سانجي معلق على مثل الصليب (يسمى صليب العنكبوت)
وبلاك ماريا تدغدغه وسانجي مستمتع
ولسان حاله يقول: (انا في القنه ياعبدو )
٣ص بالفصل تركز على سانجي وبلاك ماريا ص١ لكينق وص١ لأم عين وص١ للاغماد
والباقي نامي وفرانكي وتاما وسبيد و يوسوب
Sanji hung on like a cross (called a spider's cross)
Black Maria tickles him and Sanji is amused
And the tongue of his state says: (I am in the channel, worship)
The Arabic provider's comments on the situation for those who want to know
Like, Sanji doesn't want to fight women, ok.
Then why doesn't he run away? Instead he lets himself get beat up while admiring the beauty of his enemy who would not hesitate to kill him.
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