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Sword and Admiral: The End of an Era

Alright my guys, so this is going to be a gargantuan post. If you don't stick around to the end, I completely understand lmfao.

To get the most important thing out of the way first: I think that now is finally the time to put an end to the Sword and Admiral Memega. I do this with a heavy heart, as I have had so much fun making this Memega, and I've gotten so many good laughs and such out of it, but I do think that this is the right time to do things. I'm going to explain why now is the time to call it quits, and then I'm going to do what I promised you all what I would do, and drop a massive plot synopsis of the future actions and jokes and such. It's not going to be as funny as it would be in memega format, but at least this way I can provide you guys with some form of final closure and not leave you hanging lol.

Okay, so let's get into it:

Nani???? Why End the Memega Now??!!

There are a few different reasons. First and foremost:

1. The Passing of Divvens

I never really spoke to Divvens back on OJ, and he was not someone that I knew very much about. That said, with his passing, I do not think I can in good conscious continue to go on writing a joke series about him, even if the jokes are in lighthearted fun. When I included any users as "characters" in Sword and Admiral, it was never my intention to make fun of them in a malicious way. Sure there were some lighthearted pokes and such, but I also made fun of myself and my "clique" of friends so that people knew that it was all in good fun. It was never my intention to maliciously make fun of any users that I included in Sword and Admiral, and the fact that I made fun of myself on numerous occasions in the series substantiates that idea.

That said, even if the jokes are in lighthearted fun, I do not think I can justify the notion of continuing to make fun of a user who has passed away. I did not know Divvens, but like I said in the past, I wish his family and friends nothing but the best and I would never wish that situation on anybody, even users that I regularly disagree with. At the end of the day, we are all One Piece fans on some level, and even my sworn enemies such as @Red Admiral , @Jo_Ndule , @Seraphoenix , etc...I would never wish you guys irl harm or that anything bad to ever befall you or the people close to you. And it just feels like really poor taste to continue making fun of any users in that situation.

"Why not continue the Memega anyway, and just write Divvens out of the story?"

The problem with this is that Divvens was fundamentally tied to the future plot of S&A. As you guys will see in more detail in part 2 of this post, Divvens was essentially going to be one of two final "villains" of S&A, the other being @Chrono . The story I was writing was specifically designed with him in mind, and it would feel just as tasteless to me to just write Divvens out of the story and substitute someone else in his place. So I hope you guys can understand why I'm making this decision.

2. IRL obligations

All good obligations, fortunately. Many of you already know that the wife and I recently had a baby, and at the same time I am also stepping into a more advanced role at my work that is going to have more responsibility entailed, and we are also relocating. So there's ultimately just a lot of shit going on irl lol. Sword and Admiral just took up such an enormous amount of time that I simply don't have anymore. I have a personal deal that I've made with myself, that if I ever give up something I enjoy in life, it won't be because I was forced to give it up for a bunch of stuff I don't want to do, it'll be because I've just got better things going on and I want to spend more time working on those.

Well, welcome to S&A. I love this series dearly, but I've got too many other things going on that I want to devote my attention to, and I just don't have much time to write a Memega anymore.

3. Waiting too damn long on One Punch Man

This is a more minor reason, but I needed certain One Punch Man panels before we continued into the final arc with Shuyaku and the Zoro fandom, but Murata and One are just taking so damn long that at this point it could realistically be another 3-4 years before we finally get the panels I need for memeing purposes. And I never intended for S&A to go on for even one year, let alone freaking 5 lol. This must be how other Mangaka feel when their series' blow up in popularity :catsure: Okay no but seriously, it may be a long time before I would've been physically able to finish the Memega's plot lol.

So I hope you guys understand the reasons above, and I want to take one last minute to thank all of you so much for supporting the Memega! If it weren't for all the laughs and positivity that you guys showed for the series, I wouldn't have done this shit for 21 Chapters and literally hundreds of edited Manga pages lol. So from the bottom of my evil little Admiral heart, thank you all very, very, very much.

Okay! So let's get into the fun stuff

I present the final plot synopsis for Sword and Admiral (and apologize in advance for the gargantuan text wall)

Plot Synopsis (Part 1)
I'll have to do this in two different posts because of the character limit
Chapter 22 is called "Roots"

At the beginning of Chapter 22, we cut to the Udon Prison which is currently being raided by the Zoro Fandom. The prison is populated with monstrous creatures who have received "sentences" depending on the severity of their crimes against the forum. The prison was originally constructed as a place where the Moderators could "rehabilitate" problem users, but due to the extreme power and influence of the Zoro Fandom, the prison quickly and secretly turned into a sentencing ground for any and all Zoro downplayers, meaning that all of the prisoners are vicious Zoro haters. On top of this, the fact that the original purpose of the prison was "corrupted" by Zoro fans, means that all of the prisoners are rabid with Zoro hate and are hellbent on destroying the Zoro Fandom once and for all.

TheAncientCenturion @LuthonTheDragDown had immediately set his sites on Udon right from the start of his plan, knowing all of the pent up hatred for Zoro and his fans that lie dormant right beneath the Zoro fandom's feet. When he first treked down into Udon, he was shocked to discover that all of it's residents had been transformed into vicious monsters as a result of how strong their own hatred for Zoro was. Through unspeakable means, Luthon was able to discover the secret behind "monsterfication", and was able to devise means to turn other users into monsters even they themselves were not Zoro haters. This is why characters like @Jiihad and @ZenZu appear to be monsters as well despite them not being Zoro haters. Jiihad agreed to help TAC out of a desire to tame these lil Zoro bihs, and ZenZu was a figure that TAC revived from the dead when WorstGen was created, Edo'd to serve his own wishes, and monsterfied in order to make him even stronger than he was back on Oro Jackson.

Speaking of ZenZu, we need to talk about him a bit because his backstory is directly tied to the final story of S&A. It's been said that ZenZu had amassed the most powerful crew in OJ/WG history, but it hasn't been clarified what this exactly means yet. So, ZenZu is almost like the "Rox" of Sword and Admiral. Every powerful "old era" figure on WorstGen was a member of ZenZu's crew back during the early days of the Oro Jackson. Figures like @Bogard , @Celestial D. Dragon , @dizzy2341 , @Den_Den_Mushi , @Van , @Garp the Fist , @Cinera (Or S1R_L as she was known back then), @Gol D Roger , etc.. All of the old era legends of OJ were directly affiliated with ZenZu's crew. At the height of ZenZu's power, his faction was even more powerful than the Moderators of Oro Jackson. In fact, it was said that ZenZu's faction was so powerful, that they were able to directly alter the course of posting on Oro Jackson.

The Oro Jackson was originally a haven for Sanji fans. If you dared to speak ill of Sanji, you were quickly silenced by the OJ Moderators, and the OJ Mods were able to maintain a culture of Sanji fanaticism in this manner. At first. Then ZenZu and his crew came around, and they were so powerful and their influence was so great, that Oro Jackson was slowly but surely transformed into a Haven for Zoro fans as well. While ZenZu himself was not exclusively a Zoro fan, many of his original crewmates were exclusively Zoro fans. We'll get more into that later. This marked the beginning of the Sanji vs Zoro fan wars not just on OJ/WG, but on all of the internet, because ZenZu and his original crew were able to effect things to such a massive extent. The old Sanji Wank vs the new Zoro Wank. This war has never been settled, even to this day.

Fearing ZenZu and what his crew represented, the OJ moderators enacted a brilliant strategy which tore the ZenZu faction apart: They created the order of "Young Dragons," a prodigious order of Holy Knights of Oro Jackson that defended the forum from any and all evil-doers. The intended purpose of the Young Dragons was to give all users a beacon to aspire towards: Post quality things, and you were made into a "Young Dragon" which showed your prestige to all. However, the insidious truth was that the Young Dragons existed to break up the influence of ZenZu and his crew, and to strengthen the power and influence of the OJ Mods. Many of the members of ZenZu's crew were knighted as Young Dragons with @dizzy2341 as their leader, and the Young Dragons would go on for years to silence any and all wankers who threatened the stability of Oro Jackson.

Tieing all of this back to Udon, ZenZu seemed like the perfect target for TAC to bring to his side: The user who ultimately represented the beginning of Zoro Wank on the internet, turned into the single greatest weapon of those who saught to end the Zoro Wank.

But now currently raiding Udon, was the entirety of the Zoro Fandom, come to stop TAC's plan to destroy them. There are many powerful Zoro Wankers present at this raid:

@Fuckthis3 is Pig God from One Punch Man. He consumes everything that he comes across. The joke here is that Fuckthis never wanted to create a shitty ass WorstGen account but had to for spoiler threads. However, after he created his account, this forum was so addicting to him that he turned into a gluttonous devourer of all things WorstGen. He joins the Zoro fans because they are the most powerful faction, and his singular motive is to "consume all"

@nik87 is Amai Mask from One Punch Man. Nik87 aspires to attain one of the Three Great Mosshead seats for himself now that two of it's open positions are vacant. As such, he has proclaimed himself the leader of the Udon raid, and believes that by successfully flushing out TAC and his faction from the prison, he will have achieved a feat worthy of being named as one of the strongest Zoro Wankers there is.

@ZoroGang is FlashyFlash, and yes he still is present in this fucking Memega. Zorogang is so fast that the Mods can't ban him, even though his fellow Zoro fans are quick to point out that his ass shouldn't be in this story anymore.

@Sword God Ryuma is Atomic Samurai, the "Alt of Shishio." He returns to Udon to claim his revenge upon @Albino 👑 who brutally trolled him last time around, and to defeat TAC of course.

@HAJIKATA is Puri Puri Prisoner, who believes that it is his destiny to bed TAC, because he heard from some quality sources that TAC looks like Reiju in real life. As such, he has been training himself for the "World's Most Sensual Bed" for months.

@Den_Den_Mushi is Tatsumaki, and she really doesn't see fit to affiliate with these new Zoro fans, but at the same time she considers it to be her responsibility to defend the Zoro fandom, as the Temple of the Grandmaster is the Bastion of Mihawk Wank upon WorstGen.

@Dark Hound is Super Alloy Darkshine, and he has trained himself to his physical limit in order to attain the physique of Zoro himself. He joins the raid to defend the Temple and the Zoro Wank.

@Gran D. Master is retconned into @Fenaker , who is Child Emperor. A relatively young user who has devoted himself tirelessly to learning the art of wanking Zoro. In spite of his young age, like Nik87, it is his ultimate ambition to attain the rank of Great Mosshead for himself.

@Guan Yu is Bang. He is the founder of the Grandmaster's Temple on Worstgen, which makes him the true leader of the Zoro Fandom. He joins the Zoro Fandom as his heavenly ordained destiny is to defend the Zoro Wank from all who would seek to threaten it.

@Blackbeard is Saitama, the Master of the Meme and head of the Urouge Fandom. He joins the Udon raid on the side of the Zoro fans, as eliminating them would eliminate the Meme and this is something that he cannot allow.

The Zoro fans press on into Udon, initially they are completely unstoppable, and the lesser Zoro haters below cannot hope to stop them, and each of the Wankers was going to get at least a brief fight/scene that expanded on the jokes about them above, but the biggest of the fights was going to be @Blackbeard versus @ZenZu , where we learned more about ZenZu's past and the history of OJ like I posted above. This fight ultimately ends with ZenZu getting Meme'd to death by Blackbeard. During the fight, ZenZu mentions how Blackbeard reminds him of a certain "Dank One" who came before.

