Character Discussion Debunking the myths that "Zoro never fought the main villain of an arc" and "Zoros opponents were never close in power compared to Luffy’s opponents"

Where did I say mentally disabled?
Is mentally disturbed a better term?

He had to do the job he had to do
How that transaltes in defending Orochi's name?
Because that was his job

Makes no sense, nobody was observing him, what was the point of that if not showing that he was not in his best mental state?
The point is Killer playing his role...aka doing his job

How that translates in barking histerically when he's a stone cold assassin who never talks a lot (one of his character traits)?
He wasn't barking. His character trait hasn't been never talking.

Is ridiculous to associate the Kamazo from Ringo to the Killer from Sabaody/Kidd's hideout/Onigashima
He was already associated by the manga when Oda drew Zoro calling him Kamazou and Killer also responding same.

The man was straight ignoring everybody in Onigashima mocking and disrespecting him for becoming a ''''''''pleasure''''''''', was cooling down a beef between his Captaina and Apoo, but for some reason was triggered in Ringo for a 'target' disrespecting Orochi's name
Clearly because he was no longer under Orochi. You are ignoring the reason Killer became was all to save Kidd. So why would he react to fodders when he has already gotten his crew back?

Cause the weapons are obviously the main reason for him being defeated
You keep saying 'mentally disabled' when I never mentioned it, he revived a trauma which is a different thing. Still impactful, not mentally disabled.
He's still laughing, difference is that now he has his Captain and crew back. When he met Zoro he was coming from a brutal beating from Kaido, a dirty blackmail, the feeding of a SMILE which is a curse by itself but also revived a trauma from his past...
Is that comparable to a stomachache?
It being the main reason is just your assumption. The only fact here is Killer mentioned only his weapons being his nerf in the fight.

When he met Zoro, he'd been working for Orochi for at least a Couple of weeks. Unless you are claiming that he was still traumatized even after at least a couple week of those events (which again isn't proving)... The point doesn't really hold.

You'd also he claiming that Killer couldn't overcome said trauma for multiple weeks even when his goal was to save his captain which again shows you underrating the character you claim to be a fan of
▪Let's see Killer nerfs using manga proofs :
1- lacked punishers .
( the only one Killer said )

▪ Zoro nerfs :
1- lacked shusui his strongest sword to date .
2- he is poisoned
3- he is tired / hungry and the first thing he asked Hyori about is if she could give him some foods and after she nursed him the first thing he did is eating not drinking .
4- 2 vs 1 not 1 time but 2 times .
5- protecting Hyori and that little girl.

- Now all this and Killer got destroyed by using a scythe for the first time while killer used it for weeks to accomplish orochi assassination missions and has now a technique related to it that could injure Kaido internally while before that he couldn't do it .
- Killer mini auto machine + Gyukimaru vs Raw strength that could cleave a mountain :myman:
- Killer stalemated a 2 sword Zoro not a 2 sword style Zoro .
- Killer couldn't react to onigiri :moonwalk:
▪Let's see Killer nerfs using manga proofs :
1- lacked punishers .
( the only one Killer said )

▪ Zoro nerfs :
1- lacked shusui his strongest sword to date .
2- he is poisoned
3- he is tired / hungry and the first thing he asked Hyori about is if she could give him some foods and after she nursed him the first thing he did is eating not drinking .
4- 2 vs 1 not 1 time but 2 times .
5- protecting Hyori and that little girl.

- Now all this and Killer got destroyed by using a scythe for the first time while killer used it for weeks to accomplish orochi assassination missions and has now a technique related to it that could injure Kaido internally while before that he couldn't do it .
- Killer mini auto machine + Gyukimaru vs Raw strength that could cleave a mountain :myman:
- Killer stalemated a 2 sword Zoro not a 2 sword style Zoro .
- Killer couldn't react to onigiri :moonwalk:
In their head canon all this is irrelevant.
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Zoro does fight the main villains before but he mostly take on the right hand man. And his opponents was never close to Luffy's opponents. For example, Lucci's Doriki was double of Kaku's Doriki.
Are you going to ignore everything i said in the post and mention the one fight that i didnt mention because every one knows that Lucci was on another level than kaku

Luffy would also lose to majority of them without plot armor.

