katakuri fans
doffy fans
always begging for attention after their chars have faded to irrelevance and their power levels were surpassed a long time ago .
It isn’t the regen that’s exhausting Marco.
It’s having to constantly run back and forth while fighting two calamities. One moments he’s smashing King into a house, the next he’s protecting Hyogoro from Queen, the next he’s healing everyone on the the live floor, then he’s back to King again....
You get the idea. Marco is getting tired because he’s putting in work. Not because he’s healing.
its simple and effective. its so logical it hurts. king needs to be properly showcased and established. we hardly know him, or what makes him scary. king is probably gona be around until soon before the roof fight gets finished, and we aint gona get to know him if marco has the edge on him the whole time. the fact that we need so much from him implies we are probably going to get it from a main character that is bound to get alot of screen time.
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