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From li1il1
Kaido fired slides like the one in which Okiko's hand was shaken and Zoro blocked it and fired on Luffy and cut it off. Zoro Luffy used two new techniques in this chapter
So zoro keeps playing the shield for Luffy

Even tho oda goes to make luffy tank attacks on his own

Seriously, even killer isn't protecting his captain

Good feat tho for zoro to block them
I am pretty sure all this attacks Kaido is recieving right now will take its toll on him later, especially Gamma Knife and the Scabbards attack on his scar.
He will have a Lucci moment when he thinks he is ok but his body will fail him in a crucial moment giving the deserved credit to the Scabbards on this fight and thus giving them a big part on his fall.
My thing is......How do you scale the characters other than Luffy after this fight?
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