But based on Zoro's feats in New world so far, Zoro would beat all of Luffys opponents prior to Kaido.

Because unlike Luffy, Zoro doesn't have to go to trash can commanders, they are beneath him.
Zoro probably could have defeated a 3rd commander before he got Enma but it would've been Extreme Diff. Now that Zoro has Enma I think he could High Diff a 1st Commander, but honestly depending on how Sanji does against a commander like Queen or King, Zoro might be above all the commanders.
Zoro probably could have defeated a 3rd commander before he got Enma but it would've been Extreme Diff. Now that Zoro has Enma I think he could High Diff a 1st Commander, but honestly depending on how Sanji does against a commander like Queen or King, Zoro might be above all the commanders.
Zoro in Dressrosa would beat any YC1 level character
Zoro currently would destroy any YC1 level character

Shushui in itself is an insanely strong blade.
Shushui Zoro at Full Power = YC1+ Level to maybe low top tier if he still has Ashura
Enma Zoro at Full Power = Low Top tier to maybe Admiral level if he still has Ashura
Zoro probably could have defeated a 3rd commander before he got Enma but it would've been Extreme Diff. Now that Zoro has Enma I think he could High Diff a 1st Commander, but honestly depending on how Sanji does against a commander like Queen or King, Zoro might be above all the commanders.
Shusui is stronger than Enma. Before you ask why, I will answer shushui is a black blade which naturally puts it above Enma, Also Shusui has slain a western dragon already, Enma will only slay a western dragon at the end of the wano arc.


The only one who can beat me is me
What myth?

Kuro solos his entire crew put together
Arlong solos his crew
Crocodile solos Daz, Bon Clay, Mr.3 etc. put together
Enel solos all the priests put together
Lucci solos Kaku and Jyabura
Doflamingo solos Pica, Diamante, Trebol put together

You can argue circumstances all you want, but the quality of opponents don't compare, Zoro's resume is a whole lot of hot trash, wish it wasn't the case but it is what it is. Wano will probably be his first big catch on his way to Mihawk, the rest of his opponents are scrubs galore compared to the big names Luffy has defeated.

You want to know how bad it is? Zoro by 2021 has arguably yet to beat an opponent as big a threat in the OPverse as Luffy did back in 2001. I'm talking about Crocodile if you missed it. Zoro is literally 20 years behind Luffy......"myth" lmfao dkm.
What myth?

Kuro solos his entire crew put together
Arlong solos his crew
Crocodile solos Daz, Bon Clay, Mr.3 etc. put together
Enel solos all the priests put together
Lucci solos Kaku and Jyabura
Doflamingo solos Pica, Diamante, Trebol put together

You can argue circumstances all you want, but the quality of opponents don't compare, Zoro's resume is a whole lot of hot trash, wish it wasn't the case but it is what it is. Wano will probably be his first big catch on his way to Mihawk, the rest of his opponents are scrubs galore compared to the big names Luffy has defeated.

You want to know how bad it is? Zoro by 2021 has arguably yet to beat an opponent as big a threat in the OPverse as Luffy did back in 2001. I'm talking about Crocodile if you missed it. Zoro is literally 20 years behind Luffy......"myth" lmfao dkm.
Is mentally disturbed a better term?
It is, is different from disable

Because that was his job
His job was completing the mission, him taking it personal and actually defending Orochi's name doesn't point at stinks like shit to me

He wasn't barking. His character trait hasn't been never talking.
Take a look at Killer in these situations
Collected, taciturn, smart, knowledgeable

And take a look at Kamazo here
Unrestrained, loud, that strange act like a true Orochi servant when he had no reason at all to mention it, after everything he passed

Difference is clear to me

He was already associated by the manga when Oda drew Zoro calling him Kamazou and Killer also responding same.
They met each others with those names

Clearly because he was no longer under Orochi. You are ignoring the reason Killer became was all to save Kidd. So why would he react to fodders when he has already gotten his crew back?
Exactly, that answers the question you asked me before 'why is he now laughing but normal?': cause he now has the most important thing back

It being the main reason is just your assumption. The only fact here is Killer mentioned only his weapons being his nerf in the fight.

