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Sanji: Wait!!...I don't wanna hurt a lady
Sanji: So I can't protect myself with armament


Sanji armament weak My ass

jinbei use his armament to defend against flying six

Sanji refuse to use armament because he will hurt flying six because it’s too strong

You really should wait on the translations


Talent is something you make bloom.
No, the correct reponse is still "why didn't Sanji just leave after being able to save himself from the first webs and defeat all male subordinates?"

And don't give me "he couldn't because all exists were covered in webs", he could just kick a hole in the fucking wall and leave. Raid Suit invisibility + his speed + boosters should allowed him to leave.
Ask Oda, buddy.
I'm not the one coming up with the PIS to make the narrative "work".
In the end, we work with what we got.
No, the correct reponse is still "why didn't Sanji just leave after being able to save himself from the first webs and defeat all male subordinates?"

And don't give me "he couldn't because all exists were covered in webs", he could just kick a hole in the fucking wall and leave. Raid Suit invisibility + his speed + boosters should allowed him to leave.
The same reason why Luffy didn't use G4 and fly to the roof to fight Kaido with 9 scabbards
the same reason why 8yr old girl Toko was faster than Zoro and Brook
The same reason Hiyori outran Killer while carrying Toko

Oda's shit writing. But at least with Sanji, he was didn't fight back against Flying 6 Black Maria
you know, the person just bellow calamities?
If you think she can't at least capture a person that doesn't fight back, that's whack.
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