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Great chapter overall, the spoiler kinda where not like the chapter himself, showing we need first wait to see the whole chapter to judge.
@Jo_Ndule what I calling? Sanji vs Jack going to happen, the question is more how it end, I didn´t see Queen so I can see this scenario:
Sanji vs Jack with Jack having the upperhand(hype increase)>Yamato step in
Sanji get healed and fight Queen who want Chopper head

Overall happy to see WsW giving Jinbe hardtime.^^
@Hanzo hattori Awakenend WsW>Hybird WsW=Awakenend Doflamingo..

The RS could still finshing a Tobi roppo with increase their hype, overall Jack meant it in team, not 1on1 fights.
Also Calamiity hype increase with Jack and King showing up for this chapter and reveal some great stuff for next chapters.
I agree with someone post, if this was Dresserosa Sasaki and Apoo would be already done, at least looking how pathetic Diamanta,Pica and Trebol where, outside of Doffy and Vergo his whole crew was glasscanon...


Of course, Marco manhandles every single charlotte kid in a one-on-one. The only thing this chapter may change is proving that King is also capable of doing the same. Not that Oda already made it pretty obvious when he almost killed the entire crew just to hype King lmao.Transforming specific parts of the body isn't considered a full-fledged hybrid form. Hybrid is when you retain the qualities of your zoan while you're in human form. This isn't Marco's hybrid form lmao.
I answered that, do I need to bold it too?

YOU SAID: "Transforming specific parts of the body is not hybrid", it is hybrid, and I have already told you why.

In fact, what proof do you have to suppose that it is not the complete MARCOS hybrid?
As long as he does not demonstrate another different way and with more zoan characteristics while remaining with some human details, we will consider his complete hybrid as demonstrated in the chapter.


Welcome to the House of Hope
Then just tell me what happens to Marco, give me an alternative, becauseno one is giving a good answer or option for Marco to stop fighting King and for Sanji to take over.

His healing would make things worse for Zoro and Luffy, nobody on Onigashima can even clash and last against Marco besides King, Big Mom and Kaido, if Marco stops fighting King, King will kill a lot of people, and there's two other YC (Queen and Jack) free around here without being controlled, so instead of saying Sanji will fight either of those, Sanji fans are still on the Sanji vs King fight for some reason.
Queen goes for Chopper.
Drake is busy with Appo.
Marco has to leave King alone and deal with Queen. He starts getting overwhelmed because these 2 foes are too much for him alone to handle.
Something like that.
So we really are heading for a Sanji vs Jack :wonderland:

On the other hand, i wonder where Queen is(couldn't see him in the images we got thus far), so could depend on his location as well as intention(he wants to kill Drake after all), and with Yamato discovered, she'd probably end up getting her fight soon as well

On the other hand, with the plot resolving around the fact that no tobi roppo member could be a match for the scabbards, even while half dead, it only leads to potentially a calamity being around the area, with Jack heading that way, King being busy with Marco, but with Queen's wherabout being unknown(still engaged with King against Marco ? Heading for Drake or left it to Apoo? Or heading to kill the scabbards himself ?)

In either case, Jack or Queen are the only possible match-ups left for Sanji

Lol Oda is probably dying to draw this

He will probably fight Jack, but only to push him away from the Scabbards.

There's 0% chance Sanji is fighting someone other than Queen as his end of the arc opponent :specialmeh:
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