When he met Zoro, he'd been working for Orochi for at least a Couple of weeks. Unless you are claiming that he was still traumatized even after at least a couple week of those events (which again isn't proving)... The point doesn't really hold.
What's the point of this? Ebisu town people are still suffering mentally since lord knows how many years, being fed with a SMILE destroys you psychologically that's one of the biggest reasons for which this Onigashima war is happening.
Killer's case was amplified due to his backstory, as evidenced in Udon.

You'd also he claiming that Killer couldn't overcome said trauma for multiple weeks even when his goal was to save his captain which again shows you underrating the character you claim to be a fan of
Being my favourite character doesn't mean something, I like him cause I see him objectively.
Is not a matter of underrating him, overcoming a trauma isn't easy shit in One Piece as shown in multiple occasions (Luffy after MF war being the most notorious example), Killer didn't even have someone to help him since was completely separeted from his Captain and his crew.
Kamazo is the shadow of Killer, him fighting till the end even when on the edge of his breakdown and later showed during his breakdown are probably the main reasons he became my favourite character together with Kidd.
Some "wins" are not highlighted in a panel.

If you don't see my point, we can close it here
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It is, is different from disable
Fair enough

His job was completing the mission, him taking it personal and actually defending Orochi's name doesn't point at stinks like shit to me
No his job is working for Orochi which means he is to be loyal to Orochi as his assassin. This is something he I doing for his captain's sake so I don't see how that is such a deal breaker which must be attributed to his mental disturbance.

Take a look at Killer in these situations
Collected, taciturn, smart, knowledgeable

And take a look at Kamazo here
Unrestrained, loud, that strange act like a true Orochi servant when he had no reason at all to mention it after everything he passed

Difference is clear to me
That really doesn't prove your point though. In the panels you posted for Killer being cool and calm, he is wearing his mask.

In the panel you posted for him barking etc, there aren't even exclamation marks with his speech. Maybe you see it that way because you can see Killer's face unlike the others.

In the end, the answer is already in the panel you've posted. Killer states that he is under orders, emphasizing more and more that he is playing his role as Orochi's assassin.

What's the point of this? Ebisu town people are still suffering mentally since lord knows how many years, being fed with a SMILE destroys you psychologically that's one of the biggest reasons for which this Onigashima war is happening.
Killer's case was amplified due to his backstory, as evidenced in Udon.
Not necessarily they are not. They've learned to live with it in their own capacity. Look at Yasu for example. Can you claim he's been mentally disturbed because of Smile all this while to the point that it will affect his judgement? Manga shows otherwise.

Being my favourite character doesn't mean something, I like him cause I see him objectively.
Is not a matter of underrating him, overcoming a trauma isn't easy shit in One Piece as shown in multiple occasions (Luffy after MF war being the most notorious example), Killer didn't even have someone to help him since was completely separeted from his Captain and his crew.
Kamazo is the shadow of Killer, him fighting till the end even when on the edge of his breakdown and later showed during his breakdown are probably the main reasons he became my favourite character together with Kidd.
Some "wins" are not highlighted in a panel
It is when you are diminishing Killer's resolve to save his captain.
Yasu was able to overcome that mental disturbance. So why can't Killer?

The argument isn't that Killer was completely fine after what he has gone through because we all know trauma is a thing in One Piece. But the argument is that said trauma did not affect Killer's fighting capabilities proven by the character's own statement. This is also proven by the character still performing well against 2 Yonkou despite still being affected by the Smile fruit.