As the fight ends, @HAJIKATA accidentally stumbles upon a mysterious Udon Prisoner who has not been corrupted by Zoro hate like the rest of the prisoners. Upon freeing this prisoner, this individual is revealed to be @HexBozaline @Shuyaku who was imprisoned within Udon after ZenZu defeated him. With Shuyaku freed, Chapter 22 ends.

As Chapter 23 begins, we return to the combined forces of the Yonko Fandom (the Win Win Army and Young Dragon Armies respectively), allied with @comrade and his commanders @Zoro D Goat and @Natalija , his own army personally defending the entrance to TAC's ultimate location. Their opponents are the Doflamingo army lead by @sanjikun and his deputies critical mindset and @Veku who are personally targeting Comrade's headquarters. Facing the Win Win Army and the Young Dragons are the combined forces of the Admiral Tard Army lead by @Owl Ki , which consists of the Punk Hazard Army lead by Ivan Zonder, and the Fuji Strike Force lead by @MarineHQ62 . Assisting the Admiral Tards is Sword and Admiral, lead by @King7 and @Cinera the former Great Mosshead.

Chapter 23 is called "The Two Plans"

At the beginning of Chapter 23, both the Yonko Fandom and Admiral Fandom commanders make separate plots to defeat the other. On the side of the Yonko fan army, @Van mentions that TAC has "one final trump card" up his sleeve, and that they will attack the Admiral Fandom in unison with this un-described final tactic in order to crush Sword and Admiral as well as the Admiral Tards both at once. From here, they will set their sights on the Doflamingo Army and crush them with prejudice.

The Admiral Tards have begrudgingly agreed to work with Sword and Admiral in the name of defeating TAC and avenging Admiral Lee. Their plan is two fold: To slay @Rosella.Fiamingo as well as Mega @Erkan12 , which will then allow both armies to bare down on the Young Dragons, who's strength was colossally above what was expected. The plan for this was simple: Ivan Zonder will head out to slay Rosella, while King7 will head out to slay Mega Erkan. Cinera and Silverfire will band together to hold off @Haoshoku , while @Owl Ki and a commander named OukeeDoukee will hold off @Van . OukeeDoukee is an older man who seems to be a heavily experienced veteran. At first King7 suggests sending more forces to hold off Van, but Ivan Zonder informs King7 that OukeeDoukee was Admiral Lee's original mentor, and that his wank was on par with Lee's when he was in his youth.

The fighting begins, and the Sword and Admiral fans plan immediately collapses. When Owl Ki sets off to join OukeeDoukee, his army is attached by an unknown force. An extremely powerful commander strikes Owl Ki from the left, and to Owl Ki's shock, TheAncientCenturion managed to Edo Tensei's Lee's corpse and turn him into an Emperor Wanker, @Emperor Lee Hung (the joke here being when I lost that bet to @KAIDO D. STRONGER and had to wank Kaido). Emperor Lee Hung is Ran Bi Haku from Kingdom, and he engages Owl Ki immediately. Owl Ki internally apologizes to the rest of the Admiral Tards, and remarks that he will not allow TAC to defile Lee's corpse in this manner, and that he must stay behind to put Lee to his final rest.

The rest of the battle proceeds. Rosella engages with Ivan Zonder immediately. Mega Erkan's army makes contact with King7's men while Silverfire and Cinera hold off Haoshoku. However, to the shock of everyone on the battlefield, Van immediately plows through OukeeDoukee's army and goes to double team Ivan Zonder. We flashback to see Lee's mentor facing Van. OukeeDoukee was the original Akainu Wanker of the internet, and he was the one who instructed Lee in the ways of Akainu Wank. Lee would later go on to become the greatest of the Akainu Wankers while OukeeDoukee would serve quietly at his side. However, OukeeDoukee is in complete shock at the strength of Van. Never in all of his decades of wanking Akainu had he seen such terrifying strength before, and no matter what trolling or shitposting he attempted, none of it could even phase Van for a moment. The flashback ends as Van cleaves OukeeDoukee clean in two, with Oukee internally apologizing to Ivan Zonder for his failure.

Van and Rosella both strike Ivan Zonder with their full strength. Ivan Zonder puts up a respectable fight but is ultimately overwhelmed. After taking severe wounds, he is knocked unconscious. Just as Van is about to strike the killing blow, Ivan Zonder is saved by @Beerbottle , a commander of the Admiral Tards and one of the Four Tyrants of Oro Jackson. Beerbottle is not in this memega for any particular reason, he just wants to know how everyone's day is going. He throws Ivan Zonder's unconscious body onto his horse and retreats, remarking that he will not let anyone kill this man until he finds out how Zonder's day is going so far.

This was a colossal defeat for the Admiral fans, and the only thing that could possibly make up for this defeat, was if King7 could somehow defeat Mega Erkan. @Wordyworm is one of S&A's commanders, and she remarks to herself that the chances of King7 defeating Mega Erkan are slim to none. When TAC Edo'd Erkan back to life, the "rage of being one shot" possessed Erkan and morphed him into a more powerful form. He resolved himself to violently slay these Admiral Wanking memes once and for all.

Erkan and his men are utterly destroying King's Admiral Wankers. No matter what the Admiral fans, try, they cannot stop Erkan and his extremely overwhelming power. When the Admiral fans turn to King7 for help, King7 is uncharacteristically quiet, and is looking down on his horse with his eyes closed. The Admiral fans are in shock that King7 seems to have no answer to Erkan's strength. Erkan continues his charge and is owning Admiral fans harder and harder. As Erkan cleaves his way to King7, he remarks that this will make up for him getting trolled by Meme Lee back in Chapter 1. As Erkan charges for King7, spear in hand, King7 does not move an inch and doesn't even look at Erkan. The Admiral fans cry out in terror as Erkan thrusts his spear at King7 and King7 does not respond.

Before Erkan's spear reaches him, King7 opens his eyes. He suddenly has a flashback to watching Admiral Lee slaying Yonko fans with his glaive. King7's grip tightens as he launches himself at Erkan.

Chapter 23 ends with King7 cleaving Mega Erkan in two in one strike, a blow that shocks every member of the Yonko and Admiral Fandoms, and a blow that @Cinera describes as "A blow worthy of a great Wanker"

All good things gotta come to an end but man a synopsis just ain’t sound the same, but it’ll make do. But yo keeping it a buck this meme series was top notch quality entertainment. Got me weak everytime you dropped a chapter, heck the Ndule portion still gets me weak lmao. It was truly some gold you was dropping bro but priorities take precedent over . Wish you the best with your new kid and all.

Figures like @Bogard , @Celestial D. Dragon , @dizzy2341 , @Den_Den_Mushi , @Van , @Garp the Fist , @Cinera (Or S1R_L as she was known back then), @Gol D Roger , etc..
I’m assuming this gotta do with the Pica Pica dance?

Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
Sword and Admiral: The End of an Era (Part 2)

Okay so I'm actually going to have to separate this post into three parts, I thought I could do it in two...Lol

Check out Part 1 of this post if you haven't so far.

Stick around for Part 3, which will mark the culmination of every storyline in Sword and Admiral! In particular, the Jo_Ndule, TAC, and Chrono plotlines.


Chapter 24 is called "the First Wish"

The chapter begins back with the Admiral Tards, S&A, and the Yonko Fans and the Young Dragons. The fighting has not begun, and both armies are facing each others as the commanders contemplate their situations.

On the Yonko side, the remaining commanders seem fairly self-assured. The loss of Mega Erkan was a huge blow to the combined armies, but nothing that they cannot recover from. The combined strength of Van, Rosella and Haoshoku still represent the majority of the strength of the Yonko fans. Haoshoku speculates that this will be the final day of fighting, as the Admiral fans will not be able to recover from the loss of Ivan Zonder.

On the Admiral side, the situation has become catastrophic now that Ivan Zonder has been removed from the battle. Without him to lead the Punk Hazard army, it will only be a matter of time before the Admiral Tards collapse. The situation has become dire, and among all of the members of the Admiral fan army, whispers of doubt start to arise. Rumors quietly begin to spread throughout the men, that maybe the Yonko are in fact stronger than the Admirals after all. The Zoro fans affiliated with Sword and Admiral begin to question their loyalty to the Admiral fans, and begin to wonder if they should just turn tail and leave the Admiral fans to their fate. King7 himself hears this, and we flashback to the night before the current morning.

Wordyworm and Cinera are discussing with King7 how unwinnable the battle has become without someone to lead the army of Admiral fans. Owl Ki and MarineHQ62 will not be able to come to their add due to the emergence of Emperor Lee Hung requiring their full attention. King7 considers the possibility of asking Sanjikun for reinforcements, but Cinera assures him that this would be impossible.

As they continue their discussion, Silverfire approaches them from the Admiral Tard camp. He requests to speak with King7 alone since both of them are Marine fans. With the two of them alone, Silverfire assures King7 that victory has now become impossible. He says that at the rate things are going, Owl Ki will most likely be forced to declare a full retreat, and that if the fighting continues, the Admiral forces will continue to suffer even more grueling losses. He has consulted with the Sengoku fans within his camp as they are tacticians, and there is currently no way for the Admiral fans to reverse their current predicament.

"That is," Silverfire says, "If the Admiral fans were to remain at our current strength. That said, there is one way for us to reverse our current situation, and that is for the Admiral fans to evolve into an entirely new realm of power."

King7 is in shock by this suggestion. "If the Admiral fans could so easily increase their wank to the next level, don't you think we would have done that already??!! How do you suggest we attain this new level of wank??!!"

At this, Silverfire shouts at King7 that he does not know the answer, but if both he and King are unable to find the answer by morning, then the Admiral fans will face a defeat even more crushing than the previous.

We fast forward to the next morning, with each armies at the brink of breaking. Suddenly, King7 steps forward. He begins to address his men, and Silverfire does the same thing with the men of the Admiral Tards.

The emotion and humor will definitely be lessened in synopsis form but bare with me lol. Essentially the speech that each of them give, is a rousing yet also humorous speech about how power level is plot dependant. Things like: "Every Admiral was once a Captain, and every Fleet Admiral was once a chore boy." "Who could've predicted back in 2012 that Big Mom and Kaido would look so horrible against Mid tier characters??? In 2012, the Yonko were Pirate King level, but today, they are barely even top tiers!!" At this, the Admiral and Zoro fans respectively begin to rouse. "And even today, these Yonko fans have the gall to argue that Yonko > Admiral when Kaido couldn't even defeat Oden in a fight??!! When Big Mom and Kaido had to ally together to claim One Piece, when Oda said that Akainu could do it in only one year??!! Oda scales up power levels all the time!! When the Admirals reappear, they will be Pirate King Level!!" and stuff like that. They also remark that the Admiral fandom didn't even exist before Lee, but now they have become a fandom so powerful that they are able to challenge the Yonko fans. "There's no way we will let our wank end here!!!" At this, the Admiral and Zoro fans begin to cheer extremely loudly. This all culminates in a giant double spread page where King7 commands the Admiral fans to surpass their own wank and become Pirate King level just like Akainu. At this, the Admiral fans cry out so loudly that the entire earth shakes.

The Yonko fans feel the force of the Admiral fans cheering, and come to a state of complete shock. The two armies collide, and the Admiral fans blast through the first wave of Yonko forces without any trouble. The Yonko fans try a variety of wanking techniques but the sheer brute power of the Admiral fans has evolved into a realm that no logic can stop. As the Admiral fans charge forward lead by King7 and Silverfire, Haoshoku remarks to himself that he is reminded of the Great Wankers of old looking at these two.

King7 and Silverfire decide to split up and capitalize on the full momentum of the extreme wank of their men. They decide that they must crush the Young Dragons now while their strength is at its height. Silverfire sets out to slay Van, and King7 sets out to slay Haoshoku.

