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Your interpretation isnt more canon than Odas directly writings. Deal with it.
I dont even need to explain it. Oda has, in panel, showed Kaido in pain. He did damage. If you headcanon can accept it or not doesnt matter.
Okay it’s not headcanon that. Kong organ body slam did not hurt Kaido and it’s repeated over and over that you have to ignore Kaido’s durability to hurt.

That’s also not headcanon. That’s in the story.

So since you say you care about the story. I will take this. I hope you are unbiased too.


Talent is something you make bloom.
Queen already left apperently, only King is here, and Marco didn't go after Queen.

Drake is busy with Apoo? isn't Apoo already out of it? dude got knocked out twice. He is only down there because Zoro told him to keep shit down there under control.

Queen isn't going after Chopper, if he is, Chopper is fucked.

And by your own argument, King is a lost of potiential being defeated by a Non-SH, but Queen can be defeated by Marco? what is this?

People use this argument of "the new generation has to take down the officers" or "King can't be defeated by someone who isn't important", but Queen can? it just seems like such an obvious bias that you guys want Sanji vs King only, not the other two, to the point you use your arguments against King fighting Marco, but then those arguments are thrown away for Queen and Jack.
Never said Queen was getting defeated by Marco.
He gets overwhelmed and temporarily defeated. Then you have 2 Calamities who are free to roam and starting wreaking the alliance.
Need 2 people to fight them.

Keep going. Your desperation is fun.
You have no idea how Kid can defeat Law. When Law cut such a big mountain so easily. What does he care about Kidd's metal? Can't he cut his metal? Aghahha. Clown. And Law is even more faster than Punk Rotten. You fans of Kidd have no idea how to defeat Kidd someone, so you are dumb.


You misread the comment, my guy. It's for people like you that I made sure to mention the bolded part and even went through the trouble of explaining it in brief. The true human-beast form for any given Zoan user is when they get to keep their devil's fruit qualities in human-like shape. How'd you call it complete Hybrid when most of Marco's body is human? Marco is technically in a hybrid form as he has both human and beast-like qualities but is this the same as the complete hybrid form i.e., the strongest form of Zoan users? No. That's what I was talking about.

MARCOS has always looked at them that way, which automatically confirms that it is his strongest form and his hybrid, and as I answered, transforming certain parts of the body into ZOAN characteristics is called HYBRID, you are exchanging a human member for a member animal, Claws and WINGS, and thanks to that MARCOS is gaining the ability to FLY, a human has managed to fly gaining wings from his ZOAN, this is a hybrid of human and anima, the same with his feet, has gained claws.

Marcos never showed any form other than this, even fighting the strongest layers of VERSO.
you are losing here.

When he demonstrates otherwise, call me.
To assume that this is the incomplete hybrid of MARCOS is guesswork.


Heavy Metal
It's rare to see members talk this way against moderators. Is it always like this here?
Mostly its just the Zoro fandom.
Long time i was kinda annoyed by this lack of respect, assuming how much work we put in here for getting exactly nothing out of it, we do it for good will. But at some point, you realize they are just trolling 14 years old. I cant take them serious since a long time. So sometimes clowning them does it for me. So dont worry about them. :)

We have also alot of good users which arent that way, with them i have really good and interesting discussions.
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