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Welcome to the House of Hope

*Jack is rampaging through the castle, even regenerated his freaking tusk, like nothing happenned*.

Yall REALLY don't wanna accept the "ancient zoans are extremely durable and have good regeneration" dozens of lines Oda has thrown during this manga, right?
tsc tsc.
Apoo is quite impressing yes. But he just got his little respect-punch by Kid for his doing. I just cant like that snitch. :D
Maybe he can kiss Kids feet to join the Crew as slave.
Apoo deserved that, the fact that Kidd then skipped him and went for Kaido says everything. Kidd and Apoo are words apart both strenght wise and character wise.
Still deserves respect for his combat skills tho


And he's just a candidate for F6. Now I once again made sure that Kidd and Law are the maximum level of F6
You're embarassing yourself
If he called Franky to the scene, he definitely would not say "thank you Sanji, for believing i can actually do something to help you in this predicament you find yourself in"
Well yeah I suppose this is just uncharacteristic for anyone to say really. Including the women. Like who cares if Sanji called for help. It isn’t a big deal that Robin should care that Sanji called her specifically.

That line seems to be for the audience. Like it’s Oda using Robin to acknowledge that women are generally not battle focused combatants and he’s having Robin make it a big deal for the audience yet in the story it wouldn’t matter. Like do we know whether Robin has some reservations about combat so that it would be a big deal to her if someone trusted her with a combat situation? No. Robin has always seemed pretty confident in her abilities.

So this line doesn’t work for Franky the same way it doesn’t work for Robin. It seems entirely for the audience
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