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Jinbe is a monster, if WsW can push him to extrem high diff you know what this overall mean. First Jinbe is in same league as Doflamingo, second between the flyers would be a gap with WsW beeing more close to the calamity then to the other flyers like Ulti/Pageone. In that case Doffy is placed as YC3-3.5 and WsW is right the next.

Going be interesting to see how Sanji deal with Jack who is stronger then Doffy. The last time Sanji lose badly against such opponent but now he should be far stronger with even having the RS. Let see how he handle Jack soon.

Jack=>/Doflamingo=>Jinbe=>WsW/Gap/ Sasaki and the other flyers.
bro don't confuse league with strength hierarchy.. jimbe cant out perform doffy with gear 4
bro don't confuse league with strength hierarchy.. jimbe cant out perform doffy with gear 4
Why not,Jinbe block a Magma punch of Akainu and Big mom sword attack. Both of these have probably similar AP as Boundman if not better. Jinbe is kinda underated here with is wrong. He call G2 trash similar as what Doffy said. He is a monster on his own. Ofc he could lose to G4 but not that easy. He is close in pl to Doffy.
I thought the same, lol. Made some comments on Sanji vs Jack before looking at the spoilers and after looking it at them, I can't understand why people have become so sure of Sanji vs Jack, lol. I mean, that's just grasping at straws.

But dnt Sanji fan grasp at straw all the time tho? Sanji vs King after hes gets embarrassed by King, Sanji is going to fight Kaido, etc. lol Sanji is probably the closet to Jack, its not a reach.
But that doesn't answer the question. How does Hardness equate to length of time haki can be used?

Katakuri and Luffy both have Future Sight. Do you think Luffy is yet at the level where he can use it consistently for 11+ hours like Katakuri can?
future sight is just a technique, much like gear 4 it expends haki at a much faster rate so you can use it as long as you have haki left.
Are you not familiar how PUs work in battle shounen manga? It can be explained like in Naruto (b4 the war arc), HxH... or like FT. And no, only because a character shows a new PU when he struggles with something, doesn't mean it's an asspull as long as it is logical within the story.
If a character struggles for 12 hours, and just on the very last part of the fight he decides to show a power that he has been hidding for hundreds of chapters and by some coincidence of destiny that transformation is precisely what he needs to beat this specific villain , that is a classic asspull right there the author just did, and this is what we are arguing about here. Gear's transformations make absolutely no sense and Oda just keeps pilling them over everytime Luffy struggles for HOURS with the same stupid flashback saying he fought monsters in the wild.

Oda just keeps adding new transformations because he knows people get exited over them, thats why Akira Toriyama didnt stop adding new hair styles for his super sayians up until now. Remenber when there was no need for stupid transformations in one piece? yet you could clearly see the characters getting stronger? That was much better.

BTW, "dumb" is not a bad word, soo chill out with your language filter captain america.
If a character struggles for 12 hours, and just on the very last part of the fight he decides to show a power that he has been hidding for hundreds of chapters and by some coincidence of destiny that transformation is precisely what he needs to beat this specific villain , that is a classic asspull right there the author just did, and this is what we are arguing about here. Gear's transformations make absolutely no sense and Oda just keeps pilling them over everytime Luffy struggles for HOURS with the same stupid flashback saying he fought monsters in the wild.

Oda just keeps adding new transformations because he knows people get exited over them, thats why Akira Toriyama didnt stop adding new hair styles for his super sayians up until now. Remenber when there was no need for stupid transformations in one piece? yet you could clearly see the characters getting stronger? That was much better.

BTW, "dumb" is not a bad word, soo chill out with your language filter captain america.
Everything about DF is an asspull if you think about it
Beckman debunked this and said both of them weren't good enough to be warlords in the novel.

I was talking about this scene
ah apologies
I thought of perospero instead of oven

its not a matter of couldnt do anything
its that he didnt .

cases where he did on a stronger opponent in katakuri.

"Beckman debunked this and said both of them weren't good enough to be warlords in the novel."

I cant recall , might need you to provide the quote. assuming you are right
he certainly is at this point in time
and most warlords would rank around the general vicinity of a yonko commander. Moriah clearly wasnt and thats why he had to go.

Blother Fertitta

Real Ni**er Blother
only 2 of the same snots including you keep liking eachother... just to support your humour... sad...literally and figuratively
You’re not answering our questions. Did you say Sanji mid difs Jack yes or no? Own that shit my g, whether it sounds stupid or not. But don’t point the finger at someone else for calling you out
But dnt Sanji fan grasp at straw all the time tho? Sanji vs King after hes gets embarrassed by King, Sanji is going to fight Kaido, etc. lol Sanji is probably the closet to Jack, its not a reach.
We know for a fact though Queen has an unfinished mystery that ties him and Judge together. This requires Sanji and Queen to interact, which by that point probably is solidifying their fight. Though its possible with Jack too. As @Gol D Roger said earlier, Sanji fighting Jack actually has some level of merit due to there being a form of debt to Pedro and the Minks.

Personally I don't see how Sanji (who may or may not be unconscious right now like he was with Kalifa) will recover and have enough time to make it to Jack. Mystery 10th person will probably have something to do with stalling Jack though, anyhow.
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