. Did you get killed?
@Yo Tan Wa picking up the condom was a mistake, but dude, after I saw your role, it was too funny. I wanted to use the delete my account ability so badly hahaha xD

I knew that we fucked with you so bad so wanted to kill you as soon as the day started. Things didn't go quite as planned but good job outing me lol
Lmao yes it's funny and good. But having to wait out 48 hours night only to see being out for another 96 hours, it pissed me off lot.
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