The results of this effort go both ways. On the one hand, Silverfire suffers a brutal defeat. Upon seeing Silverfire's approach, Van remarks that he will use his ultimate technique, a technique invented by he and dizzy2341 that was designed to slay the mightiest wankers on the internet: The Great Balance of Power Prison. This is a technique that focuses on using the Balance of Power within One Piece to tame wankers who push characters to a level that would make the Balance of Power collapse. It involves Van and his most logical group of soldiers surrounding the target and then pummeling them from every angle with panels explaining how the balance of power works and how no character can be pushed outside of this realm of power. Van has used this technique in the past to slay dozens of Wankers and Great Wankers. The result of this technique is that Silverfire is actually able to severely wound Van, putting his spear through Van's right arm, but Van is able to power through the injury and strike Silverfire so severely that his spear breaks in half and Silverfire is instantly knocked unconscious, on the verge of death. With both being injured so badly, their men are able to separate them and both sides retreat for the time being.

On the other hand, King7 is able to reach Haoshoku. As King7 along with his Admiral fans force their way through Haoshoku's Young Dragons, Haoshoku enters a flashback.

In this flashback, he and Van are once again by dizzy2341's side and the time of his transcendence. Dizzy considers the possibility that if there truly is another forum to be created, then the possibility of a Wank War erupting is extremely high. Dizzy tells Van and Haoshoku that they should do everything in their power to end this war in favor of the rational. He tells them that he has two final wishes that he wishes to impart before he transcends.

As Haoshoku remembers this, he suddenly flashes back to the current time, where King7 has made it past all of Haoshoku's guards and now stands before Haoshoku himself. As Haoshoku and King go to clash, dizzy's words are juxtaposed alongside the action: Dizzy's first wish "is that you must brutally crush all of the wankers, even if it costs you your life." Remembering these words, Haoshoku strikes King so brutally that King is bent over backwards on top of his horse. Haoshoku screams with passion and continues to pummel King as hard as he can, and King remarks to himself that Haoshoku is much stronger than he anticipated. Haoshoku continues to pummel King until his eyes go white, but King7 suddenly receives a mental image of Admiral Lee slaying his enemies. At this, King7 begins to fight evenly with Haoshoku, and slowly starts to overwhelm him.

As Haoshoku is overwhelmed, he looks at King7 and sees the image of Lee behind him. "So it's done then," he thinks to himself, "a new great Wanker has emerged to torment Worstgen..." At this realization, he closes his eyes and apologizes to his old master Dizzy as King7 cleaves Haoshoku in two.

The chapter ends with Haoshoku's death.

Chapter 25 is called "The Final Level of Dank"

With Chapter 25, we rejoin the Zoro fans raiding Udon. Shuyaku is now on the loose, and he once again comes across Sade, however this time Sade has been abducted by TAC and mosterfied to serve his wishes. Sade is now Overgrown Rover, and he and Shuyaku have a brief fight that ultimately results in Shuyaku being overwhelmed again, though Sade is no longer to injure Shuyaku as Shuyaku has skyrocketed in power since their last encounter.

We continue into Udon in order to mee more of TAC's monsterfied henchmen. True God Moe is Homeless Emperor, and he is homeless because he is a Sanji Fan whom even the Sanji Fans rejected. When he had no Fandom to call home, he was approached by a "God-like being" who he interpreted as the manifestation of Sanji himself who gave him overwhelming power. We meet Kurwa who is Evil Natural Water, and he and Fenaker have a brief exchange that is mostly just jokes and such lol. Albino and Sword God Ryuma have a brief rematch, where Sword God Ryuma overwhelms him (temporarily), and Nik87 (Amai Mask) and Stealthblack (Fuhror Ugly) were to have a fight as well.

As the Udon Raid continues, Den_Den_Mushi comes face to face with TAC himself (or at least his Alt Account). As Den Den begins to fight TAC's alt, her power is overwhelming and TAC is completely unable to keep up. It is revealed that Den Den was offered the rank of Great Mosshead multiple times in the past when she was one of the Tyrants of Oro Jackson alongside Beerbottle, but she rejected it each time since the title was among the dumbest shit she had ever heard. Den Den quickly realizes that the account she is facing is an alt account (Gyoro Gyoro), and remarks that she will pull the IRL TAC to face her since his alt is just no trouble at all.

At this, Den Den pulls TAC's true IRL form out of his alt account. TAC's IRL form is Psykos from OPM, and this fulfills the plotline about Hajikata hearing that TAC looks like Reiju irl. IRL TAC remarks that he didn't think he would have to dirty his hands with this business himself, and he summons the remains of ZenZu to augment his strength. By merging with ZenZu, IRL TAC's power grows exponentially, and he and Den Den begin a massive battle atop Udon.

.....And this is where things start to get kind of shaky, because I don't actually have the OPM panels I need yet to actually finish the plotline so I don't have things planned so specifically lol. We would get just a bit more motivation from TAC but not too much, Hajikata would get to lay eyes on IRL TAC's true form, Albino was to show up as Golden Sperm and troll anyone since I neg diffed him in Chapter 4 lol, but ultimately, Chapter 25 culminates in Shuyaku attaining his true level of dankness that he has always desired for himself (Monster Garou) and becomes the Dankest of all. With this, Shuyaku is going to overwhelmingly crush all of the Zoro fans as well as IRL TAC, which fulfills Shuyaku's ultimate dream of wanting to meme all over the Zoro fans. Shuyaku's power in this form is approaching Admin level as he even surpasses ZenZu. Kenny Omega and 6ix9ine also show back up, and Shuyaku defeats both of them overwhelmingly.

Ultimately, after Shuyaku overwhelms all of these characters, the Zoro Fandom as well as IRL TAC and his Udon faction have suffered an extreme defeat. Blackbeard shows up in order to send Shuyaku to the next life, while Shuyaku remarks that he does not care what happens to him since his ambition has been attained, and that he can die knowing that his own ending has trhilled him more than whatever bullshit Oda will come up with for Sanji.

NOTE: This does not mark TAC's final appearance lol. TAC still has his by far most important fight to come.

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Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
Sword and Admiral: The End of an Era-The Finale

And now, the finale. This truly feels like the end of an era to me, even though this is happening in synopsis form instead of actual Memega form lol. Without further ado, may I present the conclusion to Sword and Admiral in its entirety. I sincerely hope you guys enjoy this ending, as 90% of this ending has been set in stone from the beginning, and I'm pretty impressed that I was able to tie together most plot threads this well lol.

Anyway, Enjoy :)

Chapter 26 is called "And The Sword Falls"

The Final Day of battle begins between the Admiral and Yonko Armies. The Doflamingo Army yesterday had refrained from attacking due to rumors of the Admiral fans' eminent defeat, but now that the battle is so close, Sanjikun will reassume his attack on Comrade's HQ.

Comrade sends orders to the Win Win Army: with Van wounded, it is no longer clear that Rosella can defeat both the Admiral and Sword fans simultaneously. Instead, Comrade orders Rosella to hit the Doflamingo fandom directly, which will undoubtedly bait S&A and the Admiral Tards into bypassing him and striking Comrade directly. Once Rosella (a Big Mom fan) has neg diffed the Doflamingo fandom commanders, he can turn around and Comrade will sandwich S&A alongside Rosella, which will defeat them once and for all.

The battle starts, and things go exactly as Comrade predicts. Rosella charges Sanjikun directly, and S&A and the Admiral Tards charge Comrade's headquarters directly. The Doflamingo fandom tries a variety of tactics on Rosella, but the raw strength of a top tier big Mom fan was outside of their expectations, and that Doflamingo might not be a top tier after all. Doflamingo fans insist that Sanjikun retreat, but he remarks that there is still a way to prove Doflamingo is top tier, and that is if Sword and Admiral can succeed in their battle, which will turn the tides and give the Doflamingo Army and S&A the overall victory.

As the Admiral Tards push into Comrade's Headquarters, Silverfire and Van once again encounter each other as commanders, both are severely wounded. Before Van engages Silverfire, he flashes back to an encounter long ago:

And see, I really, really wanted to Meme this for a long time, I'm sad that it will never be memed but at least the concept will be appreciated lol. So, any of my discord compatriots will know that @dizzy2341 and I used to have a feud, and we used to talk mad smack to each other lol. So in Kingdom, there is a flashback involving my character (Ouki) and Dizzy's character (Rinshoujou) where essentially each of them are just talking shit to the other lol. The scene takes place on the border between OJ and Thirsty Gen, back in 2018. The scene starts out with casual shit talk, Dizzy mocks Lee for being banned from OJ, while Lee challenges Dizzy to come over to Thirsty Gen and say that.

Dizzy remarks that the age of retarded wankers is coming to an end (this is well before his transcendance and thus his visions), and that Lee being a forgotten meme is quite appropriate. He remarks that Wankers will have no future in Oro Jackson. Lee counters by predicting that Oro Jackson will soon die an unfortunate death. After this, Shuyaku (at the time was traveling with Lee), attacks Dizzy but the attack is blocked by Haoshoku. Van attacks Lee but his attack is blocked by Owl Ki. Lee mistakenly tells MarineHQ62 to calm down, who reacts indignantly.

The flashback ends as Dizzy tells Lee that merit will determine who the victors are in the end.

Van and Silverfire engage each other briefly which results in Silverfire ultimately slaying Van. As Van bleeds out, he tells Silverfire that he must pass on a final message from his old master-Dizzy's second wish. Dizzy's second wish, was that if the Young Dragons found themselves incapable of stopping the Wankers, that they pass the following message onto the Wankers that defeated them: "A Sword that has been drawn, must fall onto it's target". Silverfire is not quite sure of the meaning of these words, but he heads towards the Doflamingo army to assist with stopping Rosella.

Sword and Admiral continues their advance, the newfound strength of the Zoro and Admiral fans together is something that the Comrade army is incapable of stopping. Comrade remarks that the combined wankers truly have reached the level of Lee, and that he would be proud to see the fruits of his labor on display now. However, Comrade knows that this is ultimately where Sword and Admiral will meet its end.

Sword and Admiral continues to charge forward, Comrade himself and Natalija are now visible from the charge. Suddenly, Cinera senses an overwhelming presence, far more overwhelming than any she has ever come across so far. At this, suddenly dozens upon dozens of wankers begin dying simultaneously just in front of Comrade's HQ. We flash to the front, just in front of Comrade's Headquarters, where we once again find Jo_Ndule slaying wankers left and right. His eyes are now more bloodshot than they've ever been, and with a scream of rage he unleashes his CoC, which stops all of Sword and Admiral dead in it's tracks.

Natalija asks Comrade to retreat, but Comrade remarks that he will stay behind to see Ndule's efforts for himself. Ndule once again declares himself to be the Anti-Wank, and that it is now that all of his efforts will culminate, as he finishes off Sword and Admiral. Cinera orders all of the Wankers to stay back. As she senses Ndule's Aura, she remarks that she has never come across such power before in all of the centuries she has spent wanking Zoro. She internally realizes that she can no longer forsake the wank, and that the only way for her to defeat Ndule is for her to accept her true power, and awaken the strength of the First Wanker.

Cinera evolves into her Final Form, the form of S1R_L, the first Wanker of Oro Jackson. Now that Zoro is bodying Yonko, she asks Ndule to prepare himself to face the full might of the first Great Mosshead. Cinera and Ndule engage in a duel, and Cinera's initial strength is horrifying. She brutally wounds Ndule which a huge slice to his back, a huge slice to his torso, takes two of his fingers off, and puts her sword through his arm.

