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Talent is something you make bloom.
It's a chapter about the 5 supernovas vs yonko, but of course the tranjiboys just focus on crying over zoro. Watch how these mouth breathers would have mental breakdown in other threads when the zoro fans laugh at sanji.
I made comments not related to Zoro.
Not my fault you're too lazy to look for them. :cheers:
I dont get it I thought you guys were done for Im its obvious our fandom won you know that right ?
done for what lmao? you guys are just pathetic

- Enma works by sucking the haki of the user, not by providing new haki/energy
- Not only Enma, but every blades do in fact inherit the will of the user (in this context will =/= haki)
- Shusui didnt kill monet despite being a kokuto

so what could we infer?

zoro's ryuo is great enough to trigger Kaido's PTSD
done for what lmao? you guys are just pathetic

- Enma works by sucking the haki of the user, not by providing new haki/energy
- Not only Enma, but every blades do in fact inherit the will of the user (in this context will =/= haki)
- Shusui didnt kill monet despite being a kokuto

so what could we infer?

zoro's ryuo is great enough to trigger Kaido's PTSD
Yes Enma is sucking up Zoros Haki which made a yonko dodge so thats an even greater feat Zoro made an emperor dodge with his haki
do you remember when Doflamingo took Sanjis DJ attacks like nothing ?

He didnt use haki when he sliced Monet nice try if he would use haki monet would be dead


Cope Doctor
Dodge or miss, it really doesn't matter. The most important are 2 Emperors legit shivering and panicking toward Zoro's attack. Can't deny that shit, whatever nonsense haters came up with.
whats the use of attack if you cant even hit anyone with it... sanji would be dodging that shit left and right... look at how tired zoro become, thats when sanji KOs him mid diff, without even using HM or RS
What a amazing chapter, Yonkous vs Supernovas is right now a battle as if gods fighting each other. Indra/Shiva, im sure we gonna see soon Ashura too^^

Luffy did put the most work woth hitting Kaido three times, Zoro would make the biggest damage sadly Kaido dodge the attack so he didn't land.

Killer attack comes as second place where he even let Kaido split blood. That attack really hurt Kaido.

Gk was okay too, not much great as Killer one but it was fine, even though Law hit the heart with it. Showing how crazy Kaido is right now,hard to take down.

Kid was looking as the worst in this chapter,I hope it changen soon.

Oda just still show us this battle, I hope the next chapter is about the rooftop again. Probably the best battle since 10years, really great.
Yes Enma is sucking up Zoros Haki which made a yonko dodge so thats an even greater feat Zoro made an emperor dodge with his haki
do you remember when Doflamingo took Sanjis DJ attacks like nothing ?

He didnt use haki when he sliced Monet nice try if he would use haki monet would be dead
Sanji has nothing to do with this, the facts is BM was surprised as well as Kaido

my point about Monet is, it proves that sword doeesnt contain haki of the user
I’m not even a Zoro fan, but this constant Oden/Enma wank is getting tiresome. The Yonko are barely even acknowledging Zoro. They just keep talking about the sword. We get it Kaido is Odens bitch even after death lol. Luffy and Killer were pretty impressive this chapter though.
Oda cocksuckin his imaginary self. It ain't going to stop now. It will haunt us till raughtale.


What a amazing chapter, Yonkous vs Supernovas is right now a battle as if gods fighting each other. Indra/Shiva, im sure we gonna see soon Ashura too^^

Luffy did put the most work woth hitting Kaido three times, Zoro would make the biggest damage sadly Kaido dodge the attack so he didn't land.

Killer attack comes as second place where he even let Kaido split blood. That attack really hurt Kaido.

Gk was okay too, not much great as Killer one but it was fine, even though Law hit the heart with it. Showing how crazy Kaido is right now,hard to take down.

Kid was looking as the worst in this chapter,I hope it changen soon.

Oda just still show us this battle, I hope the next chapter is about the rooftop again. Probably the best battle since 10years, really great.
Kaido didn't dodge. Zoro simply missed.
That's why linlin says he's underestimating them even tho she warmed him.

Kidd didn't look worse
How are u hyping zoro for missing an attack? Lol but say Kidd looked worse even though je did hurt kaido!

Zoro is the one who did worse than others
The others got zapped but at least landed their hits which hurt Kaido
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