Anime & Manga Admiral Lee Hung's Rare Meme Repository

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Who could've predicted back in 2012 that Big Mom and Kaido would look so horrible against Mid tier characters???

and that he can die knowing that his own ending has trhilled him more than whatever bullshit Oda will come up with for Sanji.

Brilliant stuff man, once again, thank you so much for all of the laughs! :akaman:
Sword and Admiral: The End of an Era-The Finale

And now, the finale. This truly feels like the end of an era to me, even though this is happening in synopsis form instead of actual Memega form lol. Without further ado, may I present the conclusion to Sword and Admiral in its entirety. I sincerely hope you guys enjoy this ending, as 90% of this ending has been set in stone from the beginning, and I'm pretty impressed that I was able to tie together most plot threads this well lol.

Anyway, Enjoy :)

Chapter 26 is called "And The Sword Falls"

The Final Day of battle begins between the Admiral and Yonko Armies. The Doflamingo Army yesterday had refrained from attacking due to rumors of the Admiral fans' eminent defeat, but now that the battle is so close, Sanjikun will reassume his attack on Comrade's HQ.

Comrade sends orders to the Win Win Army: with Van wounded, it is no longer clear that Rosella can defeat both the Admiral and Sword fans simultaneously. Instead, Comrade orders Rosella to hit the Doflamingo fandom directly, which will undoubtedly bait S&A and the Admiral Tards into bypassing him and striking Comrade directly. Once Rosella (a Big Mom fan) has neg diffed the Doflamingo fandom commanders, he can turn around and Comrade will sandwich S&A alongside Rosella, which will defeat them once and for all.

The battle starts, and things go exactly as Comrade predicts. Rosella charges Sanjikun directly, and S&A and the Admiral Tards charge Comrade's headquarters directly. The Doflamingo fandom tries a variety of tactics on Rosella, but the raw strength of a top tier big Mom fan was outside of their expectations, and that Doflamingo might not be a top tier after all. Doflamingo fans insist that Sanjikun retreat, but he remarks that there is still a way to prove Doflamingo is top tier, and that is if Sword and Admiral can succeed in their battle, which will turn the tides and give the Doflamingo Army and S&A the overall victory.

As the Admiral Tards push into Comrade's Headquarters, Silverfire and Van once again encounter each other as commanders, both are severely wounded. Before Van engages Silverfire, he flashes back to an encounter long ago:

And see, I really, really wanted to Meme this for a long time, I'm sad that it will never be memed but at least the concept will be appreciated lol. So, any of my discord compatriots will know that @dizzy2341 and I used to have a feud, and we used to talk mad smack to each other lol. So in Kingdom, there is a flashback involving my character (Ouki) and Dizzy's character (Rinshoujou) where essentially each of them are just talking shit to the other lol. The scene takes place on the border between OJ and Thirsty Gen, back in 2018. The scene starts out with casual shit talk, Dizzy mocks Lee for being banned from OJ, while Lee challenges Dizzy to come over to Thirsty Gen and say that.

Dizzy remarks that the age of retarded wankers is coming to an end (this is well before his transcendance and thus his visions), and that Lee being a forgotten meme is quite appropriate. He remarks that Wankers will have no future in Oro Jackson. Lee counters by predicting that Oro Jackson will soon die an unfortunate death. After this, Shuyaku (at the time was traveling with Lee), attacks Dizzy but the attack is blocked by Haoshoku. Van attacks Lee but his attack is blocked by Owl Ki. Lee mistakenly tells MarineHQ62 to calm down, who reacts indignantly.

The flashback ends as Dizzy tells Lee that merit will determine who the victors are in the end.

Van and Silverfire engage each other briefly which results in Silverfire ultimately slaying Van. As Van bleeds out, he tells Silverfire that he must pass on a final message from his old master-Dizzy's second wish. Dizzy's second wish, was that if the Young Dragons found themselves incapable of stopping the Wankers, that they pass the following message onto the Wankers that defeated them: "A Sword that has been drawn, must fall onto it's target". Silverfire is not quite sure of the meaning of these words, but he heads towards the Doflamingo army to assist with stopping Rosella.

Sword and Admiral continues their advance, the newfound strength of the Zoro and Admiral fans together is something that the Comrade army is incapable of stopping. Comrade remarks that the combined wankers truly have reached the level of Lee, and that he would be proud to see the fruits of his labor on display now. However, Comrade knows that this is ultimately where Sword and Admiral will meet its end.

Sword and Admiral continues to charge forward, Comrade himself and Natalija are now visible from the charge. Suddenly, Cinera senses an overwhelming presence, far more overwhelming than any she has ever come across so far. At this, suddenly dozens upon dozens of wankers begin dying simultaneously just in front of Comrade's HQ. We flash to the front, just in front of Comrade's Headquarters, where we once again find Jo_Ndule slaying wankers left and right. His eyes are now more bloodshot than they've ever been, and with a scream of rage he unleashes his CoC, which stops all of Sword and Admiral dead in it's tracks.

Natalija asks Comrade to retreat, but Comrade remarks that he will stay behind to see Ndule's efforts for himself. Ndule once again declares himself to be the Anti-Wank, and that it is now that all of his efforts will culminate, as he finishes off Sword and Admiral. Cinera orders all of the Wankers to stay back. As she senses Ndule's Aura, she remarks that she has never come across such power before in all of the centuries she has spent wanking Zoro. She internally realizes that she can no longer forsake the wank, and that the only way for her to defeat Ndule is for her to accept her true power, and awaken the strength of the First Wanker.

Cinera evolves into her Final Form, the form of S1R_L, the first Wanker of Oro Jackson. Now that Zoro is bodying Yonko, she asks Ndule to prepare himself to face the full might of the first Great Mosshead. Cinera and Ndule engage in a duel, and Cinera's initial strength is horrifying. She brutally wounds Ndule which a huge slice to his back, a huge slice to his torso, takes two of his fingers off, and puts her sword through his arm.