Which each wound Ndule takes, he seems to become more and more bloodlusted, until finally he defeats Cinera by grabbing her by her left foot and bashing her head into the ground over and over again. This continues for a long time and Cinera is brutalized heavily. Just when it seems that Cinera may pass out, King7 shows up to face Ndule himself.

As Silverfire arrives to the Doflamingo Army's battlefield, he discovers that Zoro D Goat was moving in for a sneak attack, in the name of Leg & Yonko. Silverfire swats D Goat off of his horse, and that ends that plotline lol. Start your memega already, and your power level will increase. Anyway, Silverfire and Sanjikun speak as all of the Doflamingo fans attempt to stop Rosella. Silverfire thanks Sanjikun for his assistance, but Sanjikun says that this was entirely related to Doflamingo and had nothing to do with the Admirals. He tells silverfire he'd better hope that Sword and Admiral can actually defeat Comrade. Silverfire assures Sanjikun that he should not underestimate their wank.

Ndule is no longer capable of speaking in coherent sentences, his mind has been too lost to the Anti-Wank. Hearing Ndule's abnmorally terrible grammar, Natalija asks Comrade what Jo_Ndule is exactly. Comrade tells her that he is the opposite of all Wank. If emotions like love and passion are the source of Wank, then Ndule's strength comes from hatred and rage. The deeper a Wanker's love for a character is, the stronger their wank, but for Ndule, the deeper his hatred and rage, the stronger he becomes. This creates a "contradiction" within Ndule, as his hatred and rage grows, he becomes more powerful, but he also looses his track of his love for One Piece in the first place, and thus he looses sight of why he ultimately follows the series. TAC was first able to gain Ndule to his side by assuring Ndule that eliminating the Wankers would allow his enjoyment of One Piece to return, but with each L he takes and the deeper in Anti-Wank grows, his enjoyment of all things One Piece diminishes.

Comrade remarks that he doesn't know if the path to true power that Ndule has chosen is correct, but he believes that King7 holds the answer to that question.

Ndule and King7 stand ready to face each other. Ndule remarks that Cinera will not survive her wounds, and that by eliminating King7, he will have finished enacting Oda's Will upon the fandom, and will have created a fandom where there is no wank. King7 remarks that he will finish what Lee and Ha001 started, by finishing Ndule off defeating Comrade as well. Their fight begins, and Ndule's power is brutal. He brutalizes King7 with all of his strength and beats King7 within an inch of his life. As King lays on the ground dying, he receives visions of Ha001 and Lee, and by channeling the spirits of their wank, he is able to stand once again and attain a new level of strength. He and Ndule continue dueling, and with every strike Ndule takes, his mind leaves him further and further. Ultimately, Ndule is unable to mentally process the fight, and King7 ultimately cuts Ndule in half, killing him instantly.

At this, the Sword and Admiral armies erupt into cheers that engulf the whole battlefield. Comrade and Natalija retreat, and Comrade remarks that they have suffered a total defeat. Sanjikun begins chasing Comrade off, remarking that he has definitively proved that Doflamingo is a top tier.

As Sword and Admiral stays behind, all of its wankers are brutally wounded. King7 remarks that they should not stop now, and should move to finish TAC while they can. Cinera who is barely conscious tells King7 not to worry, and that she senses that TAC's reckoning is soon approaching.

The chapter ends with Sword and Admiral celebrating their victory.

Chapter 27 is called "A New World"

Later that night, we have finally reached TAC's ultimate lair. The two who have arrived to confront him are of course, the revived corpse of Light D Lamperouge, who has been fighting for S&A from the shadows this entire time, as well as Awakened_Coming, the Soy Boy. Light remarks that with Comrade out of the way, there is no longer anything protect TAC, and that he will have to answer for his crimes. Cumming calls Light a faggot and the two head inside the cave that TAC hides in.

While all of this is going on, TAC has become an Awakened Zoan. He has eaten the Brachio fruit and has perfected the fruit in preparation to enjoy the New World he has so far waited for. (Visually, TAC is Sage Mode Kabuto, the Snakes representing Brachiosaurs lol). TAC seems unusually aloof as Light and Cumming head inside to meet him. In spite of the two catastrophic defeats he has suffered (Udon and Comrade respectively), TAC seems to be completely undeterred. He engages Light in Cumming in his final fight.

Light has progressed quite far in Wank during his journey, and he has now eclipsed Cinera in power, making him even above Great Mosshead level in strength. Cumming is also utilizing the Reality Warping Jutsu that he unlocked in his fight with Topi, meaning both of these two characters have reached or exceeded Great wanker level. However, that said, TAC's power is still too much for them. He has the power of an Awakened Ancient Zoan, and he is also the Funkiest Man in the World, granting him dance moves that make him extremely difficult to actually land an attack on. Since TAC is an experienced Kizaru Wanker, all of his attacks travel at Light Speed, and it is extremely difficult for Light and Cumming to keep up with him and dodge his attacks. With the stamina of an Ancient Zoan, Light remarks that he and Cumming will undoubtedly lose this battle in the long run.

TAC assures Light and Cummings that there is no possible way that he can lose this war, since his ultimate trump card in Divvens is still unchecked. Additionally, he reveals that his ultimate master plan was centered around Chrono, and assures Light and Cummings that the forum as a whole would not be able to counter just one of these two, let alone the both of them. Even if TAC is defeated here, it doesn't matter because his plan has been expertly orchestrated to the point that he cannot lose, even if his body stops working.

Light understands that TAC is correct, and that it will take everything that he and Cumming have just to defeat TAC, but have no idea how to stop Divvens and Chrono afterwards. He and Cumming come to the conclusion that their only option is to use the forbidden "headcanon" Jutsu.

The Headcanon Jutsu allows one to trap another user into an alternate reality, where fantasy becomes reality. Light and Cumming combine their strength to use this Jutsu on TAC which traps him into an Illusory World. In this world, TAC has attained everything he has ever dreamed. There are no Zoro Wankers, and each time TAC tries to pull off a Zoro hating attack on Light and Cumming, the attacks are ineffective. This process continues until TAC reaches the ultimate conclusion that his master plan was actually successful. If Zoro hate isn't working on Zoro fans, then this must mean that his New World has been achieved, just like he dreamed it would for so long now. TAC discovers that there is no longer a need for him to fight, because he has achieved exactly what he set out to achieve and has become the hero of the New World. With this, and his promise to Bernie Sanders Sama fulfilled, TAC is at peace and is able to pass on to the next life.

The strain on Lights power required to defeat TAC ultimately leads him passing on as well. Light is at peace, knowing that he was ultimately able to fulfill his oath to Sword and Admiral and save the Swordbois. He and Cummings call each other soyboys one last time, before Light passes on.

And finally,

We return to the battlefield of the Katakuri Fandom that Divvens attacked back in Chapter 18. The Mochiboi army has been completely obliterated to the last man. The Five Mochikage stand again to face Divvens, but are overwhelmingly crushed by Divvens' massive power. Divvens remarks that it has all come down to this, and there is no longer anyone else who can stop him. It is now time to trigger WorstGen's "Great Collapse".

He Summons the 9 Wankchuriki, the 9 Spirits of Wank from which all Wank is derived. He also summons the Alto Mazo, which will convert their energy into the power required to destroy all of the forum. Just as Divvens is about to pull this off, Chrono swoops in and is able to hijack the power of the 9 Wankchuriki for himself. By infusing all of their powers into himself, Chrono unlocks the Admin Jutsu for himself and transcends into the highest level of power (He is Ten Tails Obito). Divvens is in shock that an ordinary user would know how to attain the power of an Admin. Chrono retorts that Admin-hood is the highest level of Wank, since the passion one must have to create and sustain a forum trumps all other forums of Wank.

With this development, Chrono has become the most powerful Sanji fan in all of internet history, and has attained a level of power only comparable to the previous Admins, but remarks that his ambition is much greater than theirs anyway. Chrono tells Divvens that he will not allow Divvens to destroy WorstGen, but will instead remake WorstGen into his own image, turning the forum into the greatest beacon of Sanji respect in internet history. Chrono also tells Divvens that OJ was never the perfect haven for Sanji appreciation that Divvens thought it was when he founded it, but that he will rectify that mistake now. Chrono will turn WorstGen into what Divvens originally wanted OJ to be, and that Sanji Fans will forever live in peace and harmony while Zoro fans cling to the depths of the web for life. Divvens challenges Chrono to succeed where he failed, and Chrono remarks that there is no one left to stop him.

Indeed, all of WorstGen's strongest wankers are in no shape to fight. The Zoro fandom lies broken as a result of the Udon Raid, Sword and Admiral has been brutally wounded by fighting Comrade. The Katakuri fans lie defeated, hoping that there will be a place for them in the New Forum of Chrono's design. The First Admin, and the Last Admin, stand ready to terraform WorstGen.

Just when all hope seems loss, our final four enter the frey: Bogard the Admin as Hashirama, Garp the Fist as Tobirama, Gol D Roger as Minato, and Nidai Kitetsu as Hiruzen.

Nidai asks if anyone actually thought he was about to let himself get one shot back in Chapter 15 without ever achieving redemption. Roger asks if anyone thought Lee could get away with memeing him as freaking Shobunkun without giving him his rightful moment to shine. Garp the Fist remarks to Bogard that this will be the most overwhelming battle they've ever taken part in. Bogard addresses Divvens and Chrono, and tells them that he will put an end to this War of Wank with his own hands.

Chapter 28 is called "The Three Swords", and is the last chapter of S&A.

Now that the stage has been set for the final battle, I'm going to break the Fourth Wall a bit and talk about the Three Ideologies that I've written this series around lol. In this case that's what the "Three Swords" represents, the three ideologies all battling each other for supremacy in some way shape or form.

The first ideology I'll shorthand as "Destruction", this is the desire that each of the conflicting groups have to destroy their enemies. Divvens is the ultimate manifestation of this ideology, as he seeks to literally destroy all of WorstGen in it's entirety in an effort to destroy all of the Wankers. What differentiates Divvens from someone like Ndule, is that Ndule only wants to destroy all Wankers, while Divvens would rather destroy all of WorstGen just to destroy the Wankers within.

The second I'll shorthand as "Domination", the desire to control the wanks of others and/or force unwanted wank upon other people. When Chrono becomes the Final Admin, his goal becomes to turn WorstGen into a pro Sanji forum, forcing users to wank Sanji whether they want to or not. Chrono is much different from the hero TAC because TAC never wanted to force other users into specific wank, he just wanted to create an ideal world where all characters could be wanked equally, eliminating the disparity that exists in WorstGen currently. Chrono is different, Chrono's desire was always to turn the entire forum into the Sanji Fandom, universally.

The third I'll shorthand as "Disparity", and this is the idea that Wank is a natural part of forum life, and a manifestation of love and passion that characters have for each other. Bogard's character represents this in S&A, as his goal has been to sustain a place where fans of One Piece could get together and appreciate the series together. This is really the ultimate core of S&A, that Wank is just the natural result of a bunch of internet hobos getting together to discuss a series like OP and that conflicts will naturally arise as a result.

^the narrative of the final fight centers around these three ideologies.

Now, the battle between the Hokage and Madara/Obito has very specific choreography obviously, but my plan was to make heavy edits to make the battle go in a more climactic direction appropriate for the end of S&A lol. To those who have been paying attention, you'll notice that I tried not to alter the plot chronology of past S&A chapters, but there were a few places where I edited the panels themselves to change the course of the story lol. I was basically planning to do this on a much larger scale for this final battle as we climax S&A as a whole. Of course, ultimately Bogard and Co. were going to win in the end, but I hadn't ever finalized how I wanted the battle itself to take place, I just have a bunch of notes here so I'll post them and since I never finished the series formally, any reading this can come to their own conclusions lol. So here goes:

-Bogard is the Champion of the Ace Wank and makes a case for himself being the most powerful character in the series. He has Conqueror's Haki, the Admin Jutsus which include temporary and perma bans as well as thread deletions, and he is also a top tier Whitebeard and Ace wanker which makes him a top tier wanker in general.

