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Jack's final match-up is still questionable though. I agree that Sanji vs Jack might potentially happen because Sanji is concerned about the Scabbards right now, and it seems that Jinbe is focused on his fight against Who's Who. However, there are some points that need to be clarified:
- Kaidou's subordinates discover Yamato.
- Jack is going to kill the Red scabbards.

Both Yamato and Jack's location are unknown. While Jack's focus is to kill Scabbards, Yamato's focus is to find a safe place for Momo. Who knows if they somehow meet each other along the way (?). I could be wrong, though. But, still need to know more dialogues and pics.


Lazy is the way
Haha shit, who is Kami lol ?
Not really. The story starts with Luffy bitch slapping Alvida and Luffy is the closest thing to what Oda wants his readers to take from the story

I think this thing just exists for a variance of opinions. Like Luffy Zoro and Sanji have to have differences and Oda just chose this as one of them for the sake. Luffy punches women all the time, Zoro would cut a woman but Oda won’t ever let him do that and Sanji doesn’t do shit.

It’s just Oda trying to create variance. There’s no special message here
I was making a reference to what Bounty posted and Oda words : "it is a scene that I hope will resonate with the male readers"

> He used the poison to make things faster. Villains aren't supposed to play fair, the fact is he did the job in eradicating Zou
> In terms of fighting ability, Inu and Neko were taking turns on him every 12hours, and they still couldn't get the upperhand on base / zoan Jack, when Jack wasn't even using hybrid(his strongest form)
> Even top tiers would get defeated by an admiral and fleet admiral in a 2vs1, so Jack surviving it is impressive
> He had much more reinforcements back in Zou against a weaker army(non sulong minks), yet they were getting destroyed, so the reinforcement he got this time around didn't help in anything but number. Jack is the one who singlehandily destroyed the mink army, and Sulong Inu and Neko vs Jack not only was a 2 vs 1 against an already weakened Jack, but it was off-paneled

And like last chapters further shows, the zoans are in their best form while in hybrid state, something Jack has yet to use, so no he is far from overrated
> Lol you claimed he singlehandedly did that which is false. He also didn't use his own strength to do that so it is not "his feat".
> And Jack couldn't defeat them either even while having am endless stream of reinforcements. How do you know he didn't use hybrid? The fight was mostly off paneled.
> Again how do you know Sengoku and Fuji fought him together?
> He had a number in there too so that really isn't a point. The heavy scratch mark and the broken tusk suggest that it was one attack each which ended Jack.

Him showing hybrid or not didn't change the fact that Kaido placed the Dukes above him. So like I said he is overrated and so is his feats


Bullshit. Yamato was transforming into hybrid just to deal with Sasaki’s men.
Yes kaido transformed to deal with SNs he can easily trash in base form
Kaido weaker than other top tiers confirmed

Base/zoan Jack wouldn't toy with g2 and g3, wouldn't oneshot a flyer ...wouldn't match Ace easily.

You the one talking bs
Jack's final match-up is still questionable though. I agree that Sanji vs Jack might potentially happen because Sanji is concerned about the Scabbards right now, and it seems that Jinbe is focused on his fight against Who's Who. However, there are some points that need to be clarified:
- Kaidou's subordinates discover Yamato.
- Jack is going to kill the Red scabbards.

Both Yamato and Jack's location are unknown. While Jack's focus is to kill Scabbards, Yamato's focus is to find a safe place for Momo. Who knows if they somehow meet each other along the way (?). I could be wrong, though. But, still need to know more dialogues and pics.
Don't think he really will have a proper match up in the same way as the rest of the crew. It seems like he just got to his senses enough so he can finish the scabbards who are down. Jack will probably get done quick again.
Last chapter:
"Playa4321 why you hating the Sanji and BM plot? Why are you so angry at Sanji"
Look this chapter, I never liked it at first place how Oda threat Sanji. I understand his moral to not hit a women, I respect it and for me it make sense for his character to handle like how he do in current chapter. But what make me more angry is how Oda handle Sanji as stupid idiot who simple can´t escape. He has his fire power to break though the webs and of most Sanji refuse to use his rs who could help him for both defense and escaping. How in hell Sanji get again use for the plot as hyperbole for BM even in a not fair battle?
That is the point with make me so angry, Oda could handle this far better.

And now coming to the Jack encounter, nothing against Sanji I hope for everyone(expect Marco) whoo face a Calamity to take first a L, Jack need a W soo badly, no the calamities need it soo badly right now. People are fucking disappointed about their favourite character facing a fucking commander, what the hell we are, one arc ago people would die to get a commander battle for their favourite character, Luffy go though the hell facing two commanders in previous arc. No one have really any respect left for the calamity and that is sad, King,Queen and Jack need really a good hype up and people should be proud for their favourite character to face one of them. In the end we speaking her of Kaido three strongest members, the fight should ba hell fight like Luffy had against Katakuri. Oda need to build up a better tension around these characters and give them proper screentime(King at most), he should show how exactly hard the war going be. So I expect for Jack to get his W soon against Sanji(I know, this going even be more hard), overall the other calamity too so the tension can grow up.
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> Lol you claimed he singlehandedly did that which is false. He also didn't use his own strength to do that so it is not "his feat".
> And Jack couldn't defeat them either even while having am endless stream of reinforcements. How do you know he didn't use hybrid? The fight was mostly off paneled.
> Again how do you know Sengoku and Fuji fought him together?
> He had a number in there too so that really isn't a point. The heavy scratch mark and the broken tusk suggest that it was one attack each which ended Jack.

Him showing hybrid or not didn't change the fact that Kaido placed the Dukes above him. So like I said he is overrated and so is his feats
Everyone that fought or saw Jack fight
"He's strong" even luffy stated how strong he is by just hearing the stories

The only one downplaying Jack is you.

He never used Hybrid vs Dukes. There was no hybrid implications.

He had fodders who did nothing much, he took down the sulong minks.

You salty that Jack is more badass than Doffy
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