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Why Yamato vs Jack is not going to happen and why most of the worstgen members don't have brain cells;

- Yamato doesn't even know that the Scabbards are on the second floor, let alone that Jack is heading there to kill them LOL smh.
- Yamato is protecting Momo and Shinobu. She's also in a safer place with them. She can't just leave Momo and Shinobu unprotected. Also, taking them to the second floor gonna put momo in great danger.
- Sanji is on the third floor. He's the closest to the Scabbards which are on the second floor.
- Sanji showed concern for the Scabbards last chapter. It makes sense that the first thing he would do after being saved by Brook is to go down and protect the scabbards + Hiyori ( a female).
- Both Jack and Sanji got defeated/ lost their first-round + injured.
- How both characters are connected to the Zou incident.

Sorry Sanji hater, but this ain't gonna happen.
Its not really "dicking" around. Its plot movement to set up the fights. I get people see it that way, but instead of blandly setting up the fights, Oda likes to characterize the villains and encounters, hence why this chapter is almost exclusively Black Maria, she barely got screentime beforehand
Maybe but I'm still disappointed,my heart is aching at this point lol.
t seems Oda want to educate male reader and tell us that a man shouldn't hit a woman.
Not really. The story starts with Luffy bitch slapping Alvida and Luffy is the closest thing to what Oda wants his readers to take from the story

I think this thing just exists for a variance of opinions. Like Luffy Zoro and Sanji have to have differences and Oda just chose this as one of them for the sake. Luffy punches women all the time, Zoro would cut a woman but Oda won’t ever let him do that and Sanji doesn’t do shit.

It’s just Oda trying to create variance. There’s no special message here
Wanna bet? Brook is probably going to get Sanji out of there because Sanji is "defeated" like it was in Enies Lobby. Or Robin would say that she will take Maria 1on1. The Strawhats are not going to have a 2vs1 fights.
Sure, you are losing this bet though lol. If he wanted Brook to take over Jinbe's, he wouldn't have left him here with Robin
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