-Garp the Fist is a top tier Luffy/Garp Wanker on top of being able to utilize Modular Jutsus. I really liked the scene where Tobirama and Madara talked to each other briefly as a template and planned to use that scene to worldbuild more on the lore of the old days of OJ and such.

-Gol D. Roger as Minato is also very powerful. For those who have been following S&A closely, you will know that Gol D. Roger was an original member of the Three Great Mossheads lol. The reason I made this choice is that I recall Shishio and Cinera telling me in Discord that a user named Gol D. Roger was like, their favorite Zoro fan on OJ lol. I actually don't know if this Roger and that one are the same person, but I gave Roger the benefit of the doubt nonetheless lol. I really liked the idea of having a Great Wanker discard their title in favor of Modship, so Roger filled a really cool roll for me lol. I figure he'll forgive me for getting meme'd as Shobunkun if he ultimately gets Minato who is one of the coolest Naruto characters lol.

-Nidai was about to get one shot again by Chrono lol. Make no mistake, this isn't because I don't like Nidai, but this is more just a running gag about how he was only a WorstGen mod for like 5 seconds. Someone needed to take the bullet right? Sorry bro lol. Anyway, Nidai for all intents and purposes is just as powerful as Garp the Fist and Gol D. Roger.

-Chrono has a bit of Pantheos syndrome going on in this fight, in that he is so new with the Admin Jutsu that he doesn't have great mastery over it yet, and this ultimately results in him being defeated before Divvens. Chrono is one of my favorite WorstGen users, I've said that before but I just think he is great lmfao. He is diehard loyal to Sanji and doesn't give any shits about what downplay these Zoro Fans are going to hit him with, he is going to defend Sanji until Oda personally beats him into the ground, and I've always respected that in Chrono lol. And to top it all off, Chrono is one of an extremely few number of Sanji Wankers on WorstGen, but he still fights the strongest fandom by himself on the daily anyway. May all wankers strive to be like Chrono.

-If we had to go by just sheer logic, then Divvens is actually the most powerful character in all of S&A since he was the very First Admin and TAC also gave him other powers on top of his Admin powers when he revived him. Again, may he Rest In Peace.

The ultimate chronology I pictured for this fight would be Chrono, Nidai, Roger, and Garp the Fist being defeated first, which would lead the climax of WorstGen to be a direct 1v1 between Bogard and Divvens, the destruction of the old forum vs the creation of the new, and everything that entails.

The series ends as Bogard defeats Divvens, allowing the forum to enter a period of healing and prosperity. I've said this like 30 times now, but from the bottom of my heart, thank you all for reading.
Sword and Admiral: The End of an Era-The Finale

And now, the finale. This truly feels like the end of an era to me, even though this is happening in synopsis form instead of actual Memega form lol. Without further ado, may I present the conclusion to Sword and Admiral in its entirety. I sincerely hope you guys enjoy this ending, as 90% of this ending has been set in stone from the beginning, and I'm pretty impressed that I was able to tie together most plot threads this well lol.

Anyway, Enjoy :)

Chapter 26 is called "And The Sword Falls"

The Final Day of battle begins between the Admiral and Yonko Armies. The Doflamingo Army yesterday had refrained from attacking due to rumors of the Admiral fans' eminent defeat, but now that the battle is so close, Sanjikun will reassume his attack on Comrade's HQ.

Comrade sends orders to the Win Win Army: with Van wounded, it is no longer clear that Rosella can defeat both the Admiral and Sword fans simultaneously. Instead, Comrade orders Rosella to hit the Doflamingo fandom directly, which will undoubtedly bait S&A and the Admiral Tards into bypassing him and striking Comrade directly. Once Rosella (a Big Mom fan) has neg diffed the Doflamingo fandom commanders, he can turn around and Comrade will sandwich S&A alongside Rosella, which will defeat them once and for all.

The battle starts, and things go exactly as Comrade predicts. Rosella charges Sanjikun directly, and S&A and the Admiral Tards charge Comrade's headquarters directly. The Doflamingo fandom tries a variety of tactics on Rosella, but the raw strength of a top tier big Mom fan was outside of their expectations, and that Doflamingo might not be a top tier after all. Doflamingo fans insist that Sanjikun retreat, but he remarks that there is still a way to prove Doflamingo is top tier, and that is if Sword and Admiral can succeed in their battle, which will turn the tides and give the Doflamingo Army and S&A the overall victory.

As the Admiral Tards push into Comrade's Headquarters, Silverfire and Van once again encounter each other as commanders, both are severely wounded. Before Van engages Silverfire, he flashes back to an encounter long ago:

And see, I really, really wanted to Meme this for a long time, I'm sad that it will never be memed but at least the concept will be appreciated lol. So, any of my discord compatriots will know that @dizzy2341 and I used to have a feud, and we used to talk mad smack to each other lol. So in Kingdom, there is a flashback involving my character (Ouki) and Dizzy's character (Rinshoujou) where essentially each of them are just talking shit to the other lol. The scene takes place on the border between OJ and Thirsty Gen, back in 2018. The scene starts out with casual shit talk, Dizzy mocks Lee for being banned from OJ, while Lee challenges Dizzy to come over to Thirsty Gen and say that.

Dizzy remarks that the age of retarded wankers is coming to an end (this is well before his transcendance and thus his visions), and that Lee being a forgotten meme is quite appropriate. He remarks that Wankers will have no future in Oro Jackson. Lee counters by predicting that Oro Jackson will soon die an unfortunate death. After this, Shuyaku (at the time was traveling with Lee), attacks Dizzy but the attack is blocked by Haoshoku. Van attacks Lee but his attack is blocked by Owl Ki. Lee mistakenly tells MarineHQ62 to calm down, who reacts indignantly.

The flashback ends as Dizzy tells Lee that merit will determine who the victors are in the end.

Van and Silverfire engage each other briefly which results in Silverfire ultimately slaying Van. As Van bleeds out, he tells Silverfire that he must pass on a final message from his old master-Dizzy's second wish. Dizzy's second wish, was that if the Young Dragons found themselves incapable of stopping the Wankers, that they pass the following message onto the Wankers that defeated them: "A Sword that has been drawn, must fall onto it's target". Silverfire is not quite sure of the meaning of these words, but he heads towards the Doflamingo army to assist with stopping Rosella.

Sword and Admiral continues their advance, the newfound strength of the Zoro and Admiral fans together is something that the Comrade army is incapable of stopping. Comrade remarks that the combined wankers truly have reached the level of Lee, and that he would be proud to see the fruits of his labor on display now. However, Comrade knows that this is ultimately where Sword and Admiral will meet its end.

Sword and Admiral continues to charge forward, Comrade himself and Natalija are now visible from the charge. Suddenly, Cinera senses an overwhelming presence, far more overwhelming than any she has ever come across so far. At this, suddenly dozens upon dozens of wankers begin dying simultaneously just in front of Comrade's HQ. We flash to the front, just in front of Comrade's Headquarters, where we once again find Jo_Ndule slaying wankers left and right. His eyes are now more bloodshot than they've ever been, and with a scream of rage he unleashes his CoC, which stops all of Sword and Admiral dead in it's tracks.

Natalija asks Comrade to retreat, but Comrade remarks that he will stay behind to see Ndule's efforts for himself. Ndule once again declares himself to be the Anti-Wank, and that it is now that all of his efforts will culminate, as he finishes off Sword and Admiral. Cinera orders all of the Wankers to stay back. As she senses Ndule's Aura, she remarks that she has never come across such power before in all of the centuries she has spent wanking Zoro. She internally realizes that she can no longer forsake the wank, and that the only way for her to defeat Ndule is for her to accept her true power, and awaken the strength of the First Wanker.

Cinera evolves into her Final Form, the form of S1R_L, the first Wanker of Oro Jackson. Now that Zoro is bodying Yonko, she asks Ndule to prepare himself to face the full might of the first Great Mosshead. Cinera and Ndule engage in a duel, and Cinera's initial strength is horrifying. She brutally wounds Ndule which a huge slice to his back, a huge slice to his torso, takes two of his fingers off, and puts her sword through his arm.

Which each wound Ndule takes, he seems to become more and more bloodlusted, until finally he defeats Cinera by grabbing her by her left foot and bashing her head into the ground over and over again. This continues for a long time and Cinera is brutalized heavily. Just when it seems that Cinera may pass out, King7 shows up to face Ndule himself.

As Silverfire arrives to the Doflamingo Army's battlefield, he discovers that Zoro D Goat was moving in for a sneak attack, in the name of Leg & Yonko. Silverfire swats D Goat off of his horse, and that ends that plotline lol. Start your memega already, and your power level will increase. Anyway, Silverfire and Sanjikun speak as all of the Doflamingo fans attempt to stop Rosella. Silverfire thanks Sanjikun for his assistance, but Sanjikun says that this was entirely related to Doflamingo and had nothing to do with the Admirals. He tells silverfire he'd better hope that Sword and Admiral can actually defeat Comrade. Silverfire assures Sanjikun that he should not underestimate their wank.

Ndule is no longer capable of speaking in coherent sentences, his mind has been too lost to the Anti-Wank. Hearing Ndule's abnmorally terrible grammar, Natalija asks Comrade what Jo_Ndule is exactly. Comrade tells her that he is the opposite of all Wank. If emotions like love and passion are the source of Wank, then Ndule's strength comes from hatred and rage. The deeper a Wanker's love for a character is, the stronger their wank, but for Ndule, the deeper his hatred and rage, the stronger he becomes. This creates a "contradiction" within Ndule, as his hatred and rage grows, he becomes more powerful, but he also looses his track of his love for One Piece in the first place, and thus he looses sight of why he ultimately follows the series. TAC was first able to gain Ndule to his side by assuring Ndule that eliminating the Wankers would allow his enjoyment of One Piece to return, but with each L he takes and the deeper in Anti-Wank grows, his enjoyment of all things One Piece diminishes.

Comrade remarks that he doesn't know if the path to true power that Ndule has chosen is correct, but he believes that King7 holds the answer to that question.

Ndule and King7 stand ready to face each other. Ndule remarks that Cinera will not survive her wounds, and that by eliminating King7, he will have finished enacting Oda's Will upon the fandom, and will have created a fandom where there is no wank. King7 remarks that he will finish what Lee and Ha001 started, by finishing Ndule off defeating Comrade as well. Their fight begins, and Ndule's power is brutal. He brutalizes King7 with all of his strength and beats King7 within an inch of his life. As King lays on the ground dying, he receives visions of Ha001 and Lee, and by channeling the spirits of their wank, he is able to stand once again and attain a new level of strength. He and Ndule continue dueling, and with every strike Ndule takes, his mind leaves him further and further. Ultimately, Ndule is unable to mentally process the fight, and King7 ultimately cuts Ndule in half, killing him instantly.

At this, the Sword and Admiral armies erupt into cheers that engulf the whole battlefield. Comrade and Natalija retreat, and Comrade remarks that they have suffered a total defeat. Sanjikun begins chasing Comrade off, remarking that he has definitively proved that Doflamingo is a top tier.

As Sword and Admiral stays behind, all of its wankers are brutally wounded. King7 remarks that they should not stop now, and should move to finish TAC while they can. Cinera who is barely conscious tells King7 not to worry, and that she senses that TAC's reckoning is soon approaching.

