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Damn. Zoro v King will happen. And ZKK or Zoro reopening wound will happen.

I wonder how Sanji fans will cope with this after they realize Sanji vs Queen and maybe solo Jack/Perospero (who are all Gag/Loser characters btw, except Perospero).
Oh my god
Zoro beats a yc1 while Sanji beats a yc2 :josad::josad:
How can we deal with that?
This proves Zoro ~ Luffy
I’ve been an OP fan since middle school.
But it was like on and off.

I watched through Enies Lobby than took a break for a few years, then got into the manga again a few yearlater around when Dressrosa was airing. Then I took another break and got back into it around the end of WCI.

Having been caught up for a few years now, being a member of this community is hell. But it’s worth it for the hype moments.

It’s so weird being a college student now and still reading OP. I remember when Naruto and Bleach ended while I was still a kid. It feels a little odd that OP is still here.
Damn. Zoro v King will happen. And ZKK or Zoro reopening wound will happen.

I wonder how Sanji fans will cope with this after they realize Sanji vs Queen and maybe solo Jack/Perospero (who are all Gag/Loser characters btw, except Perospero).
Zoro isn't going to somehow make his way to king and beat him, and then make his way back to the kaido fight and be there for its finally and inflict damage. Zoro us getting all the hype you could possibly want on that roof. King is also not someone who is a good showcase for enma like the roof is. Zoro doesn't need enma to inflict damage on King. King however is a great showcase for the raidsuits flight, invisibility, durability mobility and all that jazz. Queen isn't. Sanji getting a speed or flight buff is irrelevant as fuck against queen since he is a big fat powerbased lard who will just need brute force to beat.
"Doflamingo is admiral lvl"

"Vergo isnt dead he will come to Dressrosa and Sanji will beat him"

"Doflamingo wont fall in Dressrosa but in a later arc"

"Law is far stronger than Zoro"
That doffy prediction was actually supposed to be accurate lmao. Sbs just revealed he was supposed to be in wano. Big brain theory that might have been
I still can't believe Perospero just straight up took out 2 prominent su long minks by himself.
For years i always saw him as weaker than the likes of Snack, Oven, Daifuku and maybe even other veterans from his crew, and thought he was just riding off of his first son status in the crew.
But nah Peros has to be one of, if not the strongest non Sweet Commander member of the BM pirates.
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