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At this point @SDfear , @BangMi @Chrono , @MonsterZoro don't expect a full fight from Sanji... At least in Wano.
Oda is clearly making Sanji not fight because he's there to help... And all he's gonna do is save people...
Now the Akazaya, next one probably Carrot...
I don't even expect a pure 1vs 1 for him , just clashes with strong guys XDXD
Sanji's plotline from the start of Onigshama was the scarbbards and Momo. He ditched Nami for it ffs. Only people he is saving are the Scarbbards/Momo/Hiyori. The rest of the SHs will be defending themselves and fighting.

You seem broken lol.
His transformer counts as Franky's arsenal, it's his full arsenal so a 1v1.
That's cap. He is in a mech. It's like saying if he were to build and ancient weapon and use it that he would personally be admiral level etc. This isn't a super suit that he wears or a mechanic transformation for him. If it was we would have no argument. This however is something that he controls from the inside. He built it yes. It's apparent of his arsenal yes. But it isn't apart of his own physical power
This probably going to happen, noway after taking a L above Jack going down to take another L.
Sanji going under and face him, fight him and get defeated>Yamato shows up and fight Jack. Or Sanji get help by Yamato.
Overall the future of Sanji don´t looking good in wano, I was sure he will face Queen far later in a battle.
sanji losing to jack than sanji face queen?
That's cap. He is in a mech. It's like saying if he were to build and ancient weapon and use it that he would personally be admiral level etc. This isn't a super suit that he wears or a mechanic transformation for him. If it was we would have no argument. This however is something that he controls from the inside. He built it yes. It's apparent of his arsenal yes. But it isn't apart of his own physical power
Mate it's his FULL arsenal, stop the excuses.
Average chapter,the pacing is really subpar ever since we got down the roof.
Wondering when something having real definite impact will happen.
It was unfortunately necessary, we all knew this chapter had to happen. Fully expect Chopper to be involved on Nami's side next chapter at this point. That resolves the F5 fights with 7 strawhats
Well Oda letting Luffy run out of haki was clear PIS too, as was L/Z/S not raiding together with the scabbards to arrive at the roof at the same time (and having Law fuck around with poneglyphs waiting for his captain to get to the roof).
Sanji should be able to have sky walked away even with his hands bound.
The plot doesn’t want Sanji on the roof so he won’t go there
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