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Jack really is a beast, since we met him he tried to rescue Doflamingo assaulting a Navy fleet with Sengoku and Fujitora. Survived it.
Attacked Zou, kept for 5 days of fighting in a 2v1 while the Dukes had 12 hours turns each, then stopped the shit using the gas.
Took an arm from Neko and a leg from Inu.
Survived when Zunisha swinged the shit out of his fleet. Zunisha.
Fought Ashura fairly in his base.
In Onigashima, was the first Calamity to get into action effectively by reaching the rooftop and guarding Kaido.
Fought the totality of the Sulong Minks Army with only a Number and some Gifters as support. Endured all the shit and beated the ass of all the Army, forcing the Sulong Dukes to intervene.
Was taken down and sent to rest by Kaido.
Now he's back, with his tusk reattached and some bandages on his body, heading straight for the Scabbards location.
A true Calamity.
"The Drought"
even in defeat, he still wins :myman:.
> Tobiroppo called out to be incapable to handle even half dead scabbards
> Drake still struggling against a Apoo who was already weakened from Zoro's attack

Tobiroppo(ex) members can't catch a break this chapter :josad:
Zoro was smart when he attacked Apoo while he was fighting Drake, I don't know Zoro would handle Apoo solo. No emma.
The man was literally shaking and struggling to get back up when Drake went full dinosaur mode and bit him. No such thing as "perfectly fine". He got knocked down, bled like a pig and his tonfa got broken.
that guy is the same kind of person who says "Sanji hurt P1" even though P1 didnt feel anything LMAO, they are reading two piece. They dont even have the basic understanding to see when a character is struggling to get up and not.
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