“Of what worth is a king who fails to protect the powerless?”
You are Artoria Pendragon!
[Passive - The Servant's Life] - Saber has no life without a Master. She must be summoned... [HIDDEN] The first Town player to challenge or invite her will summon her into the game, and gain a chat with her where they may communicate at all times. She will gain access to her abilities and her summoner will also gain the status as her [Master] that she must protect. If her [Master] dies, she will leave the game.
--- [Untouchable King] - Before her summoning, Saber isn't physically present in the game. She may post and vote, however she doesn't have any abilities and she can not be targeted by any action whatsoever except the ones that would summon her.
--- [A Tool] - Saber's master has access to her abilities, and may order her to use 1 action per cycle how they see fit. As the game progress, she may slowly become aware of herself as more than a servant...[HIDDEN] - If they disagree in their chat about the target of one of her abilities, the action will not be performed as she will never reject her morals and beliefs. If they disagree a second time during the game, she will lose this passive.
--- [HIDDEN] [Saber Alter] - If Saber isn't summoned by the end of Day 4, she will comes to the realization that the duty of a hero is to be hated and ostracized, that a hero's only duty is to cut down foes using all their strength. She must cleanse this game by her own hands. As such, she will appear in the game as her alternate version [Saber Alter] and gain the win condition of eliminating all players in the game.
[Passive - Code Of Honor] - Resolute in following her morals, Saber may not lie in the game about anything. She will always respond truthfully when asked a question in the thread. Failure to comply will see her have trouble live down the shame her actions brought on her causing her to not perform an action the following night. This strong belief in her morals and indomitable grants her immunity against vote and action manipulation. Her actions may not be tampered with, and will always find their target.
[Passive - Magic Core] - Born with the magical energy of a Dragon, Artoria possesses magic circuits in her body that transcend normal human beings. She is bulletproof and she is immune to role-crushes and poisoning.
--- [Servant-Master Connection] - Artoria will gain any immunity that her [Master] possesses through the spiritual line connecting them when she was summoned into the game.
[Active - Saber Class] - Famed for its great power, Saber Class is one of the Servant classes and the one Artoria was summoned into. Each cycle, Artoria may target a player and protects them against negative actions, excluding super-kills, targeting them for the duration of a phase. Twice during the game, she may upgrade her protection which will include protection against super-kills.
[Active - Noble Phantasms] - As a Heroic Spirit, Artoria has access to several of these armaments as weapons.
--- [Invisible Air] - Saber may activate this ability to conceal herself. She will evade any actions targeting her during that phase. Alternatively, she may use it to release a compresses wind and destroy an ability of her target. She may not use the same effect more than twice. [4-shots]
--- [Excalibur] - A divine construct forged by the planet, Saber wields this sword that convert her sword into light. Each cycle, Artoria can target a player to kill by converting her voting power and access to her other abilities as the light needed. She may channel the 'light' of her [Master] to upgrade this kill into a super-kill. For every three dead Townies, she will harness enough mana to convert into light without sacrificing her abilities and vote for the cycle. Alternatively, she may sacrifice them to upgrade it into a super-kill that cycle. [Excalibur] may not be upgraded two cycles in a row.
--- [Rhongomyniad] - Granting her the authority of the Tower of Light, Saber may use this lance to automatically lynch a player that has 3 votes in any given day phase. The 3 votes required may not be those of Artoria nor her master. This lynch will bypass any immunity, and end the phase immediately. [1-shot]
[Human Illusion] - Also known as 'Crystalized Mysteries', [Noble Phantasms] are made using human imagination as their core...[Secrets] - [HIDDEN] - It is impossible for myths and legends to start from nothing, the anecdotes about the prowess and weaponry of any Heroic Spirit all become part of the very "symbol" of their existence. As such, any time a player in the game mentions an ability that Artoria may have, it will materialize a cycle later as a crystal that Artoria may use. This is affected by legends about Artoria the role, and the player holding it as well.
Wincon - Eliminate all threats to Town.