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With Nami / Usopp occupied by Ulti / Pageone, Franky occupied by Sasaki, Brook alongside Robin against Maria, Luffy and Zoro on the rooftop, Sanji potentially going to help the scabbards, there is no one else in the crew who could potentially stop Jinbei vs Who's Who is continuing, and seeing that they seemingly share a backstory that has yet to be detailed(Who's who saying he saw Jinbei before, and Jinbei wanting to know who is behind the mask), looks like that match-up is set to conclude that way
Robin and Brook are not going to fight 2v1.
We still have other wildcards like Hotei or Fukurokuju if no one fights them it's settled then they will turn on the Beast Pirates.

Yamato, Drake, Hawkins also are around too.


Actually he doesn't.
> He had to use poison gas not his own strength. Not to mention he had an endless stream of reinforcements.
> Thanks to using poison gas
> Got defeated by the admiral and fleet admiral to the point that he was presumed dead.
> Had reinforcements in that fight also. Sulong Inu and Neko defeated him with a single attack each.

In the end, Jack was over hyped.....maybe he still is
Stay salty
It was unfortunately necessary, we all knew this chapter had to happen. Fully expect Chopper to be involved on Nami's side next chapter at this point. That resolves the F5 fights with 7 strawhats
So we are just going to have characters dicking around for the next couple of chapters?

I know 1004 and 1005 are setup for the Strawhats' final fights and rounding up what's happening under the skull dome but GOD,these chapters feel like not enough happens.
When does Onigashima approach? When do characters start taking the upperhand in their fights? Chapters feel seem semi-fillerish.

From the Spoilers,half the chapter is already what happened last chapter Smh


Talent is something you make bloom.
But that’s not how drama works

If Sanji doesn’t care then we the readers don’t care so the actual story being told starts not to matter

This is my entire argument from Act 1 as to why Zoro has no secret heritage in Wano or whatever. Zoro doesn’t care. In fact no one in the story cares about it. So it won’t happen. Oda is not such an amateur to create plot point where no character in the plot CARES ABOUT IT.

If Sanji doesn’t care about the Queen Judge connection then the audience won’t care about it so it’s an entirely useless plot point. Someone has to care about it or else Oda won’t put it there. And Only Sanji can care about this.

for you to say Sanji shrugs this off, it’s the equivalent of when Saitama is facing some opponent in One punch man and the opponent starts giving a speech about their plan and backstory and saitama shouts “Explain yourself in 20 words or less”. The story is telling us that this isn’t important since Saitama doesn’t care so we shouldn’t care. But the reason this happens in One punch man and not One piece is because that’s comedy, not drama. Drama doesn’t work like that
I understand that.
But looking at Sanji's character, it should not matter to him if Queen has some connection to Judge.
Sanji doesn't care about him. He just gets pissed when he is associated with them. Hence why he was pissed when he saw the "vinsmoke" in his wanted poster, and refused to use the raid suit at first. Also got pissed at Law for saying he was Germa. Even created the "Soba Mask" identity and talked about asking Usopp and Franky to redesign the suit.
That's why I said, unless it's something that involves his mother or sister, people he actually care about, I don't see this plot being a good reason to make him fight Queen.
At this point, fighting Queen just because he is a powerful enemy that needs to be brought down is a better reason than some weird ass random connection to Judge.
> He used the poison to make things faster. Villains aren't supposed to play fair, the fact is he did the job in eradicating Zou
> In terms of fighting ability, Inu and Neko were taking turns on him every 12hours, and they still couldn't get the upperhand on base / zoan Jack, when Jack wasn't even using hybrid(his strongest form)
> Even top tiers would get defeated by an admiral and fleet admiral in a 2vs1, so Jack surviving it is impressive
> He had much more reinforcements back in Zou against a weaker army(non sulong minks), yet they were getting destroyed, so the reinforcement he got this time around didn't help in anything but number. Jack is the one who singlehandily destroyed the mink army, and Sulong Inu and Neko vs Jack not only was a 2 vs 1 against an already weakened Jack, but it was off-paneled

And like last chapters further shows, the zoans are in their best form while in hybrid state, something Jack has yet to use, so no he is far from overrated
Meanwhile Pageone sent RS Sanji flying lmao


Cope Doctor
I don t understand the ''complaints''; Jack is ' the perfect'' fight for Sanji to grow his AP.
I understand that it's the fight of the''LS'' but still a pretty cool fight for both characters or at least better than Jack getting offscreened or Sanji vs Paypay.
Sanji fighting Jack would only prove that zoro, killer arent on YC2 level too
There's no Sanji vs Jack

Oda isn't even hinting at it
You don´t wanna understand it, you point is totally wrong.
Sanji gonna face for sure Jack, you can tell this and that but it don´t going chance the fact that Sanji face Jack.
You make a big mistake with saying Sanji going above in that case you are totally wrong bro.
Sanji know King plan and he know the Scabbards get attacked soon, he will go under and save them and he will face Jack.
Since Sanji DON`T KNOW SOMETHING ABOUT YAMATO, he can´t expect that someone else save the Scabbards, he is the only one who know the place of the scabbards, the only one who is free right now to handle alone, he is the only one who can save them, he don´t know anything about Yamato. So do the math, Sanji is FOR SURE going down and fight Jack.

How the fight going on? Probably 1on1 fight with Sanji winning extrem high diff oor he get clapped so Yamato can save him and take the fight or Yamato+Sanji vs Jack. I take the second opinion, with Sanji getting defeated, get saved and get healed later by Marco to face with a another character Queen.

The whole arc is based on teamfights, if people think Sanji taking out a 100% health Calamity, they are wrong(quote me if im wrong later).
So far only Jinbe have his own 1on1 fight of all strawhats since his enemy is on his lvl while Sanji and co are the underdogs.


Why Yamato vs Jack is not going to happen and why most of the worstgen members don't have brain cells;

- Yamato doesn't even know that the Scabbards are on the second floor, let alone that Jack is heading there to kill them LOL smh.
- Yamato is protecting Momo and Shinobu. She's also in a safer place with them. She can't just leave Momo and Shinobu unprotected. Also, taking them to the second floor gonna put momo in great danger.
- Sanji is on the third floor. He's the closest to the Scabbards which are on the second floor.
- Sanji showed concern for the Scabbards last chapter. It makes sense that the first thing he would do after being saved by Brook is to go down and protect the scabbards + Hiyori ( a female).
- Both Jack and Sanji got defeated/ lost their first-round + injured.
- How both characters are connected to the Zou incident.

Retainera are in the basement (treasure room or so) ! Not second or 3rd floor
Yamato is also at the basement floor
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