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Formerly Seth

Yeah it just kills tension in this war because of this.
The Gifters are already a big deception because they're nothing more than a bunch of laughing stock when they were supposed to be something like an undefeatable army.
If, on top that, they all get neg-diffed by a 8 y.o. girl ...

I understand that her ability is a huge advantage for the Alliance to win this war.
But Oda intentionally created this ability to deal with the great numbers of Gifters even though Sanji was already here !
I mean, with his RS and his brillant tactical moves, Sanji could have perfectly dealt with it too.
This is why I don't care about under roof anymore.

I had some faith in Calamities but lost it real quick. There is no tension and realism under the roof.

Even on the roof. If Oda was realistic with his portrayal, someone like Kaido could just dominate the Alliance alone before the dinner.

But this manga is just not realistic any more.

If Oda wants to go for this bullshit why he just doesn't stick to family-friendly sailing on the ship.


Talent is something you make bloom.
Morj does make solid arguments about why Wano can't end yet and the plotlines that are yet to be adressed. The issue is that he puts too much faith in Oda's ability to adress them all
Imagine thinking Oda is the same author he was 15 years ago.
Foolish mortal.

Oh shit, I forgot I have to be nice to Oda for at least 1 more chapter.
Oda-senpai knows best.
Zoro is highlighted with other novas fighting two Emperors, Sanji being retarded not defending himself, gets his ass beat and is about to fight a very nerfed Jack :cantseeme:
hmmm kaido fought nine ppl got injure and then went on to fight 5 ppl tank everything again got injure but ppl praise the 5 for doing wat again lol
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Jack has the best feats / build up out of the calamities

> Singlehandily erased the Zou civilization
> Crippled the minks leaders for life
> Survived a confrontation with an Admiral + fleet Admiral and still have enough strength to come back to Zou and survive a country lvl attack
> Defeated an entire sulong mink army(when 2 lower level mink could fight / defeat Perospero), with Sulong Inu / Neko ultimately defeating him while weakened

And he is by far the youngest calamity as well(28years old), so likely with more potential
Yh I dont know y ppl down playing jack
This is why I don't care about under roof anymore.

I had some faith in Calamities but lost it real quick. There is no tension and realism under the roof.

Even on the roof. If Oda was realistic with his portrayal, someone like Kaido could just dominate the Alliance alone before the dinner.

But this manga is just not realistic any more.

If Oda wants to go for this bullshit why he just doesn't stick to family-friendly sailing on the ship.
OP has never been realistic what are you talking about.
At some point you people gotta realize OP is still part silly shonen at it's core and has always had dumb plot points, asspull powerups and mainly emotional conflict.
Like seriously when has OP not been like this aside from like, Marineford, an arc that was supposed to be a tragedy (but even then had panels dedicated to Buggy).

Formerly Seth

OP has never been realistic what are you talking about.
At some point you people gotta realize OP is still part silly shonen at it's core and has always had dumb plot points, asspull powerups and mainly emotional conflict.
Like seriously when has OP not been like this aside from like, Marineford, an arc that was supposed to be a tragedy.
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OP has never been realistic what are you talking about.
At some point you people gotta realize OP is still part silly shonen at it's core and has always had dumb plot points, asspull powerups and mainly emotional conflict.
Like seriously when has OP not been like this aside from like, Marineford, an arc that was supposed to be a tragedy (and even then had lots of panels dedicated to Buggy's side plot).
I would disagree with this. Maybe not to some unimaginable extent but pre-time skip One Piece had way more tension, drama, and realism than post-time skip. Ofc it was still One Piece but it had something that made it more dramatic and shit.

To reply to this quote of yours I copy and pasted from a different reply (if the quote was changed, lmk)

"And so isn't Zoro, so why would Zoro outshine Luffy this arc."

To make this argument, you can make a similar argument Usopp outshined Luffy in Dressrosa, that he played a bigger role than Luffy did even though he did not defeat Doflamingo
Because its fucking Zoro

He's already outshined Luffy in Thriller Bark, Whiskey Peak, Skypea, Baratie
He literally did not and never does. Stop. He had a defining moment in TB because he's an amazing character with respect to the stories themes. That was a signficant turning point for Zoro and it still defines his dedication to Luffy. But thats what it is, DEDICATION TO LUFFY.

And Oda loves Luffy more than any other character, quite marred by the fact on how much he dedicates 10s of chapters to his fights over anyone else's.

I'm a zoro fan through and through, but you blind fanboys need to learn when to give up. Its been 14 years since that TB moment with Kuma.
I see as impossible sanji Fighting king. He wont fight a character where his main weapon and atacks come from a sword.

Queen does have swords but is not his main thing , he didint even use It against a yonko. He fight styles is way more than that.

I see sanji Fighting Queen and maybe even P1 before. Maybe having a Clash with jack too that i think Will fight Yamato since theres nothing left for her to shine against in a 1v1 fight, and shes huge as well and have a weapon that can have a great dueal againts Jacks weapons .

Lets see.
He literally did not and never does. Stop. He had a defining moment in TB because he's an amazing character with respect to the stories themes. That was a signficant turning point for Zoro and it still defines his dedication to Luffy. But thats what it is, DEDICATION TO LUFFY.

And Oda loves Luffy more than any other character, quite marred by the fact on how much he dedicates 10s of chapters to his fights over anyone else's.

I'm a zoro fan through and through, but you blind fanboys need to learn when to give up. Its been 14 years since that TB moment with Kuma.
Lmao Luffy was a sack of shit in Thriller Bark, Zoro did more damage to Oars than Luffy did, literally carried the entire straw hats, gave Brook his shadow, the main reason why they even came to Thriller Bark, got a new sword, was literally involved in every plot point.

Skypea Luffy literally spent most of arc fucking around inside a snake's body until he came out to defeat Enel with Plot Armor

Whiskey Peak and Baratie its not even competition.
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if they are stupid enough to get in reach of his sword
So they have to be on a different planet than Mihawk?
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