Apoo do first a sneak attack and never face both Luffy and Zoro in close combat, they didn't even want to waste time on him.
Later Apoo did it well for very short time against Drake and Zoro,but when Zoro use ome serious attack, he was done. Not lasting over 5mins most like lmao.
Well here we have Marco facing in close combat two commanders and dominante them, so don't compare the shit with each other. Let fight everyone who isn't named Marco in his situation, Jack would get ragdolled. Put Sanji he would get neg diffed, put Law he would get low diffed if he would try go face them on a fight without running away. Since that is the point, Marco need to fight both in close combat so both couldn't damage more the members of the alliance. If Marco would take care more about himself, many alliance members would get killed already... Drake was bleeding and injuried by Base Queen alone just by facing him for few seconds(WsW didn't do anything). And Drake is a flyer lvl, above Pageone and with Sanji him same league. Duo the math, Marco hold BOTH KING AND QUEEN for over 30-40mins and fight them back. I don't know but it really seems like Marco is still the strongest member of the alliance, not everyone could perform the same feat. As example Luffy face "JUST" Pageone and Ulti and needed G4... Tells you a lot and Luffy is a monster himself.