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For the law, depending on the case, yes, it means exactly that.
Judge practiced parental abandonment. In the real world, depending on the laws of where you live, he would have no claim whatsoever on any kind of parenthood regarding Sanji, especially when Sanji is not a minor and is legally capable for himself.
Real world is fun, isn't it?
the law doesn't matter here sanji and judge were not signing a paper also sanji is a pirate he doesn't follow laws,judge is his father that's a fact
Nope Caeser said it. Dude who invented it

And Franky used a lazor not physical force. The door argument will always be a pathetic argument for it desperate attempt to downplay Sanji's strength. Atleast be factual when hating on Sanji. Using shit like this is sad.
What does it matter who said it?

People called Kaido’s scales impenetrable, Zoro still cuts it while Sanji can’t break a door. His CoA is pathetic. Him saying that it would hurt BM doesn’t mean shit.
So about what could happen with Sanji.. He is going to Kinemin&company and that means Jack then we saw King busy fighting with Marco and that puts him out of the equation (at elast for now) yet we haven't seen Queen fighting Marco and that means he is somewhere else, logic suggests he would go for Chopper yet imo Queen was made for Sanji so maube he bumps in Queen midway while the minks have their rematch with Jack (or he gets offpaneled by the mysterious silouette, after all Jack is the, try hard, L man and is already injured).
oh ok, my bad but nex time don't be salty to people asking
Is just that this is not the first time me and others who support Kidd/Killer are pointed as 'undercover Sanji fans'
Like wtf?
Is anybody who doesn't have Zoro as favourite a 'secret Sanji fan' now?
I like all SNs (especially) and SHs, so I don't tolerate to be described the way you did


Welcome to the House of Hope
the law doesn't matter here sanji and judge were not signing a paper also sanji is a pirate he doesn't follow laws,judge is his father that's a fact
Dont the One Piece world have laws as well?
Who knows what it says.
We can apply the real world logic in this case, if it doesn't contradict anything.
That's how fiction works.


I will defend him because he is my favourite character and he didnt look bad at all this chapter. People love to overexaggerate.
I mean there’s really nothing to defend. Sanji did look bad, that’s not even really up for discussion. You don’t write a character like that just to move the plot towards a certain direction when said end goal could have been reached numerous ways. Yeah the power scaling optics be exaggerating things here and there but it’s all jokes for now anyways, he’s gonna get his moments vs Jack/whoever else, that much is certain or it atleast should be.
Is just that this is not the first time me and others who support Kidd/Killer are pointed as 'undercover Sanji fans'
Like wtf?
Is anybody who doesn't have Zoro as favourite a 'secret Sanji fan' now?
I like all SNs (especially) and SHs, so I don't tolerate to be described the way you did
hey whats you talking about, i just asking some guy that are you one of them who in disguise.. like i said no need to be salty all i do is asking and nothing wrong with that..
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