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But they still think that Sanji VS JAck will be a good thing for Sanji XDXDXD
It's going to be a defeat for him.
There's no way Jack only takes L's, he has to won against Sanji, and after that loose against someone like Yamato/Neko Inu on their lasts...
That it is bro, I like Sanji and Im sure in the end of Wano he most like take his biig W, but in case of tension if Sanji face now Jack(and im 100% sure he gonna face him), sry but it dooesn´t look good for Sanji since I doubt Jack is first his main battle for the arc and second Jack already coming from a lose, so I doubt he going down to take a another lose.
Most like Jack taking the W, you can like it or not but this going be happen...
This probably going to happen, noway after taking a L above Jack going down to take another L.
Sanji going under and face him, fight him and get defeated>Yamato shows up and fight Jack. Or Sanji get help by Yamato.
Overall the future of Sanji don´t looking good in wano, I was sure he will face Queen far later in a battle.
Lol tbh i expected à Sanji vs Queen fight too but at this point idk anymore..with him being injured just like Jack and Sanji more than likely going to save the scabbards..Sanji vs Jack might really really well happen

Tho i do hope that he will win against Jack like bruh if he has to be saved by might be the worst arc ever for the candies
That is not the point who can save them or not, it is more that RIGHT now only Sanji is free of all strawhats, the only one who knows about King plan so it make sense that the only one who know it going down to save the Scabbards.
Don´t mixup Yamatoo since Sanji didn´t know anything about Yamato, how he should know about a character who he never meet to save the Scabbards? Sanji is going down for sure to save the Scabbards, he is right now the only one who know about the plan and have freetime. It is more like Sanji get sadly use for another hyperbole for Jack. Then Yamato come and fight Jack, that is what I expect.
And don´t say no since you see how much Oda threat Sanji in the recent chapters.

It is all over again a Doflamingo scenario.
Sanji get the info from his villian(Viola/BM) about someone beeing in danger>Sanji go to save them>get a panel where he kick the enemy>Enemy strike back and beat Sanji>someone show up to face the enemy.

Sanji get later healed up by Marco to face again a Calamity with help(Drake is free).
X2, that's more likely what's going to happen with Sanji.
This or the scenario were he won't get a full Hig-Tier fight in Onigashima XDXDXDXD
Everyone that fought or saw Jack fight
"He's strong" even luffy stated how strong he is by just hearing the stories

The only one downplaying Jack is you.

He never used Hybrid vs Dukes. There was no hybrid implications.

He had fodders who did nothing much, he took down the sulong minks.

You salty that Jack is more badass than Doffy
Don't know why you are getting triggered with facts.

I never said Jack wasn't strong. I said he is overrated because the feats presented were actually not his feats. Relying on Poison gas to defeat an opponent doesn't make you the stronger guy.

Kaido after seeing Jack defeated by the Dukes : " it's not that you are weak Jack, it is that they are strong".

You: well he didn't use hybrid so that statement doesn't count
Read what I wrote - she was about to user her "hybrid" to fight both Sasaki and his men.

And his men the giftets were strong enough to hold down Shogun Franky for Sasaki to smash him.
Read the original post, the guy said Base Yamato with no transformation is stronger than Kack.

meaning this guy thinks Sasaki and his men can beat Jack. Nonsense. You guys. The flying six aren’t that strong. Please. Stop this.
Last chapter:
"Playa4321 why you hating the Sanji and BM plot? Why are you so angry at Sanji"
Look this chapter, I never liked it at first place how Oda threat Sanji. I understand his moral to not hit a women, I respect it and for me it make sense for his character to handle like how he do in current chapter. But what make me more angry is how Oda handle Sanji as stupid idiot who simple can´t escape. He has his fire power to break though the webs and of most Sanji refuse to use his rs who could help him for both defense and escaping. How in hell Sanji get again use for the plot as hyperbole for BM even in a not fair battle?
That is the point with make me so angry, Oda could handle this far better.

And now coming to the Jack encounter, nothing against Sanji I hope for everyone(expect Marco) whoo face a Calamity to take first a L, Jack need it soo badly, no the calamities need it soo badly right now. People are fucking disappointed about their favourite character facing a fucking commander, what the hell we are, one arc ago people would die to get a commander battle for their favourite character, Luffy go though the hell facing two commanders in previous arc. No one have really any respect left for the calamity and that is sad, King,Queen and Jack need really a good hype up and people should be proud for their favourite character to face one of them. In the end we speaking her of Kaido three strongest members, the fight should ba hell fight like Luffy had against Katakuri. Oda need to build up a better tension around these characters and give them proper screentime(King at most), he should show how exactly hard the war going be. So I expect for Jack to get his W soon against Sanji(I know, this going even be more hard), overall the other calamity too so the tension can grow up.
From my POV, Jack is the only one who's already hyped and deserves the title of Calamity. People call him a 'walking L taker' but to me he just showed giant balls, real loyality to his Captain, great strenght/endurance/durability feats and enormous potential (seen his young age).
I value him so much that I hope he'll fight Killer, but at this point is hard to happen...
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