Which each wound Ndule takes, he seems to become more and more bloodlusted, until finally he defeats Cinera by grabbing her by her left foot and bashing her head into the ground over and over again. This continues for a long time and Cinera is brutalized heavily. Just when it seems that Cinera may pass out, King7 shows up to face Ndule himself.

As Silverfire arrives to the Doflamingo Army's battlefield, he discovers that Zoro D Goat was moving in for a sneak attack, in the name of Leg & Yonko. Silverfire swats D Goat off of his horse, and that ends that plotline lol. Start your memega already, and your power level will increase. Anyway, Silverfire and Sanjikun speak as all of the Doflamingo fans attempt to stop Rosella. Silverfire thanks Sanjikun for his assistance, but Sanjikun says that this was entirely related to Doflamingo and had nothing to do with the Admirals. He tells silverfire he'd better hope that Sword and Admiral can actually defeat Comrade. Silverfire assures Sanjikun that he should not underestimate their wank.

Ndule is no longer capable of speaking in coherent sentences, his mind has been too lost to the Anti-Wank. Hearing Ndule's abnmorally terrible grammar, Natalija asks Comrade what Jo_Ndule is exactly. Comrade tells her that he is the opposite of all Wank. If emotions like love and passion are the source of Wank, then Ndule's strength comes from hatred and rage. The deeper a Wanker's love for a character is, the stronger their wank, but for Ndule, the deeper his hatred and rage, the stronger he becomes. This creates a "contradiction" within Ndule, as his hatred and rage grows, he becomes more powerful, but he also looses his track of his love for One Piece in the first place, and thus he looses sight of why he ultimately follows the series. TAC was first able to gain Ndule to his side by assuring Ndule that eliminating the Wankers would allow his enjoyment of One Piece to return, but with each L he takes and the deeper in Anti-Wank grows, his enjoyment of all things One Piece diminishes.

Comrade remarks that he doesn't know if the path to true power that Ndule has chosen is correct, but he believes that King7 holds the answer to that question.

Ndule and King7 stand ready to face each other. Ndule remarks that Cinera will not survive her wounds, and that by eliminating King7, he will have finished enacting Oda's Will upon the fandom, and will have created a fandom where there is no wank. King7 remarks that he will finish what Lee and Ha001 started, by finishing Ndule off defeating Comrade as well. Their fight begins, and Ndule's power is brutal. He brutalizes King7 with all of his strength and beats King7 within an inch of his life. As King lays on the ground dying, he receives visions of Ha001 and Lee, and by channeling the spirits of their wank, he is able to stand once again and attain a new level of strength. He and Ndule continue dueling, and with every strike Ndule takes, his mind leaves him further and further. Ultimately, Ndule is unable to mentally process the fight, and King7 ultimately cuts Ndule in half, killing him instantly.

At this, the Sword and Admiral armies erupt into cheers that engulf the whole battlefield. Comrade and Natalija retreat, and Comrade remarks that they have suffered a total defeat. Sanjikun begins chasing Comrade off, remarking that he has definitively proved that Doflamingo is a top tier.

As Sword and Admiral stays behind, all of its wankers are brutally wounded. King7 remarks that they should not stop now, and should move to finish TAC while they can. Cinera who is barely conscious tells King7 not to worry, and that she senses that TAC's reckoning is soon approaching.

The chapter ends with Sword and Admiral celebrating their victory.

Chapter 27 is called "A New World"

Later that night, we have finally reached TAC's ultimate lair. The two who have arrived to confront him are of course, the revived corpse of Light D Lamperouge, who has been fighting for S&A from the shadows this entire time, as well as Awakened_Coming, the Soy Boy. Light remarks that with Comrade out of the way, there is no longer anything protect TAC, and that he will have to answer for his crimes. Cumming calls Light a faggot and the two head inside the cave that TAC hides in.

While all of this is going on, TAC has become an Awakened Zoan. He has eaten the Brachio fruit and has perfected the fruit in preparation to enjoy the New World he has so far waited for. (Visually, TAC is Sage Mode Kabuto, the Snakes representing Brachiosaurs lol). TAC seems unusually aloof as Light and Cumming head inside to meet him. In spite of the two catastrophic defeats he has suffered (Udon and Comrade respectively), TAC seems to be completely undeterred. He engages Light in Cumming in his final fight.

Light has progressed quite far in Wank during his journey, and he has now eclipsed Cinera in power, making him even above Great Mosshead level in strength. Cumming is also utilizing the Reality Warping Jutsu that he unlocked in his fight with Topi, meaning both of these two characters have reached or exceeded Great wanker level. However, that said, TAC's power is still too much for them. He has the power of an Awakened Ancient Zoan, and he is also the Funkiest Man in the World, granting him dance moves that make him extremely difficult to actually land an attack on. Since TAC is an experienced Kizaru Wanker, all of his attacks travel at Light Speed, and it is extremely difficult for Light and Cumming to keep up with him and dodge his attacks. With the stamina of an Ancient Zoan, Light remarks that he and Cumming will undoubtedly lose this battle in the long run.

TAC assures Light and Cummings that there is no possible way that he can lose this war, since his ultimate trump card in Divvens is still unchecked. Additionally, he reveals that his ultimate master plan was centered around Chrono, and assures Light and Cummings that the forum as a whole would not be able to counter just one of these two, let alone the both of them. Even if TAC is defeated here, it doesn't matter because his plan has been expertly orchestrated to the point that he cannot lose, even if his body stops working.

Light understands that TAC is correct, and that it will take everything that he and Cumming have just to defeat TAC, but have no idea how to stop Divvens and Chrono afterwards. He and Cumming come to the conclusion that their only option is to use the forbidden "headcanon" Jutsu.

The Headcanon Jutsu allows one to trap another user into an alternate reality, where fantasy becomes reality. Light and Cumming combine their strength to use this Jutsu on TAC which traps him into an Illusory World. In this world, TAC has attained everything he has ever dreamed. There are no Zoro Wankers, and each time TAC tries to pull off a Zoro hating attack on Light and Cumming, the attacks are ineffective. This process continues until TAC reaches the ultimate conclusion that his master plan was actually successful. If Zoro hate isn't working on Zoro fans, then this must mean that his New World has been achieved, just like he dreamed it would for so long now. TAC discovers that there is no longer a need for him to fight, because he has achieved exactly what he set out to achieve and has become the hero of the New World. With this, and his promise to Bernie Sanders Sama fulfilled, TAC is at peace and is able to pass on to the next life.

