One Piece Chapter 1003 : The Night Reflected on A Go Board

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Whatever. I don't care anymore with discussing with you weebs. It's like talking to a mentally challenged person.
I bring a point and all I get is Sanji that, Lanji this as if that would affect me or change mind or something.
What a pathetic display.
Keep crying like a little baby throwing tantrums just because the characters you favourite is not getting the attention you want and see if anyone going to take you seriously
Chronicles of Oden's Sword begins. Told yall dumbasses last chapter

Zoro is using Oden's haki within the sword.

Strange haki as in haki that is not familiar to him. Not Oden haki which is familiar to him.

Since we know enma uses the user's haki and likes to force the user to use more haki than they wishes it explains why he felt more of Zoro's haki from that sword.
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