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Drake didn’t say “Judge’s son” as if he knew judge himself... He was talking about the Vinsmokes... And the last thing that happened in the manga between Sanji and Drake was Sanji getting tail whipped

So your argument is that Oda created a plot point so that No one would care about it. Okay. I suppose bad writing is in fact an option here

Anyway, until the bad writing you suggest happens, I will be on the side of plot points require emotional engagement to be good and only Sanji would care so Queen vs Sanji is set.
my point was sanji got pissed when drake called him by his real name which affiliates him with his real father.. my point wasn't to diss the fact that sanji would care.. my point was it was that sanji showed that it itched him when drake called his real name and affiliated (indirectly) with his dad .. and he even reacted to it.... soo if queen doesn't mention his real name.. there is a possibility that sanji wont be inclined to fight him.. it caN be vice versa.. but Queen isn't the only one who knows his real name.. it can be that king provokes him too.... sanji won't be like.. "oh you're my father's old mate!... square up jackass" nah nope NIGH.. and by emotional engagement you mean sanji just hearing out Queen's simp story for judge's inventions? .... the crux of my statement is that.. Queen most likely won't lure sanji like that coz the scenario rn don't support that outcome.. what can happen.. the best way that oda can unravel Queen's relation with judge is when they square up for a fight... i don't see anything sentimental going on tho.. its judge afterall.. all emotions i see sanji displaying in that fight is hatred and rage. so won't give a shit to what queen says..from what has been portrayed about sanji's feeling for his father.
I get Who's Who but what makes you think Black Maria is that strong ?
From the way it was shown, Kaido when talking about giving the Tobi a chance to fight the Calamities only Who's Who and Sasaki were directly mentioned and they were both their own crew captains.
It seems like they are top Tobi while rest are lower than them but a gap even if not a huge gap.
It's tough for Franky fans but him being at that YC4 level doesn't make that much sense given Sanji's
fights with vergo, daifuku and pageone. It also is not in line with what Perospero did to Brook and Chopper
in WCI. Brook is again fighting a veteran in a two on one while Franky is up against a lesser veteran in a
tight one on one.
Lmao this kid, i give him a free english lesson and instead of thanking me he says this negative iq sht. Go back to kindergarten because not only do you have reading problems but comprehension skills.
I am done trying to educate you continue your journey with the rest of the 5 year olds.
"5 year olds" Hahahaha, says the Zoro fanboy, 80% of your fanbase are kids around 13.
Queen is the only beast pirate shown to care about this.
coz he's affiliated with Judge... but just coz queen cares.. doesn't mean sanji would give that "emotional" reaction that u think he'll givee after he is told by queen that he is judge's mate... and lets be honest here.. sanji has MANY things to worry about rn aside from that...this also adds up to wgat i said.. that if queen and sanji square up there is high chance that it will be sheer coincidence and in midst of fight or from getgo.. queen will reveal it to him.. but what would matter in thay fight is Wanji and antimanner kick course.
Queen is the only beast pirate shown to care about this.
one thing that sure will have an emotional affect on sanji is RS if he uses it Queen will defo say a thing or 2 about it.. and that if sanji hate his father then why wear one of his inventions.. this goes back to his fight with pay pay.. where he said that sometimes you gotta swallow your pride to save crucial lives
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