The strain on Lights power required to defeat TAC ultimately leads him passing on as well. Light is at peace, knowing that he was ultimately able to fulfill his oath to Sword and Admiral and save the Swordbois. He and Cummings call each other soyboys one last time, before Light passes on.

And finally,

We return to the battlefield of the Katakuri Fandom that Divvens attacked back in Chapter 18. The Mochiboi army has been completely obliterated to the last man. The Five Mochikage stand again to face Divvens, but are overwhelmingly crushed by Divvens' massive power. Divvens remarks that it has all come down to this, and there is no longer anyone else who can stop him. It is now time to trigger WorstGen's "Great Collapse".

He Summons the 9 Wankchuriki, the 9 Spirits of Wank from which all Wank is derived. He also summons the Alto Mazo, which will convert their energy into the power required to destroy all of the forum. Just as Divvens is about to pull this off, Chrono swoops in and is able to hijack the power of the 9 Wankchuriki for himself. By infusing all of their powers into himself, Chrono unlocks the Admin Jutsu for himself and transcends into the highest level of power (He is Ten Tails Obito). Divvens is in shock that an ordinary user would know how to attain the power of an Admin. Chrono retorts that Admin-hood is the highest level of Wank, since the passion one must have to create and sustain a forum trumps all other forums of Wank.

With this development, Chrono has become the most powerful Sanji fan in all of internet history, and has attained a level of power only comparable to the previous Admins, but remarks that his ambition is much greater than theirs anyway. Chrono tells Divvens that he will not allow Divvens to destroy WorstGen, but will instead remake WorstGen into his own image, turning the forum into the greatest beacon of Sanji respect in internet history. Chrono also tells Divvens that OJ was never the perfect haven for Sanji appreciation that Divvens thought it was when he founded it, but that he will rectify that mistake now. Chrono will turn WorstGen into what Divvens originally wanted OJ to be, and that Sanji Fans will forever live in peace and harmony while Zoro fans cling to the depths of the web for life. Divvens challenges Chrono to succeed where he failed, and Chrono remarks that there is no one left to stop him.

Indeed, all of WorstGen's strongest wankers are in no shape to fight. The Zoro fandom lies broken as a result of the Udon Raid, Sword and Admiral has been brutally wounded by fighting Comrade. The Katakuri fans lie defeated, hoping that there will be a place for them in the New Forum of Chrono's design. The First Admin, and the Last Admin, stand ready to terraform WorstGen.

Just when all hope seems loss, our final four enter the frey: Bogard the Admin as Hashirama, Garp the Fist as Tobirama, Gol D Roger as Minato, and Nidai Kitetsu as Hiruzen.

Nidai asks if anyone actually thought he was about to let himself get one shot back in Chapter 15 without ever achieving redemption. Roger asks if anyone thought Lee could get away with memeing him as freaking Shobunkun without giving him his rightful moment to shine. Garp the Fist remarks to Bogard that this will be the most overwhelming battle they've ever taken part in. Bogard addresses Divvens and Chrono, and tells them that he will put an end to this War of Wank with his own hands.

Chapter 28 is called "The Three Swords", and is the last chapter of S&A.

Now that the stage has been set for the final battle, I'm going to break the Fourth Wall a bit and talk about the Three Ideologies that I've written this series around lol. In this case that's what the "Three Swords" represents, the three ideologies all battling each other for supremacy in some way shape or form.

The first ideology I'll shorthand as "Destruction", this is the desire that each of the conflicting groups have to destroy their enemies. Divvens is the ultimate manifestation of this ideology, as he seeks to literally destroy all of WorstGen in it's entirety in an effort to destroy all of the Wankers. What differentiates Divvens from someone like Ndule, is that Ndule only wants to destroy all Wankers, while Divvens would rather destroy all of WorstGen just to destroy the Wankers within.

The second I'll shorthand as "Domination", the desire to control the wanks of others and/or force unwanted wank upon other people. When Chrono becomes the Final Admin, his goal becomes to turn WorstGen into a pro Sanji forum, forcing users to wank Sanji whether they want to or not. Chrono is much different from the hero TAC because TAC never wanted to force other users into specific wank, he just wanted to create an ideal world where all characters could be wanked equally, eliminating the disparity that exists in WorstGen currently. Chrono is different, Chrono's desire was always to turn the entire forum into the Sanji Fandom, universally.

The third I'll shorthand as "Disparity", and this is the idea that Wank is a natural part of forum life, and a manifestation of love and passion that characters have for each other. Bogard's character represents this in S&A, as his goal has been to sustain a place where fans of One Piece could get together and appreciate the series together. This is really the ultimate core of S&A, that Wank is just the natural result of a bunch of internet hobos getting together to discuss a series like OP and that conflicts will naturally arise as a result.

^the narrative of the final fight centers around these three ideologies.

Now, the battle between the Hokage and Madara/Obito has very specific choreography obviously, but my plan was to make heavy edits to make the battle go in a more climactic direction appropriate for the end of S&A lol. To those who have been paying attention, you'll notice that I tried not to alter the plot chronology of past S&A chapters, but there were a few places where I edited the panels themselves to change the course of the story lol. I was basically planning to do this on a much larger scale for this final battle as we climax S&A as a whole. Of course, ultimately Bogard and Co. were going to win in the end, but I hadn't ever finalized how I wanted the battle itself to take place, I just have a bunch of notes here so I'll post them and since I never finished the series formally, any reading this can come to their own conclusions lol. So here goes:

-Bogard is the Champion of the Ace Wank and makes a case for himself being the most powerful character in the series. He has Conqueror's Haki, the Admin Jutsus which include temporary and perma bans as well as thread deletions, and he is also a top tier Whitebeard and Ace wanker which makes him a top tier wanker in general.

