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Nothing really confusing about it, Sasuke wanted to get rid of the old system which caused the Uchiha tragedy(among others) and make a new system where he would rule from the shadows righting any wrong.

It was Sasuke's own solution for the question Nagato asked Naruto about how he would end the cycle of suffering.
I love your avi

Lack of Ulti and Pay Pay is hurting Onigashima for me
He was my favourite character before Shippuden. I disliked Naruto and his loud self but came to appreciate him in Shippuden.
I have always liked Sakura and Kakashi from the jump. Adult Sasuke is so much better now though. I just didn't like the idea of leaving his family to investigate Aliens for over a decade like cmon fam.
Sasuke's plot lines were arguably the highlights of shippuden and he honestly had the most entertaining fights.
Making Naruto coming back while it was precisely Pain goal to capture him. And her giving the keys of the car to Naruto and trusting him too much.

Pain just destroyed everyone and erased Konoha but yeah Naruto would make it easy ? Without Minato seal (nobody knew that existed) Naruto would have turned full Kyubi and destroyed everything and everyone. And he was close to be captured.

And everyone just watching NAruto fighting Pain was nonsense, just gang up the guy
Aha, I guess... though the same decision saved Konoha... if it wasn't for Naruto coming back, pain wouldn't be saved from his ideology and he wouldn't save everyone and heal them all and resurrect them...

So, I understand it was a bad call, but it WORKED OUT for the best eventually.... sometimes outcome is what matters the most, and Tsunade had faith in Naruto to save Konoha from Pain... how? just a leap of faith...
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