Chapter Discussion Why can't Sanji go to both spots (inconsistency ?)

- Sanji right now in the 3rd floor

- Scabbards are in the 2nd floor

- Yamato is near outside the skull Dome

So Sanji could go down the tower , help the scabbards then go to Yamato/Momo ? or am i missing something ?

Also for Sanji to get to Yamato he has to go through either the Performance floor where Marco and co are
Yamato is in the front of the skull dome

Sanji and scabbards are on the mansion, which is the back of the dome.

However, it does look like Yamato make it to the mansion last chapter already, idk
Because maybe he'll have to stick with one group. He doesn't know yet who is going to attack them.
He does know that the scabbards are injured and not sure if he heard Jack was going there, so that would make a case for Sanji going in their direction.

On the other hand, he also knows the importance of Momo, saved him once already and he was wondering about Yamato so this is also an option.

Still a 50/50 imo.
I think the floors aren't just in the tower, the castle might be much bigger than it seems. The building in which Franky is fighting should be a part of the castle too. If i recall correctly Hatcha, the Number 8, was small enough to enter that building which makes no sense unless the ground floor in Franky's building is as high as the two basements floors combined.