-Garp the Fist is a top tier Luffy/Garp Wanker on top of being able to utilize Modular Jutsus. I really liked the scene where Tobirama and Madara talked to each other briefly as a template and planned to use that scene to worldbuild more on the lore of the old days of OJ and such.

-Gol D. Roger as Minato is also very powerful. For those who have been following S&A closely, you will know that Gol D. Roger was an original member of the Three Great Mossheads lol. The reason I made this choice is that I recall Shishio and Cinera telling me in Discord that a user named Gol D. Roger was like, their favorite Zoro fan on OJ lol. I actually don't know if this Roger and that one are the same person, but I gave Roger the benefit of the doubt nonetheless lol. I really liked the idea of having a Great Wanker discard their title in favor of Modship, so Roger filled a really cool roll for me lol. I figure he'll forgive me for getting meme'd as Shobunkun if he ultimately gets Minato who is one of the coolest Naruto characters lol.

-Nidai was about to get one shot again by Chrono lol. Make no mistake, this isn't because I don't like Nidai, but this is more just a running gag about how he was only a WorstGen mod for like 5 seconds. Someone needed to take the bullet right? Sorry bro lol. Anyway, Nidai for all intents and purposes is just as powerful as Garp the Fist and Gol D. Roger.

-Chrono has a bit of Pantheos syndrome going on in this fight, in that he is so new with the Admin Jutsu that he doesn't have great mastery over it yet, and this ultimately results in him being defeated before Divvens. Chrono is one of my favorite WorstGen users, I've said that before but I just think he is great lmfao. He is diehard loyal to Sanji and doesn't give any shits about what downplay these Zoro Fans are going to hit him with, he is going to defend Sanji until Oda personally beats him into the ground, and I've always respected that in Chrono lol. And to top it all off, Chrono is one of an extremely few number of Sanji Wankers on WorstGen, but he still fights the strongest fandom by himself on the daily anyway. May all wankers strive to be like Chrono.

-If we had to go by just sheer logic, then Divvens is actually the most powerful character in all of S&A since he was the very First Admin and TAC also gave him other powers on top of his Admin powers when he revived him. Again, may he Rest In Peace.

The ultimate chronology I pictured for this fight would be Chrono, Nidai, Roger, and Garp the Fist being defeated first, which would lead the climax of WorstGen to be a direct 1v1 between Bogard and Divvens, the destruction of the old forum vs the creation of the new, and everything that entails.

The series ends as Bogard defeats Divvens, allowing the forum to enter a period of healing and prosperity. I've said this like 30 times now, but from the bottom of my heart, thank you all for reading.
well done

I'm so mad I'm not more part of the story ....


You can't win
Sword and Admiral: The End of an Era-The Finale

And now, the finale. This truly feels like the end of an era to me, even though this is happening in synopsis form instead of actual Memega form lol. Without further ado, may I present the conclusion to Sword and Admiral in its entirety. I sincerely hope you guys enjoy this ending, as 90% of this ending has been set in stone from the beginning, and I'm pretty impressed that I was able to tie together most plot threads this well lol.

Anyway, Enjoy :)

Chapter 26 is called "And The Sword Falls"

The Final Day of battle begins between the Admiral and Yonko Armies. The Doflamingo Army yesterday had refrained from attacking due to rumors of the Admiral fans' eminent defeat, but now that the battle is so close, Sanjikun will reassume his attack on Comrade's HQ.

Comrade sends orders to the Win Win Army: with Van wounded, it is no longer clear that Rosella can defeat both the Admiral and Sword fans simultaneously. Instead, Comrade orders Rosella to hit the Doflamingo fandom directly, which will undoubtedly bait S&A and the Admiral Tards into bypassing him and striking Comrade directly. Once Rosella (a Big Mom fan) has neg diffed the Doflamingo fandom commanders, he can turn around and Comrade will sandwich S&A alongside Rosella, which will defeat them once and for all.

The battle starts, and things go exactly as Comrade predicts. Rosella charges Sanjikun directly, and S&A and the Admiral Tards charge Comrade's headquarters directly. The Doflamingo fandom tries a variety of tactics on Rosella, but the raw strength of a top tier big Mom fan was outside of their expectations, and that Doflamingo might not be a top tier after all. Doflamingo fans insist that Sanjikun retreat, but he remarks that there is still a way to prove Doflamingo is top tier, and that is if Sword and Admiral can succeed in their battle, which will turn the tides and give the Doflamingo Army and S&A the overall victory.

As the Admiral Tards push into Comrade's Headquarters, Silverfire and Van once again encounter each other as commanders, both are severely wounded. Before Van engages Silverfire, he flashes back to an encounter long ago:

And see, I really, really wanted to Meme this for a long time, I'm sad that it will never be memed but at least the concept will be appreciated lol. So, any of my discord compatriots will know that @dizzy2341 and I used to have a feud, and we used to talk mad smack to each other lol. So in Kingdom, there is a flashback involving my character (Ouki) and Dizzy's character (Rinshoujou) where essentially each of them are just talking shit to the other lol. The scene takes place on the border between OJ and Thirsty Gen, back in 2018. The scene starts out with casual shit talk, Dizzy mocks Lee for being banned from OJ, while Lee challenges Dizzy to come over to Thirsty Gen and say that.

Dizzy remarks that the age of retarded wankers is coming to an end (this is well before his transcendance and thus his visions), and that Lee being a forgotten meme is quite appropriate. He remarks that Wankers will have no future in Oro Jackson. Lee counters by predicting that Oro Jackson will soon die an unfortunate death. After this, Shuyaku (at the time was traveling with Lee), attacks Dizzy but the attack is blocked by Haoshoku. Van attacks Lee but his attack is blocked by Owl Ki. Lee mistakenly tells MarineHQ62 to calm down, who reacts indignantly.

The flashback ends as Dizzy tells Lee that merit will determine who the victors are in the end.