The chapter ends with Sword and Admiral celebrating their victory.

Chapter 27 is called "A New World"

Later that night, we have finally reached TAC's ultimate lair. The two who have arrived to confront him are of course, the revived corpse of Light D Lamperouge, who has been fighting for S&A from the shadows this entire time, as well as Awakened_Coming, the Soy Boy. Light remarks that with Comrade out of the way, there is no longer anything protect TAC, and that he will have to answer for his crimes. Cumming calls Light a faggot and the two head inside the cave that TAC hides in.

While all of this is going on, TAC has become an Awakened Zoan. He has eaten the Brachio fruit and has perfected the fruit in preparation to enjoy the New World he has so far waited for. (Visually, TAC is Sage Mode Kabuto, the Snakes representing Brachiosaurs lol). TAC seems unusually aloof as Light and Cumming head inside to meet him. In spite of the two catastrophic defeats he has suffered (Udon and Comrade respectively), TAC seems to be completely undeterred. He engages Light in Cumming in his final fight.

Light has progressed quite far in Wank during his journey, and he has now eclipsed Cinera in power, making him even above Great Mosshead level in strength. Cumming is also utilizing the Reality Warping Jutsu that he unlocked in his fight with Topi, meaning both of these two characters have reached or exceeded Great wanker level. However, that said, TAC's power is still too much for them. He has the power of an Awakened Ancient Zoan, and he is also the Funkiest Man in the World, granting him dance moves that make him extremely difficult to actually land an attack on. Since TAC is an experienced Kizaru Wanker, all of his attacks travel at Light Speed, and it is extremely difficult for Light and Cumming to keep up with him and dodge his attacks. With the stamina of an Ancient Zoan, Light remarks that he and Cumming will undoubtedly lose this battle in the long run.

TAC assures Light and Cummings that there is no possible way that he can lose this war, since his ultimate trump card in Divvens is still unchecked. Additionally, he reveals that his ultimate master plan was centered around Chrono, and assures Light and Cummings that the forum as a whole would not be able to counter just one of these two, let alone the both of them. Even if TAC is defeated here, it doesn't matter because his plan has been expertly orchestrated to the point that he cannot lose, even if his body stops working.

Light understands that TAC is correct, and that it will take everything that he and Cumming have just to defeat TAC, but have no idea how to stop Divvens and Chrono afterwards. He and Cumming come to the conclusion that their only option is to use the forbidden "headcanon" Jutsu.

The Headcanon Jutsu allows one to trap another user into an alternate reality, where fantasy becomes reality. Light and Cumming combine their strength to use this Jutsu on TAC which traps him into an Illusory World. In this world, TAC has attained everything he has ever dreamed. There are no Zoro Wankers, and each time TAC tries to pull off a Zoro hating attack on Light and Cumming, the attacks are ineffective. This process continues until TAC reaches the ultimate conclusion that his master plan was actually successful. If Zoro hate isn't working on Zoro fans, then this must mean that his New World has been achieved, just like he dreamed it would for so long now. TAC discovers that there is no longer a need for him to fight, because he has achieved exactly what he set out to achieve and has become the hero of the New World. With this, and his promise to Bernie Sanders Sama fulfilled, TAC is at peace and is able to pass on to the next life.

The strain on Lights power required to defeat TAC ultimately leads him passing on as well. Light is at peace, knowing that he was ultimately able to fulfill his oath to Sword and Admiral and save the Swordbois. He and Cummings call each other soyboys one last time, before Light passes on.

And finally,

We return to the battlefield of the Katakuri Fandom that Divvens attacked back in Chapter 18. The Mochiboi army has been completely obliterated to the last man. The Five Mochikage stand again to face Divvens, but are overwhelmingly crushed by Divvens' massive power. Divvens remarks that it has all come down to this, and there is no longer anyone else who can stop him. It is now time to trigger WorstGen's "Great Collapse".

He Summons the 9 Wankchuriki, the 9 Spirits of Wank from which all Wank is derived. He also summons the Alto Mazo, which will convert their energy into the power required to destroy all of the forum. Just as Divvens is about to pull this off, Chrono swoops in and is able to hijack the power of the 9 Wankchuriki for himself. By infusing all of their powers into himself, Chrono unlocks the Admin Jutsu for himself and transcends into the highest level of power (He is Ten Tails Obito). Divvens is in shock that an ordinary user would know how to attain the power of an Admin. Chrono retorts that Admin-hood is the highest level of Wank, since the passion one must have to create and sustain a forum trumps all other forums of Wank.

With this development, Chrono has become the most powerful Sanji fan in all of internet history, and has attained a level of power only comparable to the previous Admins, but remarks that his ambition is much greater than theirs anyway. Chrono tells Divvens that he will not allow Divvens to destroy WorstGen, but will instead remake WorstGen into his own image, turning the forum into the greatest beacon of Sanji respect in internet history. Chrono also tells Divvens that OJ was never the perfect haven for Sanji appreciation that Divvens thought it was when he founded it, but that he will rectify that mistake now. Chrono will turn WorstGen into what Divvens originally wanted OJ to be, and that Sanji Fans will forever live in peace and harmony while Zoro fans cling to the depths of the web for life. Divvens challenges Chrono to succeed where he failed, and Chrono remarks that there is no one left to stop him.

Indeed, all of WorstGen's strongest wankers are in no shape to fight. The Zoro fandom lies broken as a result of the Udon Raid, Sword and Admiral has been brutally wounded by fighting Comrade. The Katakuri fans lie defeated, hoping that there will be a place for them in the New Forum of Chrono's design. The First Admin, and the Last Admin, stand ready to terraform WorstGen.

Just when all hope seems loss, our final four enter the frey: Bogard the Admin as Hashirama, Garp the Fist as Tobirama, Gol D Roger as Minato, and Nidai Kitetsu as Hiruzen.

Nidai asks if anyone actually thought he was about to let himself get one shot back in Chapter 15 without ever achieving redemption. Roger asks if anyone thought Lee could get away with memeing him as freaking Shobunkun without giving him his rightful moment to shine. Garp the Fist remarks to Bogard that this will be the most overwhelming battle they've ever taken part in. Bogard addresses Divvens and Chrono, and tells them that he will put an end to this War of Wank with his own hands.

Chapter 28 is called "The Three Swords", and is the last chapter of S&A.

Now that the stage has been set for the final battle, I'm going to break the Fourth Wall a bit and talk about the Three Ideologies that I've written this series around lol. In this case that's what the "Three Swords" represents, the three ideologies all battling each other for supremacy in some way shape or form.

The first ideology I'll shorthand as "Destruction", this is the desire that each of the conflicting groups have to destroy their enemies. Divvens is the ultimate manifestation of this ideology, as he seeks to literally destroy all of WorstGen in it's entirety in an effort to destroy all of the Wankers. What differentiates Divvens from someone like Ndule, is that Ndule only wants to destroy all Wankers, while Divvens would rather destroy all of WorstGen just to destroy the Wankers within.

The second I'll shorthand as "Domination", the desire to control the wanks of others and/or force unwanted wank upon other people. When Chrono becomes the Final Admin, his goal becomes to turn WorstGen into a pro Sanji forum, forcing users to wank Sanji whether they want to or not. Chrono is much different from the hero TAC because TAC never wanted to force other users into specific wank, he just wanted to create an ideal world where all characters could be wanked equally, eliminating the disparity that exists in WorstGen currently. Chrono is different, Chrono's desire was always to turn the entire forum into the Sanji Fandom, universally.

The third I'll shorthand as "Disparity", and this is the idea that Wank is a natural part of forum life, and a manifestation of love and passion that characters have for each other. Bogard's character represents this in S&A, as his goal has been to sustain a place where fans of One Piece could get together and appreciate the series together. This is really the ultimate core of S&A, that Wank is just the natural result of a bunch of internet hobos getting together to discuss a series like OP and that conflicts will naturally arise as a result.

^the narrative of the final fight centers around these three ideologies.

Now, the battle between the Hokage and Madara/Obito has very specific choreography obviously, but my plan was to make heavy edits to make the battle go in a more climactic direction appropriate for the end of S&A lol. To those who have been paying attention, you'll notice that I tried not to alter the plot chronology of past S&A chapters, but there were a few places where I edited the panels themselves to change the course of the story lol. I was basically planning to do this on a much larger scale for this final battle as we climax S&A as a whole. Of course, ultimately Bogard and Co. were going to win in the end, but I hadn't ever finalized how I wanted the battle itself to take place, I just have a bunch of notes here so I'll post them and since I never finished the series formally, any reading this can come to their own conclusions lol. So here goes:

-Bogard is the Champion of the Ace Wank and makes a case for himself being the most powerful character in the series. He has Conqueror's Haki, the Admin Jutsus which include temporary and perma bans as well as thread deletions, and he is also a top tier Whitebeard and Ace wanker which makes him a top tier wanker in general.

-Garp the Fist is a top tier Luffy/Garp Wanker on top of being able to utilize Modular Jutsus. I really liked the scene where Tobirama and Madara talked to each other briefly as a template and planned to use that scene to worldbuild more on the lore of the old days of OJ and such.

-Gol D. Roger as Minato is also very powerful. For those who have been following S&A closely, you will know that Gol D. Roger was an original member of the Three Great Mossheads lol. The reason I made this choice is that I recall Shishio and Cinera telling me in Discord that a user named Gol D. Roger was like, their favorite Zoro fan on OJ lol. I actually don't know if this Roger and that one are the same person, but I gave Roger the benefit of the doubt nonetheless lol. I really liked the idea of having a Great Wanker discard their title in favor of Modship, so Roger filled a really cool roll for me lol. I figure he'll forgive me for getting meme'd as Shobunkun if he ultimately gets Minato who is one of the coolest Naruto characters lol.

-Nidai was about to get one shot again by Chrono lol. Make no mistake, this isn't because I don't like Nidai, but this is more just a running gag about how he was only a WorstGen mod for like 5 seconds. Someone needed to take the bullet right? Sorry bro lol. Anyway, Nidai for all intents and purposes is just as powerful as Garp the Fist and Gol D. Roger.

-Chrono has a bit of Pantheos syndrome going on in this fight, in that he is so new with the Admin Jutsu that he doesn't have great mastery over it yet, and this ultimately results in him being defeated before Divvens. Chrono is one of my favorite WorstGen users, I've said that before but I just think he is great lmfao. He is diehard loyal to Sanji and doesn't give any shits about what downplay these Zoro Fans are going to hit him with, he is going to defend Sanji until Oda personally beats him into the ground, and I've always respected that in Chrono lol. And to top it all off, Chrono is one of an extremely few number of Sanji Wankers on WorstGen, but he still fights the strongest fandom by himself on the daily anyway. May all wankers strive to be like Chrono.

-If we had to go by just sheer logic, then Divvens is actually the most powerful character in all of S&A since he was the very First Admin and TAC also gave him other powers on top of his Admin powers when he revived him. Again, may he Rest In Peace.

The ultimate chronology I pictured for this fight would be Chrono, Nidai, Roger, and Garp the Fist being defeated first, which would lead the climax of WorstGen to be a direct 1v1 between Bogard and Divvens, the destruction of the old forum vs the creation of the new, and everything that entails.

