General & Others Was this hax or advanced CoA?

How did she defeat Luffy?

  • Hax

    Votes: 7 58.3%
  • Advanced coa

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • Something else

    Votes: 4 33.3%

  • Total voters


if someone has advanced coa, then that's bm. I bet she is even harder to defeat then kaidou. I doubt oden would ever hurt her like he did with kaidou.
Big Mom had the flaming Gear 4 pattern armament haki, which means she mixed her devil fruit + haki to drain Luffy's stamina.
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Well there's no indication that he took any internal damage. Also if it was a feat of COA, Oda would have drawn it in the flashbacks like he did for Rayleigh, Sentomaru, the Boa sisters and the Admirals.
Even if he didn't take damage, point was her haki disrupted his G4, which made him exit boundman.
Luffy told Sanji he would only throw one punch, so he detransformed into his arms afterward.

Luffy saw Ace die right before him because he was easily provoked and wouldn't stand down. He's not going to make the same mistake. Luffy just gave Big Mom a taste of what's to come, but once you go G4 it's not easy to turn back without effect.

Big Mom has shown zero ability to drain anything. She can take years of your soul, but requires fear or the citizens willingly giving it up.


Zoro Worshipper
Since no one mentioned it.

It could also be one of applications of CoC.

Kaidou also one shot Luffy and CoC is most fearsome ability as said in MF.
Many always considered CoC to be useless against strong opponents but I imagine it being very useful actually. It's at very least a psychological dominance stem into the mind of the subjected guy that can cause worse battle performances.