Van and Silverfire engage each other briefly which results in Silverfire ultimately slaying Van. As Van bleeds out, he tells Silverfire that he must pass on a final message from his old master-Dizzy's second wish. Dizzy's second wish, was that if the Young Dragons found themselves incapable of stopping the Wankers, that they pass the following message onto the Wankers that defeated them: "A Sword that has been drawn, must fall onto it's target". Silverfire is not quite sure of the meaning of these words, but he heads towards the Doflamingo army to assist with stopping Rosella.

Sword and Admiral continues their advance, the newfound strength of the Zoro and Admiral fans together is something that the Comrade army is incapable of stopping. Comrade remarks that the combined wankers truly have reached the level of Lee, and that he would be proud to see the fruits of his labor on display now. However, Comrade knows that this is ultimately where Sword and Admiral will meet its end.

Sword and Admiral continues to charge forward, Comrade himself and Natalija are now visible from the charge. Suddenly, Cinera senses an overwhelming presence, far more overwhelming than any she has ever come across so far. At this, suddenly dozens upon dozens of wankers begin dying simultaneously just in front of Comrade's HQ. We flash to the front, just in front of Comrade's Headquarters, where we once again find Jo_Ndule slaying wankers left and right. His eyes are now more bloodshot than they've ever been, and with a scream of rage he unleashes his CoC, which stops all of Sword and Admiral dead in it's tracks.

Natalija asks Comrade to retreat, but Comrade remarks that he will stay behind to see Ndule's efforts for himself. Ndule once again declares himself to be the Anti-Wank, and that it is now that all of his efforts will culminate, as he finishes off Sword and Admiral. Cinera orders all of the Wankers to stay back. As she senses Ndule's Aura, she remarks that she has never come across such power before in all of the centuries she has spent wanking Zoro. She internally realizes that she can no longer forsake the wank, and that the only way for her to defeat Ndule is for her to accept her true power, and awaken the strength of the First Wanker.

Cinera evolves into her Final Form, the form of S1R_L, the first Wanker of Oro Jackson. Now that Zoro is bodying Yonko, she asks Ndule to prepare himself to face the full might of the first Great Mosshead. Cinera and Ndule engage in a duel, and Cinera's initial strength is horrifying. She brutally wounds Ndule which a huge slice to his back, a huge slice to his torso, takes two of his fingers off, and puts her sword through his arm.

Which each wound Ndule takes, he seems to become more and more bloodlusted, until finally he defeats Cinera by grabbing her by her left foot and bashing her head into the ground over and over again. This continues for a long time and Cinera is brutalized heavily. Just when it seems that Cinera may pass out, King7 shows up to face Ndule himself.

As Silverfire arrives to the Doflamingo Army's battlefield, he discovers that Zoro D Goat was moving in for a sneak attack, in the name of Leg & Yonko. Silverfire swats D Goat off of his horse, and that ends that plotline lol. Start your memega already, and your power level will increase. Anyway, Silverfire and Sanjikun speak as all of the Doflamingo fans attempt to stop Rosella. Silverfire thanks Sanjikun for his assistance, but Sanjikun says that this was entirely related to Doflamingo and had nothing to do with the Admirals. He tells silverfire he'd better hope that Sword and Admiral can actually defeat Comrade. Silverfire assures Sanjikun that he should not underestimate their wank.

Ndule is no longer capable of speaking in coherent sentences, his mind has been too lost to the Anti-Wank. Hearing Ndule's abnmorally terrible grammar, Natalija asks Comrade what Jo_Ndule is exactly. Comrade tells her that he is the opposite of all Wank. If emotions like love and passion are the source of Wank, then Ndule's strength comes from hatred and rage. The deeper a Wanker's love for a character is, the stronger their wank, but for Ndule, the deeper his hatred and rage, the stronger he becomes. This creates a "contradiction" within Ndule, as his hatred and rage grows, he becomes more powerful, but he also looses his track of his love for One Piece in the first place, and thus he looses sight of why he ultimately follows the series. TAC was first able to gain Ndule to his side by assuring Ndule that eliminating the Wankers would allow his enjoyment of One Piece to return, but with each L he takes and the deeper in Anti-Wank grows, his enjoyment of all things One Piece diminishes.

Comrade remarks that he doesn't know if the path to true power that Ndule has chosen is correct, but he believes that King7 holds the answer to that question.

Ndule and King7 stand ready to face each other. Ndule remarks that Cinera will not survive her wounds, and that by eliminating King7, he will have finished enacting Oda's Will upon the fandom, and will have created a fandom where there is no wank. King7 remarks that he will finish what Lee and Ha001 started, by finishing Ndule off defeating Comrade as well. Their fight begins, and Ndule's power is brutal. He brutalizes King7 with all of his strength and beats King7 within an inch of his life. As King lays on the ground dying, he receives visions of Ha001 and Lee, and by channeling the spirits of their wank, he is able to stand once again and attain a new level of strength. He and Ndule continue dueling, and with every strike Ndule takes, his mind leaves him further and further. Ultimately, Ndule is unable to mentally process the fight, and King7 ultimately cuts Ndule in half, killing him instantly.

At this, the Sword and Admiral armies erupt into cheers that engulf the whole battlefield. Comrade and Natalija retreat, and Comrade remarks that they have suffered a total defeat. Sanjikun begins chasing Comrade off, remarking that he has definitively proved that Doflamingo is a top tier.

As Sword and Admiral stays behind, all of its wankers are brutally wounded. King7 remarks that they should not stop now, and should move to finish TAC while they can. Cinera who is barely conscious tells King7 not to worry, and that she senses that TAC's reckoning is soon approaching.

The chapter ends with Sword and Admiral celebrating their victory.

Chapter 27 is called "A New World"

Later that night, we have finally reached TAC's ultimate lair. The two who have arrived to confront him are of course, the revived corpse of Light D Lamperouge, who has been fighting for S&A from the shadows this entire time, as well as Awakened_Coming, the Soy Boy. Light remarks that with Comrade out of the way, there is no longer anything protect TAC, and that he will have to answer for his crimes. Cumming calls Light a faggot and the two head inside the cave that TAC hides in.