They met each others with those names
And? They literally relating themselves to what happened during that time.

Exactly, that answers the question you asked me before 'why is he now laughing but normal?': cause he now has the most important thing back
If that answers the question then you should know why your point doesn't stand. Because you are basically accepting that my point is valid.

Because if you agree that Killer was fighting to save his Captain which is why he was working for Orochi and why he is now acting normal, then that should prove to you (because you accept the premise) that Killer's behavior wasn't due to being affected by Smile but due to his resolve to save his captain.
Fair enough

No his job is working for Orochi which means he is to be loyal to Orochi as his assassin. This is something he I doing for his captain's sake so I don't see how that is such a deal breaker which must be attributed to his mental disturbance.

That really doesn't prove your point though. In the panels you posted for Killer being cool and calm, he is wearing his mask.

In the panel you posted for him barking etc, there aren't even exclamation marks with his speech. Maybe you see it that way because you can see Killer's face unlike the others.

In the end, the answer is already in the panel you've posted. Killer states that he is under orders, emphasizing more and more that he is playing his role as Orochi's assassin.

Not necessarily they are not. They've learned to live with it in their own capacity. Look at Yasu for example. Can you claim he's been mentally disturbed because of Smile all this while to the point that it will affect his judgement? Manga shows otherwise.

It is when you are diminishing Killer's resolve to save his captain.
Yasu was able to overcome that mental disturbance. So why can't Killer?

The argument isn't that Killer was completely fine after what he has gone through because we all know trauma is a thing in One Piece. But the argument is that said trauma did not affect Killer's fighting capabilities proven by the character's own statement. This is also proven by the character still performing well against 2 Yonkou despite still being affected by the Smile fruit.

And? They literally relating themselves to what happened during that time.

If that answers the question then you should know why your point doesn't stand. Because you are basically accepting that my point is valid.

Because if you agree that Killer was fighting to save his Captain which is why he was working for Orochi and why he is now acting normal, then that should prove to you (because you accept the premise) that Killer's behavior wasn't due to being affected by Smile but due to his resolve to save his captain.
I'll make it quick:
Do you think that the fight with Kaido, isolation, SMILE, trauma weren't factors in Killer status/shape/fighting prowness (Punishers aside, which are confirmed as nerf)?
Yes or No?
I'll make it quick:
Do you think that the fight with Kaido, isolation, SMILE, trauma weren't factors in Killer status/shape/fighting prowness (Punishers aside, which are confirmed as nerf)?
Yes or No?
I don't think the manga depicts that so no trauma wasn't a factor in Killer's fighting ability.
If anything, fighting for the sake of someone has been proven to boost characters not limit them


The Road To Harmony
Putting aside the power level stuff, I really like how Oda approaches Zoro's opponents. They are usually not villains he holds personal animosity towards. Zoro is a student on his journey to become the best, and adopts any encounter in battle as a learning experience. He would occasionally develop a mutual respect for his opponent, either for giving a good fight, becoming stronger through the process, or just gaining something of value from the exchange, such as character wise.

It is great, though, how most of his opponents are still relevant in some ways. They are individuals that have carved a mark in history, or in the process of carving ones of their own, or return as reliable allies.

Putting aside the power level stuff, I really like how Oda approaches Zoro's opponents. They are usually not villains he holds personal animosity towards. Zoro is a student on his journey to become the best, and adopts any encounter in battle as a learning experience. He would occasionally develop a mutual respect for his opponent, either for giving a good fight, becoming stronger through the process, or just taking gaining something of value from the fight, strength or character wise.

It is great, though, how most of his opponents are still relevant in some ways. They are individuals that have carved a mark in history, or in the process of carving ones of their own, or return as reliable allies.

True True, Maybe not all of his opponents are significantly strong or hold long term portrayal, But most of them are.