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3 Palestine
I think he feels a lot of remorse for what he did, so he tries to make up for it by working hard instead of being happy with his family? It’s admirable.
He has already paid for it by saving the shinobi world that did him dirty. He needs to move his wife and daughter far away from Konoha and live out the rest of his days seeing his daughter grow.
I guess it's already too late for that now that we have another alien infestation.


I will never forgive Oda
hes not just one orphan though is he

his parents (dad being a hokage and mom a jinchuriki) died saving the villiage
its disgraceful kid shikamaru choji etc showed more compassion and tact with kid naruto than the adults of the village
Well that was the common thought for all Jinchuuriki. Every village established that, which sucks but it isn’t unique to Konoha or Hiruzen
hes not just one orphan though is he

his parents (dad being a hokage and mom a jinchuriki) died saving the villiage
its disgraceful kid shikamaru choji etc showed more compassion and tact with kid naruto than the adults of the village
I agree. If a Hokage and his wife die for Konoha, the least they can do is take care of their kid


We really have a bunch of heartless savages in here

Rooting to see a kawaii bunny girl and an 8 year orphan to be killed
My god dude, you are unbelievable LOL. Before the Tamabaka box exploded chaos was rampaging the tea party. Luffy destroyed the wedding cake. Mother caramel's portrait got destroyed which caused Big Mom to go nuts. Everybody was fighting everybody. And all of that hapened because of Luffy. Even Big Mom herself said that Luffy destroyed her tea party and how she was going to chase him to Wano. And you are telling me that Luffy never destroyed the tea party but the box did??? Seriously?? LOL
It wasnt Luffy alone. It was Bege, Luffy, Vinsmokes, etc. Luffy aint getting the sole credit. They all shouldve been on the cover then....
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