While all of this is going on, TAC has become an Awakened Zoan. He has eaten the Brachio fruit and has perfected the fruit in preparation to enjoy the New World he has so far waited for. (Visually, TAC is Sage Mode Kabuto, the Snakes representing Brachiosaurs lol). TAC seems unusually aloof as Light and Cumming head inside to meet him. In spite of the two catastrophic defeats he has suffered (Udon and Comrade respectively), TAC seems to be completely undeterred. He engages Light in Cumming in his final fight.

Light has progressed quite far in Wank during his journey, and he has now eclipsed Cinera in power, making him even above Great Mosshead level in strength. Cumming is also utilizing the Reality Warping Jutsu that he unlocked in his fight with Topi, meaning both of these two characters have reached or exceeded Great wanker level. However, that said, TAC's power is still too much for them. He has the power of an Awakened Ancient Zoan, and he is also the Funkiest Man in the World, granting him dance moves that make him extremely difficult to actually land an attack on. Since TAC is an experienced Kizaru Wanker, all of his attacks travel at Light Speed, and it is extremely difficult for Light and Cumming to keep up with him and dodge his attacks. With the stamina of an Ancient Zoan, Light remarks that he and Cumming will undoubtedly lose this battle in the long run.

TAC assures Light and Cummings that there is no possible way that he can lose this war, since his ultimate trump card in Divvens is still unchecked. Additionally, he reveals that his ultimate master plan was centered around Chrono, and assures Light and Cummings that the forum as a whole would not be able to counter just one of these two, let alone the both of them. Even if TAC is defeated here, it doesn't matter because his plan has been expertly orchestrated to the point that he cannot lose, even if his body stops working.

Light understands that TAC is correct, and that it will take everything that he and Cumming have just to defeat TAC, but have no idea how to stop Divvens and Chrono afterwards. He and Cumming come to the conclusion that their only option is to use the forbidden "headcanon" Jutsu.

The Headcanon Jutsu allows one to trap another user into an alternate reality, where fantasy becomes reality. Light and Cumming combine their strength to use this Jutsu on TAC which traps him into an Illusory World. In this world, TAC has attained everything he has ever dreamed. There are no Zoro Wankers, and each time TAC tries to pull off a Zoro hating attack on Light and Cumming, the attacks are ineffective. This process continues until TAC reaches the ultimate conclusion that his master plan was actually successful. If Zoro hate isn't working on Zoro fans, then this must mean that his New World has been achieved, just like he dreamed it would for so long now. TAC discovers that there is no longer a need for him to fight, because he has achieved exactly what he set out to achieve and has become the hero of the New World. With this, and his promise to Bernie Sanders Sama fulfilled, TAC is at peace and is able to pass on to the next life.

The strain on Lights power required to defeat TAC ultimately leads him passing on as well. Light is at peace, knowing that he was ultimately able to fulfill his oath to Sword and Admiral and save the Swordbois. He and Cummings call each other soyboys one last time, before Light passes on.

And finally,

We return to the battlefield of the Katakuri Fandom that Divvens attacked back in Chapter 18. The Mochiboi army has been completely obliterated to the last man. The Five Mochikage stand again to face Divvens, but are overwhelmingly crushed by Divvens' massive power. Divvens remarks that it has all come down to this, and there is no longer anyone else who can stop him. It is now time to trigger WorstGen's "Great Collapse".

He Summons the 9 Wankchuriki, the 9 Spirits of Wank from which all Wank is derived. He also summons the Alto Mazo, which will convert their energy into the power required to destroy all of the forum. Just as Divvens is about to pull this off, Chrono swoops in and is able to hijack the power of the 9 Wankchuriki for himself. By infusing all of their powers into himself, Chrono unlocks the Admin Jutsu for himself and transcends into the highest level of power (He is Ten Tails Obito). Divvens is in shock that an ordinary user would know how to attain the power of an Admin. Chrono retorts that Admin-hood is the highest level of Wank, since the passion one must have to create and sustain a forum trumps all other forums of Wank.

With this development, Chrono has become the most powerful Sanji fan in all of internet history, and has attained a level of power only comparable to the previous Admins, but remarks that his ambition is much greater than theirs anyway. Chrono tells Divvens that he will not allow Divvens to destroy WorstGen, but will instead remake WorstGen into his own image, turning the forum into the greatest beacon of Sanji respect in internet history. Chrono also tells Divvens that OJ was never the perfect haven for Sanji appreciation that Divvens thought it was when he founded it, but that he will rectify that mistake now. Chrono will turn WorstGen into what Divvens originally wanted OJ to be, and that Sanji Fans will forever live in peace and harmony while Zoro fans cling to the depths of the web for life. Divvens challenges Chrono to succeed where he failed, and Chrono remarks that there is no one left to stop him.

Indeed, all of WorstGen's strongest wankers are in no shape to fight. The Zoro fandom lies broken as a result of the Udon Raid, Sword and Admiral has been brutally wounded by fighting Comrade. The Katakuri fans lie defeated, hoping that there will be a place for them in the New Forum of Chrono's design. The First Admin, and the Last Admin, stand ready to terraform WorstGen.

Just when all hope seems loss, our final four enter the frey: Bogard the Admin as Hashirama, Garp the Fist as Tobirama, Gol D Roger as Minato, and Nidai Kitetsu as Hiruzen.

Nidai asks if anyone actually thought he was about to let himself get one shot back in Chapter 15 without ever achieving redemption. Roger asks if anyone thought Lee could get away with memeing him as freaking Shobunkun without giving him his rightful moment to shine. Garp the Fist remarks to Bogard that this will be the most overwhelming battle they've ever taken part in. Bogard addresses Divvens and Chrono, and tells them that he will put an end to this War of Wank with his own hands.

Chapter 28 is called "The Three Swords", and is the last chapter of S&A.

Now that the stage has been set for the final battle, I'm going to break the Fourth Wall a bit and talk about the Three Ideologies that I've written this series around lol. In this case that's what the "Three Swords" represents, the three ideologies all battling each other for supremacy in some way shape or form.