The series ends as Bogard defeats Divvens, allowing the forum to enter a period of healing and prosperity. I've said this like 30 times now, but from the bottom of my heart, thank you all for reading.
Peak fiction. :kata:
And see, I really, really wanted to Meme this for a long time, I'm sad that it will never be memed but at least the concept will be appreciated lol. So, any of my discord compatriots will know that @dizzy2341 and I used to have a feud, and we used to talk mad smack to each other lol. So in Kingdom, there is a flashback involving my character (Ouki) and Dizzy's character (Rinshoujou) where essentially each of them are just talking shit to the other lol. The scene takes place on the border between OJ and Thirsty Gen, back in 2018. The scene starts out with casual shit talk, Dizzy mocks Lee for being banned from OJ, while Lee challenges Dizzy to come over to Thirsty Gen and say that.

Dizzy remarks that the age of retarded wankers is coming to an end (this is well before his transcendance and thus his visions), and that Lee being a forgotten meme is quite appropriate. He remarks that Wankers will have no future in Oro Jackson. Lee counters by predicting that Oro Jackson will soon die an unfortunate death. After this, Shuyaku (at the time was traveling with Lee), attacks Dizzy but the attack is blocked by Haoshoku. Van attacks Lee but his attack is blocked by Owl Ki. Lee mistakenly tells MarineHQ62 to calm down, who reacts indignantly.

The flashback ends as Dizzy tells Lee that merit will determine who the victors are in the end.

Van and Silverfire engage each other briefly which results in Silverfire ultimately slaying Van. As Van bleeds out, he tells Silverfire that he must pass on a final message from his old master-Dizzy's second wish. Dizzy's second wish, was that if the Young Dragons found themselves incapable of stopping the Wankers, that they pass the following message onto the Wankers that defeated them: "A Sword that has been drawn, must fall onto it's target". Silverfire is not quite sure of the meaning of these words, but he heads towards the Doflamingo army to assist with stopping Rosella.
My my... those were the days, lmao. :saden:

Would've loved to see it in full meme but it's completely understandable. Appreciate the work Major and all the best!!
Hearing Ndule's abnormally terrible grammar, Natalija asks Comrade what Jo_Ndule is exactly. Comrade tells her that he is the opposite of all Wank.
:milaugh: ....

The Headcanon Jutsu allows one to trap another user into an alternate reality, where fantasy becomes reality. Light and Cumming combine their strength to use this Jutsu on TAC which traps him into an Illusory World. In this world, TAC has attained everything he has ever dreamed. There are no Zoro Wankers, and each time TAC tries to pull off a Zoro hating attack on Light and Cumming, the attacks are ineffective. This process continues until TAC reaches the ultimate conclusion that his master plan was actually successful. If Zoro hate isn't working on Zoro fans, then this must mean that his New World has been achieved, just like he dreamed it would for so long now. TAC discovers that there is no longer a need for him to fight, because he has achieved exactly what he set out to achieve and has become the hero of the New World. With this, and his promise to Bernie Sanders Sama fulfilled, TAC is at peace and is able to pass on to the next life.

The strain on Lights power required to defeat TAC ultimately leads him passing on as well. Light is at peace, knowing that he was ultimately able to fulfill his oath to Sword and Admiral and save the Swordbois. He and Cummings call each other soyboys one last time, before Light passes on.
So basically... Light and TAC killed each other, couldn't think of a more perfect ending for them :ihaha:

But who are the 9 Wankchuriki? That cracked me up
Sword and Admiral: The End of an Era-The Finale

And now, the finale. This truly feels like the end of an era to me, even though this is happening in synopsis form instead of actual Memega form lol. Without further ado, may I present the conclusion to Sword and Admiral in its entirety. I sincerely hope you guys enjoy this ending, as 90% of this ending has been set in stone from the beginning, and I'm pretty impressed that I was able to tie together most plot threads this well lol.

Anyway, Enjoy :)

Chapter 26 is called "And The Sword Falls"

The Final Day of battle begins between the Admiral and Yonko Armies. The Doflamingo Army yesterday had refrained from attacking due to rumors of the Admiral fans' eminent defeat, but now that the battle is so close, Sanjikun will reassume his attack on Comrade's HQ.

Comrade sends orders to the Win Win Army: with Van wounded, it is no longer clear that Rosella can defeat both the Admiral and Sword fans simultaneously. Instead, Comrade orders Rosella to hit the Doflamingo fandom directly, which will undoubtedly bait S&A and the Admiral Tards into bypassing him and striking Comrade directly. Once Rosella (a Big Mom fan) has neg diffed the Doflamingo fandom commanders, he can turn around and Comrade will sandwich S&A alongside Rosella, which will defeat them once and for all.

The battle starts, and things go exactly as Comrade predicts. Rosella charges Sanjikun directly, and S&A and the Admiral Tards charge Comrade's headquarters directly. The Doflamingo fandom tries a variety of tactics on Rosella, but the raw strength of a top tier big Mom fan was outside of their expectations, and that Doflamingo might not be a top tier after all. Doflamingo fans insist that Sanjikun retreat, but he remarks that there is still a way to prove Doflamingo is top tier, and that is if Sword and Admiral can succeed in their battle, which will turn the tides and give the Doflamingo Army and S&A the overall victory.

As the Admiral Tards push into Comrade's Headquarters, Silverfire and Van once again encounter each other as commanders, both are severely wounded. Before Van engages Silverfire, he flashes back to an encounter long ago:

And see, I really, really wanted to Meme this for a long time, I'm sad that it will never be memed but at least the concept will be appreciated lol. So, any of my discord compatriots will know that @dizzy2341 and I used to have a feud, and we used to talk mad smack to each other lol. So in Kingdom, there is a flashback involving my character (Ouki) and Dizzy's character (Rinshoujou) where essentially each of them are just talking shit to the other lol. The scene takes place on the border between OJ and Thirsty Gen, back in 2018. The scene starts out with casual shit talk, Dizzy mocks Lee for being banned from OJ, while Lee challenges Dizzy to come over to Thirsty Gen and say that.

Dizzy remarks that the age of retarded wankers is coming to an end (this is well before his transcendance and thus his visions), and that Lee being a forgotten meme is quite appropriate. He remarks that Wankers will have no future in Oro Jackson. Lee counters by predicting that Oro Jackson will soon die an unfortunate death. After this, Shuyaku (at the time was traveling with Lee), attacks Dizzy but the attack is blocked by Haoshoku. Van attacks Lee but his attack is blocked by Owl Ki. Lee mistakenly tells MarineHQ62 to calm down, who reacts indignantly.

The flashback ends as Dizzy tells Lee that merit will determine who the victors are in the end.

Van and Silverfire engage each other briefly which results in Silverfire ultimately slaying Van. As Van bleeds out, he tells Silverfire that he must pass on a final message from his old master-Dizzy's second wish. Dizzy's second wish, was that if the Young Dragons found themselves incapable of stopping the Wankers, that they pass the following message onto the Wankers that defeated them: "A Sword that has been drawn, must fall onto it's target". Silverfire is not quite sure of the meaning of these words, but he heads towards the Doflamingo army to assist with stopping Rosella.

Sword and Admiral continues their advance, the newfound strength of the Zoro and Admiral fans together is something that the Comrade army is incapable of stopping. Comrade remarks that the combined wankers truly have reached the level of Lee, and that he would be proud to see the fruits of his labor on display now. However, Comrade knows that this is ultimately where Sword and Admiral will meet its end.

Sword and Admiral continues to charge forward, Comrade himself and Natalija are now visible from the charge. Suddenly, Cinera senses an overwhelming presence, far more overwhelming than any she has ever come across so far. At this, suddenly dozens upon dozens of wankers begin dying simultaneously just in front of Comrade's HQ. We flash to the front, just in front of Comrade's Headquarters, where we once again find Jo_Ndule slaying wankers left and right. His eyes are now more bloodshot than they've ever been, and with a scream of rage he unleashes his CoC, which stops all of Sword and Admiral dead in it's tracks.

Natalija asks Comrade to retreat, but Comrade remarks that he will stay behind to see Ndule's efforts for himself. Ndule once again declares himself to be the Anti-Wank, and that it is now that all of his efforts will culminate, as he finishes off Sword and Admiral. Cinera orders all of the Wankers to stay back. As she senses Ndule's Aura, she remarks that she has never come across such power before in all of the centuries she has spent wanking Zoro. She internally realizes that she can no longer forsake the wank, and that the only way for her to defeat Ndule is for her to accept her true power, and awaken the strength of the First Wanker.

Cinera evolves into her Final Form, the form of S1R_L, the first Wanker of Oro Jackson. Now that Zoro is bodying Yonko, she asks Ndule to prepare himself to face the full might of the first Great Mosshead. Cinera and Ndule engage in a duel, and Cinera's initial strength is horrifying. She brutally wounds Ndule which a huge slice to his back, a huge slice to his torso, takes two of his fingers off, and puts her sword through his arm.

Which each wound Ndule takes, he seems to become more and more bloodlusted, until finally he defeats Cinera by grabbing her by her left foot and bashing her head into the ground over and over again. This continues for a long time and Cinera is brutalized heavily. Just when it seems that Cinera may pass out, King7 shows up to face Ndule himself.

As Silverfire arrives to the Doflamingo Army's battlefield, he discovers that Zoro D Goat was moving in for a sneak attack, in the name of Leg & Yonko. Silverfire swats D Goat off of his horse, and that ends that plotline lol. Start your memega already, and your power level will increase. Anyway, Silverfire and Sanjikun speak as all of the Doflamingo fans attempt to stop Rosella. Silverfire thanks Sanjikun for his assistance, but Sanjikun says that this was entirely related to Doflamingo and had nothing to do with the Admirals. He tells silverfire he'd better hope that Sword and Admiral can actually defeat Comrade. Silverfire assures Sanjikun that he should not underestimate their wank.

Ndule is no longer capable of speaking in coherent sentences, his mind has been too lost to the Anti-Wank. Hearing Ndule's abnmorally terrible grammar, Natalija asks Comrade what Jo_Ndule is exactly. Comrade tells her that he is the opposite of all Wank. If emotions like love and passion are the source of Wank, then Ndule's strength comes from hatred and rage. The deeper a Wanker's love for a character is, the stronger their wank, but for Ndule, the deeper his hatred and rage, the stronger he becomes. This creates a "contradiction" within Ndule, as his hatred and rage grows, he becomes more powerful, but he also looses his track of his love for One Piece in the first place, and thus he looses sight of why he ultimately follows the series. TAC was first able to gain Ndule to his side by assuring Ndule that eliminating the Wankers would allow his enjoyment of One Piece to return, but with each L he takes and the deeper in Anti-Wank grows, his enjoyment of all things One Piece diminishes.

Comrade remarks that he doesn't know if the path to true power that Ndule has chosen is correct, but he believes that King7 holds the answer to that question.

Ndule and King7 stand ready to face each other. Ndule remarks that Cinera will not survive her wounds, and that by eliminating King7, he will have finished enacting Oda's Will upon the fandom, and will have created a fandom where there is no wank. King7 remarks that he will finish what Lee and Ha001 started, by finishing Ndule off defeating Comrade as well. Their fight begins, and Ndule's power is brutal. He brutalizes King7 with all of his strength and beats King7 within an inch of his life. As King lays on the ground dying, he receives visions of Ha001 and Lee, and by channeling the spirits of their wank, he is able to stand once again and attain a new level of strength. He and Ndule continue dueling, and with every strike Ndule takes, his mind leaves him further and further. Ultimately, Ndule is unable to mentally process the fight, and King7 ultimately cuts Ndule in half, killing him instantly.

At this, the Sword and Admiral armies erupt into cheers that engulf the whole battlefield. Comrade and Natalija retreat, and Comrade remarks that they have suffered a total defeat. Sanjikun begins chasing Comrade off, remarking that he has definitively proved that Doflamingo is a top tier.

