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Talent is something you make bloom.
I'm not the one trying to shove some agenda of "there is only one kind of good power up".
I'm not the biggest RS fan, but it is here now.
Same with Enma.
Sanji is not Zoro. He doesn't need a power up that works the same way for Zoro.
They are different, but both are meant to make the 2 of them stronger.
You are not forced to like any of them, but trying to pin this "Enma is a better power up than cheap RS" it's a totally personal thing, and it's just idiotic trying to make it like some kind of universal truth.
"what if they have gotten these power ups in the past?"
Then Oda would have come up with a way to make both of them use these items at the time. The story would have remained largely the same. :P
Actually between Sanji and Zoro in relation to their individual PU, Zoro's character is the one hurt the most. Nothing else scream character regression louder than using a PU that's possessed by someone else's personal power (Oden's Haki/Spirit/Soul etc) while the guy's dream is to become the WSS on his own merit.

F*ck Enma and Oden for doing that to Zoro. Eventhough I'm not a huge fan of the RS at least it's just a tool/weapon that's possession free.
Both are bad, but in case of Enma it's just bad, while the raid suit ruins Sanji's character.


She was going to fight with enemy already, lol. Did you not see her and Brook coming in chapters ago? Whether Sanji ask for help or not wouldn't matter. She not weak woman and it's insulting you think Robin wouldn't do nothing in this arc. Troll headcannons are amazing to see :gokulaugh:.
they were fighting some weaker randoms sure, but now they have to fight the much strong BM since sanji asked them to so he could run away
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