The first ideology I'll shorthand as "Destruction", this is the desire that each of the conflicting groups have to destroy their enemies. Divvens is the ultimate manifestation of this ideology, as he seeks to literally destroy all of WorstGen in it's entirety in an effort to destroy all of the Wankers. What differentiates Divvens from someone like Ndule, is that Ndule only wants to destroy all Wankers, while Divvens would rather destroy all of WorstGen just to destroy the Wankers within.

The second I'll shorthand as "Domination", the desire to control the wanks of others and/or force unwanted wank upon other people. When Chrono becomes the Final Admin, his goal becomes to turn WorstGen into a pro Sanji forum, forcing users to wank Sanji whether they want to or not. Chrono is much different from the hero TAC because TAC never wanted to force other users into specific wank, he just wanted to create an ideal world where all characters could be wanked equally, eliminating the disparity that exists in WorstGen currently. Chrono is different, Chrono's desire was always to turn the entire forum into the Sanji Fandom, universally.

The third I'll shorthand as "Disparity", and this is the idea that Wank is a natural part of forum life, and a manifestation of love and passion that characters have for each other. Bogard's character represents this in S&A, as his goal has been to sustain a place where fans of One Piece could get together and appreciate the series together. This is really the ultimate core of S&A, that Wank is just the natural result of a bunch of internet hobos getting together to discuss a series like OP and that conflicts will naturally arise as a result.

^the narrative of the final fight centers around these three ideologies.

Now, the battle between the Hokage and Madara/Obito has very specific choreography obviously, but my plan was to make heavy edits to make the battle go in a more climactic direction appropriate for the end of S&A lol. To those who have been paying attention, you'll notice that I tried not to alter the plot chronology of past S&A chapters, but there were a few places where I edited the panels themselves to change the course of the story lol. I was basically planning to do this on a much larger scale for this final battle as we climax S&A as a whole. Of course, ultimately Bogard and Co. were going to win in the end, but I hadn't ever finalized how I wanted the battle itself to take place, I just have a bunch of notes here so I'll post them and since I never finished the series formally, any reading this can come to their own conclusions lol. So here goes:

-Bogard is the Champion of the Ace Wank and makes a case for himself being the most powerful character in the series. He has Conqueror's Haki, the Admin Jutsus which include temporary and perma bans as well as thread deletions, and he is also a top tier Whitebeard and Ace wanker which makes him a top tier wanker in general.

-Garp the Fist is a top tier Luffy/Garp Wanker on top of being able to utilize Modular Jutsus. I really liked the scene where Tobirama and Madara talked to each other briefly as a template and planned to use that scene to worldbuild more on the lore of the old days of OJ and such.

-Gol D. Roger as Minato is also very powerful. For those who have been following S&A closely, you will know that Gol D. Roger was an original member of the Three Great Mossheads lol. The reason I made this choice is that I recall Shishio and Cinera telling me in Discord that a user named Gol D. Roger was like, their favorite Zoro fan on OJ lol. I actually don't know if this Roger and that one are the same person, but I gave Roger the benefit of the doubt nonetheless lol. I really liked the idea of having a Great Wanker discard their title in favor of Modship, so Roger filled a really cool roll for me lol. I figure he'll forgive me for getting meme'd as Shobunkun if he ultimately gets Minato who is one of the coolest Naruto characters lol.

-Nidai was about to get one shot again by Chrono lol. Make no mistake, this isn't because I don't like Nidai, but this is more just a running gag about how he was only a WorstGen mod for like 5 seconds. Someone needed to take the bullet right? Sorry bro lol. Anyway, Nidai for all intents and purposes is just as powerful as Garp the Fist and Gol D. Roger.

-Chrono has a bit of Pantheos syndrome going on in this fight, in that he is so new with the Admin Jutsu that he doesn't have great mastery over it yet, and this ultimately results in him being defeated before Divvens. Chrono is one of my favorite WorstGen users, I've said that before but I just think he is great lmfao. He is diehard loyal to Sanji and doesn't give any shits about what downplay these Zoro Fans are going to hit him with, he is going to defend Sanji until Oda personally beats him into the ground, and I've always respected that in Chrono lol. And to top it all off, Chrono is one of an extremely few number of Sanji Wankers on WorstGen, but he still fights the strongest fandom by himself on the daily anyway. May all wankers strive to be like Chrono.

-If we had to go by just sheer logic, then Divvens is actually the most powerful character in all of S&A since he was the very First Admin and TAC also gave him other powers on top of his Admin powers when he revived him. Again, may he Rest In Peace.

The ultimate chronology I pictured for this fight would be Chrono, Nidai, Roger, and Garp the Fist being defeated first, which would lead the climax of WorstGen to be a direct 1v1 between Bogard and Divvens, the destruction of the old forum vs the creation of the new, and everything that entails.

The series ends as Bogard defeats Divvens, allowing the forum to enter a period of healing and prosperity. I've said this like 30 times now, but from the bottom of my heart, thank you all for reading.
Lol nice work @Admiral Lee Hung, loving the way you depicted the escalation between OJ and Worstgen, with me sealing the deal. :myman: RIP Divvens though, our feuds aside, this wouldn't have been possible without you
Man, how can you write so well? You are gifted for sure @Admiral Lee Hung Its not easy to make a lore out of pretty simple plotline. I dont know what you do irl, does it have anything to do with writing?

Hold up, Nidai was a Mod? I must have blinked and missed it. :yearight:

Poor Emperor Lee Hung was offscreened. :catsweat:
Hey, I was never a mod. In ALH's mind, I am probably the best suited to be a mod here, lol.
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Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
Man, how can you write so well? You are gifted for sure @Admiral Lee Hung Its not easy to make a lore out of pretty simple plotline. I dont know what you do irl, does it have anything to do with writing?
Haha thanks buddy, your words honor me.

And nah I work in Financial Sales lol. But I do a lot of story and writing analysis in my free time, I love deconstructing stories to find the internal messaging and analyzing different writing techniques and such. The only writing I’m doing post S&A is my characters in the OPRP here on WorstGen, but I would like to write a fantasy novel in the future, but I’m overly critical of my own ideas and I’m not ready to start that series yet.

