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If Sanji is saying he doesn’t want to use armament haki because of fear it might inflict harm on Black Maria I’d call BS on that. His CoA has never been highlighted to be that strong that just using it for defense would bring about such a result vs someone of Black Maria’s caliber. Though the other translations don’t sound good lol.
Franky vs Sasaki, is that an official match up or nah?
Of course it is. They’ve been in on it for a good 2-3 chapters.
Oda's own statement in the SBS: "In other words, when Luffy is alone, his reaction is what it was with Hancock. He's interested, but he's not entranced by her. But when he's with Usopp, who's the same age, it's like a kid on a school trip: his bad side comes out!!"

He's interested. Luffy would hit it, he just ain't gonna hype over it. Nothing proves he's asexual, lol.
Eh interested can mean a lot of things
then we were wrong all this time sanji <= black maria, that's explain why he can't run away right?..

yes chivalrous doesn't mean you cant ask for women's help, but is there any chivalrous guy asking women to fight in his place?
Well considering Sanji won't ever hit a women even if that is his only way to escape yeah maria would be stronger than him lol
Her not being fodder , having traps and being inside make it that much harder for Sanji to run ( which it seem like he could not )
An Admiral who can't even scratch Sakazuki while sneak attacking him.
An Admiral who can't save Curiel from getting burnt down while fighting 16 VS 1 injured Admiral
Yea sure :milaugh:

Kidd is gonna shut haters up

Marco wank going down

:milaugh:since they cant believe Marco is weak "king is strong as admirals, stronger than Katakuri too"

Soon Zoro will be eating the dust

This raid will be memorable
Databook> You two and your fanfics. Marco is admiral level :myman:


Yeah Yamato fight Jack and defeat him probably mid diff Jack, consider Jack just recovered, so that Yamato can fight Kaido along with the other SN.
I have a wild theory for Sanji vs King to happen giving a hope to any Sanji vs King Stan, that is Marco will try to stop the floating Onigashima from killing people in the capital, King gonna try to stop Marco but Sanji intercept him after saving Red Scabbard. Just a wild guess that not gonna happen, because I always wrong lol
If anyone is going to stop the island from falling, it's going to be:

Law, Luffy, Momonosuke or Fujitora
Zoro vs Apoo 1v1 is extreme diff W for Zoro
Killer vs Apoo 1v1 is high diff W for Killer
Come at me

Both zoro and Hybrid Drake struggled to beat Base Apoo
They won mid diff.
Let's not get back into this BS all over again. I don't care that Apoo returning because he was healed by Marco.

Zoro blitzed and dropped him with a none name attack. Zoro move was so fast Apoo didn't even see his movement and it was a frontal attack.
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