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All this confirms is Yamato is gonna fight Jack. Momo is gonna wanna save the scabbards and that leads up to Yamato vs Jack

it is funny tho how you guys were trying to say sanji would fight queen because of that judge line. Now you guys are moving on to Jack vs sanji getting desperate I see.
Oda wanted to portray the contrast between:

1- Whole Cake Island/Zou: Sanji said "I will solve my problem on my own" and didn't trust the SHs when he was taken by Capone and still resisted Luffy's help

2- In Wano: Trusting Robin enough to say "save me" despite the fact Robin might fall into a trap, a complete faith!

Again, in terms of drama, character development and growth, Sanji has grown a lot....

BUT BUT BUT Odaaaa! Please, have mercy on our soul you bastard! Give Sanji a break damn it from Plot Losses!

Even if it is great for his character growth to have this change, there are other ways to do it... other ways to deliver the faith/trust plot line than this
Oda is going get a lot of hate emails from HardcoreSanjifans
Why would he lose against Jack ?

Did Sanji look bad against Oven, Daifuku or P1 ? He didnt even look bad against King

Sanji only looks bad when he's a hypetool. And right now, he is the one who needs a hypetool after the interaction with BM.
Why would he defeat jack ????

If his mission is to protect the RS why would he defeat jack??It'll be another K vs Sanji, but worst, because Jack can defeat Sanji if Oda wants to create tension.


That is not the point who can save them or not, it is more that RIGHT now only Sanji is free of all strawhats, the only one who knows about King plan so it make sense that the only one who know it going down to save the Scabbards.
Don´t mixup Yamatoo since Sanji didn´t know anything about Yamato, how he should know about a character who he never meet to save the Scabbards? Sanji is going down for sure to save the Scabbards, he is right now the only one who know about the plan and have freetime. It is more like Sanji get sadly use for another hyperbole for Jack. Then Yamato come and fight Jack, that is what I expect.
And don´t say no since you see how much Oda threat Sanji in the recent chapters.

It is all over again a Doflamingo scenario.
Sanji get the info from his villian(Viola/BM) about someone beeing in danger>Sanji go to save them>get a panel where he kick the enemy>Enemy strike back and beat Sanji>someone show up to face the enemy.

Sanji get later healed up by Marco to face again a Calamity with help(Drake is free).
This isn't doffy viola stuff all over again
Doffy Was the main villain, Jack isn't

You guys don't get it
The reasons why Calamities aren't being wanked or beating characters left and right in this arc is because they aren't the Main 2 even!
Kaido and Linlin are the Main Villains of this arc
BM and Katakuri WCI
Doffy DR
Vergo and Ceasad PH, that's why Sanji and Zoro didn't beat thdm but Law and Luffy


The Honoured One
Just saying that Jack needs some hype and seeing on how Oda hates Sanji...if they do fight...

Man :jay-he::jay-he:
Jack already has had more than enough hype Lice. Dude gave no fucks attacking admirals, tanked Zunisha, and stalled the 9RS and Sulong Dukes. Put some respeck on his name.

It's Sanji who will get the much needed hype if they fight.
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