NAmi Stans prefer LUffy because it's "better" than Sanji... But i think that Oda has stated that SaNa is more canon...
Andbtw, i do prefer Luffy for Nami, but i think Oda prefers Sanji for Nami...
Sounds like the color spread is portraying Queen and Jack on a similar level whereas King is above them. Also very subtle confirmation that Who's Who and Black Maria are the strongest Tobi Roppo.
Strong disagree but I won’t hate. Shikamaru comforting Naruto and using their mutual losses to help him regain himself was amazing. Easy 8/10 character
shikamarus performance in shippuden screams nailed on hokage
all his stuff with asuma and the losing him
stepping up with hidan (way he beats him is so fucking awesome)
carried the support of naruto
what he did in the war
loses his dad then too
and still steps up
then supports nartutos dumbass to become hokage
the man is a leader
i dont hate sasuke but his leaf village schizophrenia at the end was retarded
NAmi Stans prefer LUffy because it's "better" than Sanji... But i think that Oda has stated that SaNa is more canon...
Andbtw, i do prefer Luffy for Nami, but i think Oda prefers Sanji for Nami...
NAmi Stans prefer LUffy because it's "better" than Sanji... But i think that Oda has stated that SaNa is more canon...
Andbtw, i do prefer Luffy for Nami, but i think Oda prefers Sanji for Nami...
Sanji is based off Oda and his wife was an actress and model he met in a one piece playing acting as nami. It wouldn’t surprise me if he makes sanji and nami canon since at this point it’s obvious sanji is based off sanji
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