Hey, I was never a mod. In ALH's mind, I am probably the most suited to be a mod here, lol.
Wait seriously? This whole time I could’ve sworn you were on the Mod Team right when WorstGen was founded? Lol

Oh well, we’ll count this as one of the two plot errors I made lol.

Some other plot errors I made were thinking that @King7 and Ivan Zonder were two different people, and I had originally planned to do a fight between @Red Admiral and @Sentinel , but I could just never find the right place for it and both of them ended up getting backgrounded, even though they are two users that I interact with pretty often lol.
Too many good quotes to list but these are particularly true to form:

Silverfire thanks Sanjikun for his assistance, but Sanjikun says that this was entirely related to Doflamingo and had nothing to do with the Admirals.
If emotions like love and passion are the source of Wank, then Ndule's strength comes from hatred and rage.
Bogard is the Champion of the Ace Wank and makes a case for himself being the most powerful character in the series. He has Conqueror's Haki, the Admin Jutsus which include temporary and perma bans as well
Ndule is no longer capable of speaking in coherent sentences, his mind has been too lost to the Anti-Wank. Hearing Ndule's abnmorally terrible grammar, Natalija asks Comrade what Jo_Ndule is exactly. Comrade tells her that he is the opposite of all Wank. If emotions like love and passion are the source of Wank, then Ndule's strength comes from hatred and rage. The deeper a Wanker's love for a character is, the stronger their wank, but for Ndule, the deeper his hatred and rage, the stronger he becomes. This creates a "contradiction" within Ndule, as his hatred and rage grows, he becomes more powerful, but he also looses his track of his love for One Piece in the first place, and thus he looses sight of why he ultimately follows the series. TAC was first able to gain Ndule to his side by assuring Ndule that eliminating the Wankers would allow his enjoyment of One Piece to return, but with each L he takes and the deeper in Anti-Wank grows, his enjoyment of all things One Piece diminishes.
I dont know why this gives me Houken vibe :gokulaugh:

Come on, Ndule also has his favorites. He consistently wanks Katakuri, Big Mom, Perospero etc
Arena Tier List
This topic comes up a lot, so I thought I'd post mine here, so I can easily link it if need be.

This is probably my definitive tier list of arena regulars. I only included my top tier posters because:
  • I'm a lot more confident in these placements than of those lower in my tier list.
    • It's easier to more accurately assess those I consider top tier than those I consider "high tier", "mid tier", etc.
  • Including lower tiers is likely to generate a lot of salt.
    • Folks ranked in mid tier or low tier may feel understandably offended.
  • I'm curious what other people's top tier look like.
    • Sharing mine may generate discussion and incentivise them to share theirs.

That said, my list:

Tier List
High Top Tier
  • Sentinel+
  • Silverfire+
  • Light D Lamperouge
  • Veku
  • ZenZu-
  • Bogard-

Mid Top Tier
  • Cinera+
  • Haoshoku
  • Gol D. Roger
  • Zenos7
  • KiriNigiri
  • HeroesNZ
  • Admiral Lee Hung
  • Yo Tan Wa
  • Hero Garp
  • Nidai_Kitetsu-

Low Top Tier
  • TheAncientCenturion+
  • Rivaille+
  • worst pirate+
  • comrade
  • Xione
  • BossYimz
  • Dragomir
  • Usopp Haoshoku Haki
  • Van
  • RayanOO
  • playa4321
  • ShishioIsBack
  • Robin swan

+: Might be rated in the next higher tier
-: Might be rated in the next lower tier

I didn't rate some folks because they haven't been active/I haven't read that many of their posts. Some names I'm cognisant of leaving out: Afro King, Buggy D ClowN.

Things I considered:
  • How solid their professed power level takes are:
    • @ShishioIsBack and @Admiral Lee Hung get penalised here due to their outrageous Zoro and admiral wank respectively.
    • I should probably also get penalised here, but I try to temper the takes I defend.
      • My more idiosyncratic takes regarding Zoro that could credibly be considered "wank":
        • Pica is a high mid tier overall:
          • Without his devil fruit, he is one of the stronger mid mid tiers (he would still beat Diamante and Cavendish though in difficult drawn out fights).
          • In Dressrosa specifically, he may be a low high tier level threat.
        • DR Santoryu Zoro was a peak low high tier or bottom mid high tier character.
          • I think he could have beaten Cracker back then.
          • I think he could have beaten G2/G3 Luffy with medium difficulty.
    • I consulted the top 50 lists of some folks when evaluating them, and I've otherwise read all the posts in Veku's thread.
    • I want to maintain some charity towards people with different takes from me. Folks who believe Zoro is substantially weaker than I do should get some benefit of the doubt. I don't want to be too dogmatic about power level opinions, especially when I may be proven wrong.
  • Accuracy
    • I will revise individuals ratings based on their track records.
    • People who endorsed takes that aged well should be revised upwards.
    • Folks who endorsed takes that aged poorly should be revised downwards.
  • How good are the arguments they raise.
    • The presentation of the arguments themselves.
    • How often arguments are supported with panels/other pieces of evidence.
    • The rhetoric used in arguments.
    • Persuasiveness of the arguments brought forth.
  • Civility
    • I penalise folks for incivility and otherwise antisocial behaviour.
    • @ShishioIsBack gets hurt by this.
  • Flexibility
    • People willing to change their minds get bonus points.
    • @Sentinel gets a bonus here, he revised his estimate of Doffy upwards (YC 2) despite being one of the strongest advocates for Doffy being weaker.
    • @Yo Tan Wa got a bonus for this due to a recent discussion I had with him.
    • @silverfire changed his mind on Crocodile, he was the best of the anti Crocodile advocates.
  • Dishonesty/Bad Faith
    • Folks who are intellectually dishonest or otherwise engage in bad faith get penalised.
@Dragomir you mentioned wanting to see my list.

I'm not tagging folks cause I'm not sure how many people share my passion for ranking members and wouldn't want to annoy them. But do please tag folks you think would be interested.
Bro how much time do you have?