As Sword and Admiral stays behind, all of its wankers are brutally wounded. King7 remarks that they should not stop now, and should move to finish TAC while they can. Cinera who is barely conscious tells King7 not to worry, and that she senses that TAC's reckoning is soon approaching.

The chapter ends with Sword and Admiral celebrating their victory.

Chapter 27 is called "A New World"

Later that night, we have finally reached TAC's ultimate lair. The two who have arrived to confront him are of course, the revived corpse of Light D Lamperouge, who has been fighting for S&A from the shadows this entire time, as well as Awakened_Coming, the Soy Boy. Light remarks that with Comrade out of the way, there is no longer anything protect TAC, and that he will have to answer for his crimes. Cumming calls Light a faggot and the two head inside the cave that TAC hides in.

While all of this is going on, TAC has become an Awakened Zoan. He has eaten the Brachio fruit and has perfected the fruit in preparation to enjoy the New World he has so far waited for. (Visually, TAC is Sage Mode Kabuto, the Snakes representing Brachiosaurs lol). TAC seems unusually aloof as Light and Cumming head inside to meet him. In spite of the two catastrophic defeats he has suffered (Udon and Comrade respectively), TAC seems to be completely undeterred. He engages Light in Cumming in his final fight.

Light has progressed quite far in Wank during his journey, and he has now eclipsed Cinera in power, making him even above Great Mosshead level in strength. Cumming is also utilizing the Reality Warping Jutsu that he unlocked in his fight with Topi, meaning both of these two characters have reached or exceeded Great wanker level. However, that said, TAC's power is still too much for them. He has the power of an Awakened Ancient Zoan, and he is also the Funkiest Man in the World, granting him dance moves that make him extremely difficult to actually land an attack on. Since TAC is an experienced Kizaru Wanker, all of his attacks travel at Light Speed, and it is extremely difficult for Light and Cumming to keep up with him and dodge his attacks. With the stamina of an Ancient Zoan, Light remarks that he and Cumming will undoubtedly lose this battle in the long run.

TAC assures Light and Cummings that there is no possible way that he can lose this war, since his ultimate trump card in Divvens is still unchecked. Additionally, he reveals that his ultimate master plan was centered around Chrono, and assures Light and Cummings that the forum as a whole would not be able to counter just one of these two, let alone the both of them. Even if TAC is defeated here, it doesn't matter because his plan has been expertly orchestrated to the point that he cannot lose, even if his body stops working.

Light understands that TAC is correct, and that it will take everything that he and Cumming have just to defeat TAC, but have no idea how to stop Divvens and Chrono afterwards. He and Cumming come to the conclusion that their only option is to use the forbidden "headcanon" Jutsu.

The Headcanon Jutsu allows one to trap another user into an alternate reality, where fantasy becomes reality. Light and Cumming combine their strength to use this Jutsu on TAC which traps him into an Illusory World. In this world, TAC has attained everything he has ever dreamed. There are no Zoro Wankers, and each time TAC tries to pull off a Zoro hating attack on Light and Cumming, the attacks are ineffective. This process continues until TAC reaches the ultimate conclusion that his master plan was actually successful. If Zoro hate isn't working on Zoro fans, then this must mean that his New World has been achieved, just like he dreamed it would for so long now. TAC discovers that there is no longer a need for him to fight, because he has achieved exactly what he set out to achieve and has become the hero of the New World. With this, and his promise to Bernie Sanders Sama fulfilled, TAC is at peace and is able to pass on to the next life.

The strain on Lights power required to defeat TAC ultimately leads him passing on as well. Light is at peace, knowing that he was ultimately able to fulfill his oath to Sword and Admiral and save the Swordbois. He and Cummings call each other soyboys one last time, before Light passes on.

And finally,

We return to the battlefield of the Katakuri Fandom that Divvens attacked back in Chapter 18. The Mochiboi army has been completely obliterated to the last man. The Five Mochikage stand again to face Divvens, but are overwhelmingly crushed by Divvens' massive power. Divvens remarks that it has all come down to this, and there is no longer anyone else who can stop him. It is now time to trigger WorstGen's "Great Collapse".

He Summons the 9 Wankchuriki, the 9 Spirits of Wank from which all Wank is derived. He also summons the Alto Mazo, which will convert their energy into the power required to destroy all of the forum. Just as Divvens is about to pull this off, Chrono swoops in and is able to hijack the power of the 9 Wankchuriki for himself. By infusing all of their powers into himself, Chrono unlocks the Admin Jutsu for himself and transcends into the highest level of power (He is Ten Tails Obito). Divvens is in shock that an ordinary user would know how to attain the power of an Admin. Chrono retorts that Admin-hood is the highest level of Wank, since the passion one must have to create and sustain a forum trumps all other forums of Wank.

With this development, Chrono has become the most powerful Sanji fan in all of internet history, and has attained a level of power only comparable to the previous Admins, but remarks that his ambition is much greater than theirs anyway. Chrono tells Divvens that he will not allow Divvens to destroy WorstGen, but will instead remake WorstGen into his own image, turning the forum into the greatest beacon of Sanji respect in internet history. Chrono also tells Divvens that OJ was never the perfect haven for Sanji appreciation that Divvens thought it was when he founded it, but that he will rectify that mistake now. Chrono will turn WorstGen into what Divvens originally wanted OJ to be, and that Sanji Fans will forever live in peace and harmony while Zoro fans cling to the depths of the web for life. Divvens challenges Chrono to succeed where he failed, and Chrono remarks that there is no one left to stop him.

Indeed, all of WorstGen's strongest wankers are in no shape to fight. The Zoro fandom lies broken as a result of the Udon Raid, Sword and Admiral has been brutally wounded by fighting Comrade. The Katakuri fans lie defeated, hoping that there will be a place for them in the New Forum of Chrono's design. The First Admin, and the Last Admin, stand ready to terraform WorstGen.

Just when all hope seems loss, our final four enter the frey: Bogard the Admin as Hashirama, Garp the Fist as Tobirama, Gol D Roger as Minato, and Nidai Kitetsu as Hiruzen.

Nidai asks if anyone actually thought he was about to let himself get one shot back in Chapter 15 without ever achieving redemption. Roger asks if anyone thought Lee could get away with memeing him as freaking Shobunkun without giving him his rightful moment to shine. Garp the Fist remarks to Bogard that this will be the most overwhelming battle they've ever taken part in. Bogard addresses Divvens and Chrono, and tells them that he will put an end to this War of Wank with his own hands.

Chapter 28 is called "The Three Swords", and is the last chapter of S&A.

Now that the stage has been set for the final battle, I'm going to break the Fourth Wall a bit and talk about the Three Ideologies that I've written this series around lol. In this case that's what the "Three Swords" represents, the three ideologies all battling each other for supremacy in some way shape or form.

The first ideology I'll shorthand as "Destruction", this is the desire that each of the conflicting groups have to destroy their enemies. Divvens is the ultimate manifestation of this ideology, as he seeks to literally destroy all of WorstGen in it's entirety in an effort to destroy all of the Wankers. What differentiates Divvens from someone like Ndule, is that Ndule only wants to destroy all Wankers, while Divvens would rather destroy all of WorstGen just to destroy the Wankers within.

The second I'll shorthand as "Domination", the desire to control the wanks of others and/or force unwanted wank upon other people. When Chrono becomes the Final Admin, his goal becomes to turn WorstGen into a pro Sanji forum, forcing users to wank Sanji whether they want to or not. Chrono is much different from the hero TAC because TAC never wanted to force other users into specific wank, he just wanted to create an ideal world where all characters could be wanked equally, eliminating the disparity that exists in WorstGen currently. Chrono is different, Chrono's desire was always to turn the entire forum into the Sanji Fandom, universally.

The third I'll shorthand as "Disparity", and this is the idea that Wank is a natural part of forum life, and a manifestation of love and passion that characters have for each other. Bogard's character represents this in S&A, as his goal has been to sustain a place where fans of One Piece could get together and appreciate the series together. This is really the ultimate core of S&A, that Wank is just the natural result of a bunch of internet hobos getting together to discuss a series like OP and that conflicts will naturally arise as a result.

^the narrative of the final fight centers around these three ideologies.

Now, the battle between the Hokage and Madara/Obito has very specific choreography obviously, but my plan was to make heavy edits to make the battle go in a more climactic direction appropriate for the end of S&A lol. To those who have been paying attention, you'll notice that I tried not to alter the plot chronology of past S&A chapters, but there were a few places where I edited the panels themselves to change the course of the story lol. I was basically planning to do this on a much larger scale for this final battle as we climax S&A as a whole. Of course, ultimately Bogard and Co. were going to win in the end, but I hadn't ever finalized how I wanted the battle itself to take place, I just have a bunch of notes here so I'll post them and since I never finished the series formally, any reading this can come to their own conclusions lol. So here goes:

-Bogard is the Champion of the Ace Wank and makes a case for himself being the most powerful character in the series. He has Conqueror's Haki, the Admin Jutsus which include temporary and perma bans as well as thread deletions, and he is also a top tier Whitebeard and Ace wanker which makes him a top tier wanker in general.

-Garp the Fist is a top tier Luffy/Garp Wanker on top of being able to utilize Modular Jutsus. I really liked the scene where Tobirama and Madara talked to each other briefly as a template and planned to use that scene to worldbuild more on the lore of the old days of OJ and such.

-Gol D. Roger as Minato is also very powerful. For those who have been following S&A closely, you will know that Gol D. Roger was an original member of the Three Great Mossheads lol. The reason I made this choice is that I recall Shishio and Cinera telling me in Discord that a user named Gol D. Roger was like, their favorite Zoro fan on OJ lol. I actually don't know if this Roger and that one are the same person, but I gave Roger the benefit of the doubt nonetheless lol. I really liked the idea of having a Great Wanker discard their title in favor of Modship, so Roger filled a really cool roll for me lol. I figure he'll forgive me for getting meme'd as Shobunkun if he ultimately gets Minato who is one of the coolest Naruto characters lol.

-Nidai was about to get one shot again by Chrono lol. Make no mistake, this isn't because I don't like Nidai, but this is more just a running gag about how he was only a WorstGen mod for like 5 seconds. Someone needed to take the bullet right? Sorry bro lol. Anyway, Nidai for all intents and purposes is just as powerful as Garp the Fist and Gol D. Roger.

-Chrono has a bit of Pantheos syndrome going on in this fight, in that he is so new with the Admin Jutsu that he doesn't have great mastery over it yet, and this ultimately results in him being defeated before Divvens. Chrono is one of my favorite WorstGen users, I've said that before but I just think he is great lmfao. He is diehard loyal to Sanji and doesn't give any shits about what downplay these Zoro Fans are going to hit him with, he is going to defend Sanji until Oda personally beats him into the ground, and I've always respected that in Chrono lol. And to top it all off, Chrono is one of an extremely few number of Sanji Wankers on WorstGen, but he still fights the strongest fandom by himself on the daily anyway. May all wankers strive to be like Chrono.

-If we had to go by just sheer logic, then Divvens is actually the most powerful character in all of S&A since he was the very First Admin and TAC also gave him other powers on top of his Admin powers when he revived him. Again, may he Rest In Peace.

The ultimate chronology I pictured for this fight would be Chrono, Nidai, Roger, and Garp the Fist being defeated first, which would lead the climax of WorstGen to be a direct 1v1 between Bogard and Divvens, the destruction of the old forum vs the creation of the new, and everything that entails.

The series ends as Bogard defeats Divvens, allowing the forum to enter a period of healing and prosperity. I've said this like 30 times now, but from the bottom of my heart, thank you all for reading.
Omg Major thanks for the praise:josad: Made my day !

Thanks for this series!!