all credit due to luffy when they stopped bigmon attack
Based on what? G3 was easily overpowered by Cracker and BM is much stronger than him. But for some reason Luffy's G3 did most of the job against BM? You are lacking logic.
sanji got rekt by fodder when he trying to protect luffy after luffy fight with kuri
''rekt by fodder'' - really? Pekoms was getting killed, which made Sanji look away and made him get hit. It was made clear visually and textually.
Which just shows in what ridiculous way Oda had make Sanji not pay attention to get hit, because otherwise and what was shown before that, Sanji would have easily escaped the whole BMC, which would make them look weak af - when they were saying even Roger wouldn't escape that army (which is nonsense, but this shows what strong army that was).
but fortunately sanji family comes and save the day
If your little Zorobrain didn't understand the whole plot behind everything that happend in WCI, then i am sorry for you. Using that to downplay Sanji just shows how pathetic you swordbois are.
the dude is pathetic he can't even protect his already worn out captain from fodder and you dare to compare with zoro who protecting luffy from not just 1 yonko but 2
Oh come show me where Zoro protects Luffy from 2 Yonkou. Zoro literaly has 3 other SN there attacking the Yonkou aswell and Zoro needed Laws help to teleport him to Luffy, because he is too slow himself.
But hey, having thousands and thousands of people shooting at you at the same time and attacking you with any kind of weapon and Sanji was hit only once, because he took the shot for luffy, just shows how weak Sanji is lmao
But calling me ''biased'' :cantseeme: